[18:03:46] * Eluvatar sets mode +m #tnp-cabinet
[18:03:50] <@Eluvatar> Let us begin
[18:03:59] <@Cascadia> Raven, I know little about how IRCs work. How do you poke someone?
[18:04:51] <@Lord_Lore> You track whem down and throw a frying pan at them :3 Atleast that is how I do it <.<
[18:04:53] <@Eluvatar> The agenda of this meeting is the state of the Ministries, the executive policy regarding The Rejected Times, and any further issues relevant to administering the executive for the remainder of May.
[18:06:19] <@Lord_Lore> Eluvatar, we might want to think about adding ideas for a steamlined process to remove NPA member's masking when they lose RA membership.
[18:06:26] <@Eluvatar> I will begin by asking for the state of the Foreign Affairs Ministry. Raven, Bel, and Myroria: do you feel that the Diplomatic Corps / Executive Staff are on top of things and adequately prepared to absorb new members and follow instructions?
[18:06:31] <@Eluvatar> *new instructions
[18:06:51] <@Eluvatar> Standing policy has been that Residents can serve in the NPA.
[18:06:59] <@Gladio> ^
[18:07:00] <@Eluvatar> I will add discussion of this policy to the agenda.
[18:07:19] <@Raven> We are, although I have concerns about the training processes. We are working on plans and drafts to correct that however, and I hope to be able to present something concrete and finished to the region soon.
[18:08:01] <@Eluvatar> That is wonderful to hear. It'd be best to see something we can further discuss at the next meeting, which will be scheduled the week of June 1st.
[18:08:04] <@Lord_Lore> Thats may be true but its casuing a lot of confusion with the Speaker's office and is creating a lot of unnessecary work for the speaker and admins.
[18:08:27] <@Raven> Excellent. I'll endeavour to make sure we've got a finallised proposal for the policy then.
[18:08:32] <@Eluvatar> In general I plan to finish work to allow the NPA to rely entirely on a joinable group
[18:08:44] <@Eluvatar> removing administration of NPA membership as such from the Admins workload.
[18:08:46] <+Bel> To add to what Raven said, we're still largely finalising policy and not yet implementing
[18:09:05] <@Eluvatar> That sounds sensible to me.
[18:09:21] <@Eluvatar> Any requests you'd like to make of myself or the other ministries to help this week?
[18:09:31] <+Bel> I'm fairly sure that once we've finished the new plans re; training and mentoring they will be a lot easier to implement and maintain than the existing ones
[18:09:50] <@Raven> Not at the moment, but we many require some assistance from Education once the final policy is finished.
[18:09:59] <@Eluvatar> That makes sense.
[18:10:15] <@Sauceistan> Good to know.
[18:10:26] <@Raven> I would like to share our current policy draft, just let me find that link.
[18:10:40] <@Raven>
[18:10:46] <@Eluvatar> Thank you, Raven.
[18:11:01] <@Eluvatar> Now I'd like to ask Gladio regarding the state of the NPA.
[18:11:55] <@Gladio> The NPA Is currently In a good state, right now we are dealing with the delegacy transition here In TNP
[18:12:00] <@Eluvatar> How is the NPA Manual doing, and are there any matters I need to take care of this week besides the aforementioned masking improvements?
[18:12:18] * hobbes (hobbes@...) has joined #tnp-cabinet
[18:12:45] <@Gladio> The Manual has already been released and we now have a functional traning academy and no besides the masking Improvements nothing else needs to be done
[18:12:54] <@Eluvatar> Great!
[18:12:58] <@Eluvatar> Tomb, would you like to say anything about the Communications Ministry?
[18:13:55] <@Eluvatar> I understand you only yourself to it to fill in on a temporary basis, so it's understandable if, with all that's gone on, there's not much to say at the moment.
[18:14:26] <@Eluvatar> Ah I don't think Tomb's actually present at the moment. Fair enough, because of their masking I didn't actually PM them a reminder >.<
[18:14:52] <@Raven> It happens

[18:14:58] <@Eluvatar> Andre, how is Home Affairs doing, and besides changing the standard telegrams is there anything we need to do this week?
[18:15:03] <@Tomb> Oh, my bad.
[18:15:09] <@Raven> (FTR He didn't realise he was still a cabinet member)
[18:15:14] <@Tomb> I was away from keyboard for a moment.
[18:15:21] <@Eluvatar> oh, let Tomb answer first please Andre.
[18:15:22] * Eluvatar nods
[18:15:25] <@Andre> ok.
[18:17:03] <@Tomb> <Eluvatar>: Tomb, would you like to say anything about the Communications Ministry? ---> It is true that I served the position only temporarily, but Communications from what I've seen does need a lot of work. Mainly recruitment in Executive Staff to increase the number of writers, so that we're not relying on a small number of people to write.
[18:17:27] <@Eluvatar> That does seem to have been a challenge.
[18:18:04] <@Eluvatar> Do you have any ideas for addressing it this week, or would you like to leave it to somebody else next week?
[18:18:16] <@Tomb> In addition to that, I would recommend more cooperation in terms of feedback and improcement between Minister and writer instead of the Minister having a bigger role in an essay.
[18:18:45] <@Eluvatar> Do you mean giving writers more editorial freedom?
[18:19:01] <@Tomb> <Eluvatar>: Do you have any ideas for addressing it this week, or would you like to leave it to somebody else next week? ----> I was thinking about filling out an app for the position, but I'll have to get in touch with ya about something first.
[18:19:05] * Dyr (~Dyr@...) has joined #tnp-cabinet
[18:19:13] <@Eluvatar> All right.
[18:19:14] <@Tomb> Yes, correct.
[18:19:58] <@Eluvatar> I've heard suggestions that the Ministry may want to move to a more reactive, shorter format.
[18:20:14] <@Eluvatar> Or at least start having such "Extra" editions in response to major news.
[18:20:29] <@Eluvatar> Would you advise exploring such?
[18:21:31] <@Tomb> That is not a bad idea at all, actually. And yes, I would. If we were to publish every 30 days, a lot of other media agencies would get to them, and by the time we write about it, it may become old news. But going back to my point about the staff, we'll need a larger, more active staff of writers before we can do that.
[18:21:59] <@Eluvatar> That makes sense.
[18:22:11] <@Eluvatar> Shall we move on to Andre's report on Home Affairs?
[18:22:24] <@Eluvatar> (Do you have anything else to add?)
[18:22:32] <@Tomb> I am done

[18:22:36] <@Eluvatar> Andre?
[18:22:41] * Andre nods
[18:22:51] <@Andre> The state of HA is ok. Mentoring is still on a move as the region continues to receive a flow of new nations wanting to acquire citizenship. Recruitment could be better if staff could give it some more attention but nothing unmanageable, I have PMed all the staff about it. I have just issued a Press Release regarding your election victory and am hoping to issue another on the Cabinet appointments.
[18:23:47] * Cascadia has quit (Quit:
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[18:24:37] * Cascadia (Mibbit@...) has joined #tnp-cabinet
[18:24:50] * Raven gives channel operator status to Cascadia
[18:26:22] <@Eluvatar> I see.
[18:26:35] <@Eluvatar> Would you like any help in emphasizing the utility of recruitment?
[18:27:42] <@Andre> Im not sure I understand you.
[18:27:42] * Anhur (~Lord_Lore@...) has joined #tnp-cabinet
[18:28:00] <@Eluvatar> Well, in getting people to send more messages for recruiting purposes.
[18:28:03] * Eluvatar gives channel operator status to Andre
[18:28:05] * Eluvatar gives channel operator status to Anhur
[18:28:07] * Lord_Lore has quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Anhur!~Lord_Lore@...)))
[18:28:11] * Anhur is now known as Lord_Lore
[18:28:13] * Faerie removes channel operator status from Lord_Lore
[18:28:16] * Raven gives channel operator status to Lord_Lore
[18:28:37] <@Andre> a bigger team is always appreciated.
[18:30:13] <@Eluvatar> It should not, perhaps, be surprising that I next ask Cascadia how they are doing with the Culture Ministry, including to what extent they feel their role is clear or not and how they might think it should be revised.
[18:31:47] <@Cascadia> Things are doing good in Culture. The Festival of the Arts was meant to be a small project to kick off my temporary term as Minister, but it has grown to quite a large event.
[18:33:09] <@Cascadia> I did not get time enough to introduce all of the positions I meant to have implemented for the Culture team, but I at least succeeded in increasing activity.
[18:35:54] <@Cascadia> I also had great success in re-starting the Stories of TNP, with help from fellow members of Culture and r3n, oddly enough.
[18:40:24] <@Cascadia> Hello?
[18:40:28] <@Eluvatar> Yes
[18:40:44] <@Eluvatar> I should probably in future ask that people state "that is all" or similar at the conclusion of remarks.
[18:41:02] <@Eluvatar> Sauceistan, are you back with us?
[18:41:10] <@Cascadia> Yes, well I was just wondering if you had any further questions.

[18:41:11] <@Sauceistan> Yes.
[18:41:27] <@Eluvatar> Good.
[18:42:04] <@Eluvatar> How is the Education Ministry doing, and are you prepared to assist the Foreign Affairs Ministry later this week with the rollout of their new training processes?
[18:42:18] <@Eluvatar> (And would you like any assistance with anything this week for the Education Ministry's purposes?)
[18:42:35] * Cascadia has quit (Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[18:44:05] <@Sauceistan> Education is doing meh right now. Right now we don't really have a direction in which we are going, as many things were put to the side when Tomb resigned.
[18:44:53] <@Eluvatar> I see
[18:45:09] <@Eluvatar> What had you been working with the Delegate on?
[18:47:17] <@Sauceistan> We were planning to continue our side projects (FAQs, Trivia, etc.), and the ministry was invited to discuss an interegional education proposal in KoGB. I had limited participation in this discussion due to RL issues.
[18:47:40] <@Eluvatar> Understood.
[18:47:41] <@Sauceistan> I can post the draft they finished in the Cabinet forum after this meeting.
[18:47:46] <@Eluvatar> That sounds lovely!
[18:48:21] <@Eluvatar> Are you available this week to work with the Foreign Affairs ministry on their stuff, or do you have some available members of your staff?
[18:49:05] <@Sauceistan> We should be able to handle it, depending on how much work we'll need to do. That is all for now.
[18:49:48] <@Eluvatar> Thanks!
[18:50:23] <@Eluvatar> Now we come to the Entertainment Ministry. Lord_Lore, how goes the Entertainment Ministry?
[18:50:57] <@Lord_Lore> Honestly nothing to say, in all reality I am a minister without a ministry. Since my ministry was never even set up.
[18:52:53] <@Eluvatar> What would you need for it to be a Ministry?
[18:53:01] <@Eluvatar> and set up, as you say
[18:55:41] <@Lord_Lore> Honestly not much, the only thing it really needs is some threads for RP mod arbitration, consultants to communicate, and RP Mod incident reports. That being said I don't think it should do this because there is just not enough meat on the bone, not really enough to warrent a ministry.
[19:00:32] <@Eluvatar> Duly noted.
[19:00:43] <@Eluvatar> I will try to help with that.
[19:00:55] <@Eluvatar> As the Minister of WA Affairs is unavailable, we come to the next item of the agenda.
[19:01:18] <@Eluvatar> Specifically, our policy regarding The Rejected Times.
[19:02:04] * Malvad (Mibbit@...) has joined #tnp-cabinet
[19:02:15] <@Eluvatar> The standing policy, as I understand it, has been that executive officials of TNP, both ministers and deputies, are not to have contact with TRT or any of its affiliates.
[19:02:26] * Bel nods
[19:02:31] * Raven agrees
[19:03:15] <@Eluvatar> The reasoning being that, for some time prior to the policy's adoption, The Rejected Times in general and its primary editor Unibot in particular had repeatedly attacked TNP including in slanderous manner.
[19:03:42] * Eluvatar gives voice to Malvad
[19:05:04] <@Eluvatar> Some considerable public comment on this subject may be found in the Persona Non Grata declaration r3nnaissanc3r issued against Unibot --
[19:05:39] <@Eluvatar> Personally, I am extremely reluctant to endorse any policy that limits speech in any way.
[19:07:11] <+Bel> My view would be that TRT is little more than an extension of TRR, and Unibot in particular
[19:07:31] <@Raven> Ordinarily I am as well, but when we normalise his continued behaviour of persistant and utterly disgraceful harassment then we are opening ourselves up to far greater issues. I had three months of hell in The South Pacific, and more recently two members of this channel were the target of his slander.
[19:07:52] <+Bel> So long as TRR and Unibot remains hostile to TNP we cannot in good concious give them potential chances to distort our words
[19:08:00] <@Eluvatar> I have found that representatives of TRT can be extremely persistent at approaching TNP officials for comment.
[19:08:15] <@Gladio> Personally, I am In favor of maintaining our current policy towards TRR
[19:08:15] * Anhur (~Lord_Lore@...) has joined #tnp-cabinet
[19:08:21] <+Bel> Because they want to spin are words
[19:08:21] * Eluvatar gives channel operator status to Anhur
[19:08:24] <+Bel> *our
[19:08:24] <@Raven> Yes, I believe he contacted most, if not all of those running for delegate, various cabinet officials as well as Flemingovia.
[19:08:43] <@Raven> I did not, for obvious reasons receive a request.
[19:08:44] <@Eluvatar> And, arguably, deceptive: the most recent approach I have heard of, the journalist did not represent themselves as working for TRT.
[19:08:49] <@Eluvatar> *identify
[19:09:03] <@Eluvatar> (They simply asked a question, without identifying themselves as a journalist).
[19:09:06] <@Raven> Plausiable deniability for the journalist and the tabloid, I expect.
[19:09:10] <+Bel> I, personally, had a particularly bullshit example where they conducted half an interview with me, I had to leave telling them so, and then they published the half we did with an attack editorial
[19:09:27] <@Eluvatar> Do you mean you believed the interview to be unfinished?
[19:09:36] <+Bel> Yes
[19:09:38] * Anhur is now known as Lord
[19:09:49] <+Bel> I litterally told the interviewer I had to go but would be back later
[19:09:54] <@Sauceistan> Can you link it for reference?
[19:09:58] <@Eluvatar> Did they represent you as having declined to answer something?
[19:10:03] <+Bel> Yews
[19:10:05] <+Bel> *Yes
[19:10:07] * Lord_Lore has quit (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
[19:10:13] <@Lord> Sorry I seem to be having problems with my ISP
[19:10:13] <@FriarTuck> Lord: 13 Jan 06:13Z <Asta> tell Lord Nwahs that I think there may be a typo in the legal code, with an uncapitalized "citizen" starting a sentence. I CBA to look up the clause though, or whether it was actually passed that way into law, so if he could be a dear and do that it'd be great.
[19:10:28] <@Eluvatar> whoops

[19:10:37] <@Raven> Well then

[19:10:42] <+Bel> It was quite some time ago, it'll take me a while to find the link
[19:10:52] <@Eluvatar> Given this input, I will be keeping the policy in place for the time being.
[19:11:00] <@Lord> and I think my client has just committed suicide as it is not letting me change my nick
[19:11:15] <@Raven> Do /ns release password
[19:11:18] <@Raven> then try.
[19:11:19] <@Eluvatar> I would like to request some public comment (by saying so) and will have the Cabinet consider it again in the next meeting.
[19:11:24] <@Raven> Thank you Eluvatar
[19:11:31] <@Lord> Raven its not registering an underscore
[19:11:39] <@Eluvatar> Our final subject of NPA remasking ended up covered earlier, I think?
[19:11:44] * Lord is now known as Lord_Lore
[19:11:46] * Faerie removes channel operator status from Lord_Lore
[19:11:47] <@Raven> I think so
[19:11:59] <@Gladio> The joinable group ?
[19:12:00] <@Raven> You've already outlined your plans to free it from the admin workload.
[19:12:00] <@Gladio> Yes
[19:12:11] <@Raven> Which I'm sure Flemingovia will be delighted with.
[19:12:12] <@Eluvatar> Great!
[19:12:20] <@Eluvatar> I would like to adjourn this meeting now, then

[19:12:32] * Raven dives into the plate of birdseed
[19:12:34] <@Eluvatar> Object now or forever hold your peace... or at least until the next meeting!
[19:12:45] <@Andre> good day all.
[19:12:47] <@Raven> I don't think I have anything else.
[19:13:02] <@Raven> I'll want to talk about the embassy policies we have next meeting though.