Defender Coalition Guards Paradoxia From DEN


Minister of Culture
TNP Nation
DEN, which rose in popularity after the fall of The Black Riders, decided to raid the neutral region of Paradoxia in the waning days of May. Many nations in NationStates saw this as a test of DENs new power since their addition of former Black Riders. The raid was a success, and saw the nation of Gest rising as new Delegate of Paradoxia. This naturally angered the natives and defenders, who immediately met over the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) system to plan their first strike on the region. A coalition of defenders from a multitude of regions in NationStates participated in the raid, and after many attempts at both updates, they succeeded in returning the region to the natives.
Maltropia, the native Delegate, said after his return to the seat, "DEN would have us believe this was never meant to be an occupation; that they only came here for a tag raid and an embassy." The Northern Lights spoke to an avid member of DEN and questioned them on the issue on whether it was meant to be an occupation or if it was just a normal raid. While they asked to stay anonymous, the raider said that the raid on Paradoxia was just a normal raid, and that it was not equivalent to occupations such as Lazarus.
A Wintrean defender, who participated on the side of the defenders, blatantly disagreed with the raider's statements saying that DEN had many flaws in the raid, one of them being that the raiders had little to no influence to banject the liberators. Whilst the raider Delegate could eject the defenders, which they promptly nicknamed "Fendas" and kept a regional count on the WFE, nothing stopped the defenders from trying to liberate at the next update.
In the end, both sides seem content in their ideals and actions, and the two sides will most likely engage each other again. For as long as there is a NationStates, the two ideologies will clash for power in the realm.