PacifiAir Airlines

(OOC: I hope you realize that the coat of arms of TNP is on that tail thing, and use of the TNP coat of arms in a non-official manner is against the law. Also, I'd recommend you stop representing TNP again and again. It was ok with your train because there's no other train line, but there are many air lines; so it's not OK here. You're one nation, not the whole region. Plus, TNP doesn't even exist ICly. It's a planet called Eve. )
OOC: Okay? I'll change the Design.. By the way, other people "represent TNP" *cough cough* NORTH PACIFIC Treaty Organization *cough cough*
(OOC: I don't like your snappy retaliations, coupled with false claims. NPTO is worded that way because it was: 1] Made before the planet was agreed to be called Eve, and 2] An international organization of more than several nations.)
Nation Name:The Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno
Airport(s): Ehm International Airports
Airport Code(s): AI-EIA
National Restrictions: Following the legislation there must be 3 agents of the Disperso Air Police on board
Nations wished to block: None
(Optional) Money Funding: None
Nation Name: The United States of New Sekai.
Airport(s):Shuto International Airport.
Airport Code(s): IA-SIA.
National Restrictions: None.
Nations wished to block: None.
(Optional) Money Funding: We would like to fund, however we more want like to invest with PacifiAir Airlines with $1,000,000,000.00 for 10 years, possible more. If it a successful investment.