Charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization


I thought I'd put this in a more accessible spot. Future NPTO chairpersons should update this copy of the Charter.
Official Charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization:
Charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization
Ratified 28 May, 2015 at NPTO HQ in Augustus Town, GU


Our nations, gathered here on this 28th day in May, come together to ratify the Charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization or NPTO. NPTO shall represent peace through its actions and declarations, and shall be charged with the duty of maintaining peace between its member nations. This organization will be a stage of freedom from which member nations can and will have their issues addressed by their fellow nations. We will break the barriers between government types and work together; our organization will not be the battle ground between dictatorships and democracies, but instead it will be the shield of peace surrounding its member nations and a floor of openness that we shall protect.

Article One: The Flag

The following flag shall be established as the official flag of the North Pacific Treaty Organization:


The flag's central symbol, a silhouette of Nelly, symbolizes the goal of peace and security established by this charter and by the founding member nations. The ellipse and the cross symbolize the fortitude and willpower of the organization. The blue and white also symbolize peace.

The flag should only be used in a ratio of 1.3:1, or 320 pixels:240 pixels

Article Two: Nelly

The mascot of NPTO shall be the dove, with the nickname being Nelly. Any graphic having appearance of Nelly or NPTO material will be asked by the organization to cease-and-desist.

She will be a symbol of peace and willpower, and shall be used as a momentum to propel the organization into the future like a dove uses its wings.

Article Three: NPTO HQ

The primary headquarters of NPTO shall be located in the port city of Augustus Town, Guslantis. Its building shall be maintained by Guslant teams in association with the member organizations. The headquarters shall be referred to as North Pacific Treaty Organization Headquarters, or NPTO HQ.

The address of the headquarters is as follows:

1 Nelly Avenue
Augustus Town, GU 43768


Additional sub-offices will be established per assembly law.

Article Four: Applications

Nations wishing to join the NPTO must submit an application to the Chairperson who shall analyze its authenticity and then accept it if it is valid. Membership in any other alliance or organization, nor type of government, shall not be considered in the acceptance or rejection of any application.

Applications of states which are under any form of legal jurisdiction or military protection (other than that established by multilateral treaties) of any current member shall be rejected, but the Assembly, by majority vote, may override such a rejection.

Article Five: The Assembly

The Parties hereby establish an Assembly on which each shall be represented.

Any member of the Assembly may call a meeting of said Assembly by making a proposal to it or bringing forth an issue for discussion to it.

The Assembly shall oversee the activities of the NPTO, and shall have the power to:
  1. Establish subordinate offices and committees as its members shall think proper.
  2. Elect the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, and holders of any other office which it shall think proper to create.
  3. Recall NPTO officials by a two thirds majority vote.
  4. Cancel any operations of the Peacekeeping Forces by a two thirds majority vote.
Article Six: The Executive

The Assembly shall elect the Chair by plurality vote every four months. The Assembly shall elect the Deputy Chair by plurality vote every four months.

The Chairperson shall preside over meetings of the Assembly. When the Chair is unavailable, the Deputy Chair will take their place. If both the Chair and Deputy Chair are unavailable, the Council Chair will preside over the meeting. The Chair is unavailable if they have not recognized a meeting for twenty-four hours after it is called for, and the Deputy Chair is unavailable if they have not recognized a meeting for twenty-four hours after that.

The Chairperson shall have the power to set all manner of policy related to the execution of all acts, resolutions, or laws passed by the Assembly.

The Chairperson is required to keep this Charter up to date with all amendments passed by the Assembly.

The Chairperson may delegate any of their powers or duties to the Deputy Chairperson at his or her discretion. The delegation under this section does not relieve the Chairperson of any of their powers or duties.

In the case of the resignation, removal, or other vacancy in the Chairperson's office, the Deputy Chairman shall become Chairman.

Article Seven: Elections

The Chairperson will be the Election Commissioner for all elections within the NPTO. They may appoint up to two Assistant Election Commissioners to assist in overseeing elections. The Election Commissioner and their Assistants may not run in an election that they are overseeing.

Every election will have a three day candidacy declaration period. Once the candidacy declaration period has ended, there will be a four day voting period. Any member of the Assembly may vote in an election.

Article Eight: General Provisions

The Executive consists of the Chair and Deputy Chair of the NPTO.

No member may be expelled or suspended from this organization unless on violation of this Organization's laws.

No member of this Organization has any obligations to any other member other than that which is established by Assembly resolution.

No Resolution or law shall be made which obliges any member to pledge the use of its military to this Organization, any other member, or any other state, alliance, or organization.

This Organization shall not affiliate itself with any alliance or organization.

No Resolution or law shall be made establishing a military wing for this organization.

Article Nine: Ratification

This Treaty shall be ratified by the Parties in accordance with their respective government processes. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the Government of the Guslantis, which will notify all the other signatories of each deposit.

The Treaty shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the ratifications of Syrixia, Eumenor, Malvad, Trinster, Plembobria, the Republican Pacific Islands, and Guslantis have been deposited and shall come into effect with respect to other States on the date of the deposit of their ratifications.

Article Ten: Amendments

The Assembly may amend this charter by a two thirds majority vote.


Alfred Nursson



Grant Alexander

