Announcement: Looking for Roleplay Moderators

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
The Entertainment Ministry is looking to add a few new RP moderators to the team. These people would be responsible for mediating disputes, ensuring RPs don't devolve into godmodding, metagaming and other issues and helping to run and improve TNP's RP. Individual RP mods may be given special responsibility over certain areas (for example if a certain mod is particularly involved within the various RP alliances and organisations then they will focus mainly on that area).

Applications should be submitted by PM to myself who will share them with the Ministry of Entertainment team in the private MoE HQ where they'll be discussed and decided upon. They should include why you think you should be an RP moderator, any examples you may have of you providing constructive feedback to fellow RPers and how you would deal with the following scenarios:
Scenario 1:
Bigtopia has posted his factbook on the TNP forum, only to find that Wezeltonia, a nation very new to TNP, has copied it, including format and most of the content. Bigtopia has appealed to the RP moderators for help. How would you resolve the situation?
Scenario 2:
Smallnationstan wants to start a new organisation along the lines of the United Nations. He has planned out a very organised structure that requires the creation of the several subforums. However, the admin team are not willing to create so many subforums for an organisation that is so new. How would you work with Smallnationstan to resolve this issue?
Scenario 3:
Oldtimertown, a well respected member of the TNP community, has just started RPing, however they are encountering problems in their posts with unwittingly RPing other people's characters and actions, which has caused a dispute with, Experiencednation, the person they are RPing with that has turned quite nasty. How would you work with both players to resolve the dispute and help Oldtimertown improve their posts?

Remember to apply in a PM to myself.