Akillian Talleyrand
July 2015 Update:The Land of Kings and Emperors Foreign Despatch
July 2015
WA Delegate: The Zack Saxton of Aelbarrow | Nation Count: 344 | Regional Rank: 31st
LKE Imperial Forums | LKE NationStates Page
Head of State: HSM Emperor Onder
Heir Apparent: Crown Prince Cephal Talleyrand
Prince Imperial: Theoden Sebastian
Prince of Dragonia: HEM Tiberius
The Imperial Council
Prime Minister: Krimson Lancaster
Deputy Prime Minister Lady Munchausen
Interior Minister: Akillian Talleyrand
Exterior Minister: Damian Talleyrand-Hanover
Minister of Culture: Kyle Aetherius
Topics In This Update
-Krimson Lancaster Elected PM & names Cabinet
-Changes to the Monarchy
-Army Mission
-Emperor's Induction into the Raiding Hall of Fame
-LKE launches plans to revive Regional Culture
-In other news
Following the dissolving of the Estates General and the resignation of Prime Minister Theoden Sebastian, longest serving Prime Minister of the LKE, a general election was called. Due to the limited number of candidates (5), all of whom automatically were elected- a by-election was held for the 6th seat in the Estates Common. The by-election saw 3 potential candidates face off for the last remaining spot; Magicka from the Imperial Party, Damian Talleyrand-Hanover from the Lion Party, and Francis Hanover as an Independent, despite being a member of the Imperial Party. For the majority of the election Damian Talleyrand-Hanover and Francis Hanover were tied for the lead, however, in the final hours Damian pulled ahead and won the election.
The Full Estates Commons is as follows;
Speaker Valfor Talleyrand-Hanover (IP)
Senator Kyle Aetherius (IP)
Senator Krimson Lancaster (IP)
Senator Lady Munchausen (LP)
Senator Nikolai Romanov (IP)
Senator Damian Talleyrand-Hanover (LP)
Krimson Lancaster Elected PM
With the election for the Estates Common in full swing, standing for the next Prime Minister was also under-way. In an unbelievable twist just day's before voting was to commence, Lion Party and the Imperial Party agree to form a coalition. The agreed upon parameters were as shows; Krimson Lancaster of the Imperial Party as the Prime Minister and Lady Munchausen of Lion Party as the Deputy Prime Minister. Having only one option available, there was a clear victory. Following this, the new Prime Minister delivered his first inaugural address outlining his appointed Cabinet and his agenda for the term.
The Prime Minister:"While I realize I was the only one to run in this election for Prime Minister, I still want to thank all my supporters for the help they gave. To that end my cabinet will consist of the following:
Lady Munchausen as DPM (obviously). She will be my liaison to Lion Party as well, sending forth their ideas to me.
Exterior Minister will be Talleyrand-Hanover.
Akillian Talleyrand will be returning as Interior Minister.
Kyle Aetherius will be our new Culture Minister.
Valfor Talleyrand will remain in the Imperial Council as my Political Advisor due to his great experience in EC and Party matters.
In the EC we will put forth a Housing Act to introduce Housing to the forum to offer, those who qualify, a personal space to post what they wish to enrich the region.
We also intend to clarify constitutional matters regarding the Congress. Also we will honor those who have given so much to LKE with the Hall of Honor law.
I've spoken of my goals in my election speech and soon I shall call forth the cabinet (after all masking is fully settled) and direct each minister to the tasks we have set before us.
We will work as one, one region, one LKE. Thank you for your support."
Changes to the Monarchy?
With Theoden Sebastian's sudden retirement from politics, only to take his rightfully deserved seat in the Estates Noble, the LKE was ushered into a new era. His Supreme Majesty, Onder Kelkia addressed the region to layout the new changes. Cephal Talleyrand was appointed the new Crown Prince while the former Crown Prince, HEM Tiberius was appointed Prince of Dragonia, while Theoden Sebastian, for his years of service to the region, to the Monarchy and for his outstanding record as longest reigning Prime Minister was promoted to Prince Imperial. The news was met with many cheers and jubilation.
Success on the Battlefield
July has brought about success for the Imperial Army. After the banning of Bob Moran from NationStates and "collapse" of the Black Riders, many around NS thought that Imperialism was dying. However, on the 3rd of July, the Imperial Army announced that the Land of Kings and Emperors would assists in a mission to take back TBR. Not only has this mission rejuvenated the notion of Imperialism, it has also rejuvenated the spirit of the Imperial Army. The news was met with great joy throughout the region. So far a total of 13 units have been deployed.
"Thanks to a broad coalition of raider and allied regions, including The Land of Kings and Emperors, the region of The Black Riders have been restored to raider control. A puppet from the TBH pretended to be a member of the anti-TBR movement which occupied the region following the founder nation's demise and eventually ascended to the delegacy and couped the region.
The Imperial Army deployed to reinforce our allies, and with 11 units currently participating in the operation, proves that we continue to maintain a credible and effective military force able to project our power abroad and support our partners.
Emperor Inducted Into the Raider Hall of Fame![]()
The end of Raider Con in The Black Riders brought good news for His Imperial Majesty Emperor Onder. At the conclusion of the event Jakker, a leader of TBH issued the finalized list of inductees to what has been declared the First Class of Raiding Hall of Fame. The Emperor - Onder Kelkia, has been placed among the list of inductees in being recognized as one of the greatest raiders on NS. A great honour for the Emperor and the region itself. This is hopefully another step in the restoration of the Land of Kings and Emperors.
The statement was released on the forums by the Crown Prince though it was originally wrote by Jakker.
Jakker:"Over the last week, RaiderCon has played host to dozens of players coming together to discuss raiding from various angles and perspectives. It gave a chance from many to think critically about raiding, be nostalgic about the past, and reminiscence of the future. I want to thank everyone who helped make RaiderCon so special: the many people who helped make it happen for months prior (I'm looking at you TBH), the wonderful speakers who spent time sharing their valued opinions, the diligent judges of the Raiding Hall of Fame, and the 100+ attendees who took it all and accumulated nearly 2,000 posts on the forum.
Over the next couple of days, I will post an official closing speech that will be posted here as while as the forum. The forum will remain open for people to still post and share ideas.
One announcement I'd like to make now is the first inductees into the Raiding Hall of Fame. Over time, an off-site forum will be created as a space to honor all of the inductees and a committee will be created to help decide on future judges and ensuring that the important gameplayers of history are not forgotten. Until then, please help me welcome the first class of the Raiding Hall of Fame. To be honored into the first class shows that these players have been some of the greatest contributors to raiding. Please remember that this is the first class and there were naturally several deserving players that were not inducted. In time, I am confident that we will see many more fantastic players grace the Hall.
We had two nominees that received a tie for sixth (still gaining the required percentage of votes), so both will be inducted. They are powerhouses of raiding history and I stand here in awe as I announce these seven players to you.
First Class of the Raiding Hall of Fame
Red Back: Without the incredible efforts of RB, The Black Hawks would not exist today. He was the second founder of TBH and has served as the Commander for nearly a decade. He has contributed to several notable raids include Forest many years ago that reignited TBH, and most recently, serving as the sleeper for the raids of Hippiedom and Hell. RB is respected by all players and represents a role model all raiders should look up to.
Savaer: He was a powerhouse in raiding and for Unknown, serving in several leadership positions. He helped keep pure raiding alive during the post-NS2 era when nearly all raiding organizations were inactive. He contributed to several large scale raids including -Organized or helped other Incognitan officers organize successful hits against major historical defender regions including Anticapitalist Alliance, Allied States of Euroislanders, and The Proletariat Coalition.
Evil Wolf: EW showed that pure raiders could be more that just players who raid. The second founder of LWU, EW has been one of raiding's leaders with raids including Lazarus and Anarchy, helped destroy Nazi Europe, and has served as delegate of TNP among other leadership positions. EW's political and strategic efforts has set him apart for years.
Of crazed: OC has been a bridge for many modern raiders of the past. He has had many impressive feats as a former Field Marshal of DEN including helping to lead the raid of The Rejected Realms with Taijitu, the Novus Orsa raid, and serving as the sleeper in the Catholic raid in 2012. OC has shown raiders time and time again how to be an outstanding, whole gameplayer.
Gest: Gest has served as a keystone in raiding over the past four years. Without him, TBR and now the current DEN would not have lasted to become one of the premier raiding organizations in NS history. Under his leadership, long standing occupations and countless tag raids have occurred. Gest is a shining example of sturdy consistency and a strategic leader in raiding.
Onderkelkia: As a player, Onder has greatly contributed to raiding over many years through the cooperation of several imperialist groups with raiders. He has led several large raids over the years including the 2012 raid of Belgium, which led to the raid of TRR, the first time a operation was used to overtake the sinker. Onder is a exceptional representation of a gameplayer who does not need to be a raider to positively impact raiding.
General Franks: Franks, a former DEN Field Marshal, was a raiding giant during his time who greatly influenced modern raiding. DEN's lasting reputation, in large part, is due to his efforts of bringing stealth raiding, and a visionary mind, to the group. He started The Jolly Rodger, a raiding group that solely focused on Update Raiding (something unheard of at the time). In addition, he created The Den, Ile de France, and The Old Raiding Club. As one judge commented, "He was universally loathed by defenders, and feared by natives and gameplayers alike."
LKE launches plans to revive Regional Culture
On July 4th, the Prince Imperial, Theoden Sebastian announced that Lady Munchausen would take over as the new Chancellor of the University of the LKE. Lady M has been the LKE delegate in the Educational-Summit since it started. Following her appointment, the Deputy Prime Minister and now University Chancellor reviled new plans for Golden Mile. The Golden Mile is the centre of culture, housing regional businesses, religion and societal organizations. Her plans involve archiving older threads to make way for new topics and appointing citizens to help maintain consistent activity.
In other news:
Emperor Onder awards Imperial honours: [img=300,200]http://cs628228.vk.me/v628228363/5051/WO8l7OGKJM0.jpg[/img]
-Valfor Talleyrand & Akillian Talleyrand: Valour Medal 1st class for their consistent participation in Imperial Army operations -Kyle Aetherius: Order of Achievement for his contribution to the LKE as Speaker of the Estates Common
-Lady Munchausen: Order of Superbus for her distinguished service and leadership in the field of Imperial Culture.
LKE begins construction on a residential district (Imperial City) and breaks ground on a Hall of Honour-paying homage to notable members for their significant contributions to the region.
~Land of Kings and Emperor Exterior Ministry~