[16:55:31] <Tomb> Hi Eluvatar

[16:56:03] <Tomb> Eluvatar, I wanted to get in touch with you regarding a recent NPA application, that of Flemingovia's.
[16:56:36] <Tomb>
[16:56:48] <Tomb> ^ Is the application.
[17:01:00] <Tomb> I wanted to discuss with you whether it'd be wise to admit Flemingovia or not. Flemingovia has insulted the NPA on many multiple occasions, actually, every time they have a chance to do so.
[17:04:28] <Tomb> Also the timing of Flemingovia's NPA application is concerning me. Right when we're about to pass an amendment that'd require someone to report operations, he applies to join.
[17:17:49] <Eluvatar> He's quite transparent about that
[17:21:00] <Tomb> I don't get why a person as opposed to the NPA and its operations as Flemingovia would request to join it. I mean, if we want to admit Flemingovia, we should at least get in touch with him about his criticism of the organization.
[17:21:27] <Eluvatar> I would be perfectly happy to have a chat with flemingovia
[17:21:35] <Eluvatar> he's stated he'd be interested in defensive operations
[17:21:52] <Eluvatar> perhaps he liked working with the broader Lazarene liberation effort
[17:23:12] <Eluvatar> I'm not sure I fully understand the concerns
[17:23:23] <Tomb> I'm glad that he has an interest in it. And I'd appreciate it you talk to him. That'd be great.
[17:23:41] <Eluvatar> I suppose it's the subtleties of distinctions between TNP as a whole and NPA
[17:24:41] <Tomb> <Eluvatar>: I'm not sure I fully understand the concerns ---> My concerns of admitting Flem, or my concerns regarding the on-going amendment in discussion?
[17:25:06] <Eluvatar> the former
[17:30:59] <Tomb> Eluvatar, does it make sense for an army general or officer to criticize his own army and call some of their operations "panty raids" in front of the whole region? As he gets up the ranks of the NPA, I don't think it'd be to the best of our army's interest to have someone like that if his behavior continues.
[17:31:18] <Tomb> He’d drive away potential recruits, to begin with. Now, I certainly, don’t mind hearing his complaints. I’m always opened to criticism as long as its constructive, but Flem’s behavior towards the NPA has been far from constructive.
[17:31:38] <Tomb> As of late at least.
[17:31:46] <Eluvatar> I didn't find it offensive :/
[17:31:50] <Eluvatar> But maybe I have a different perspective
[17:40:28] <Tomb> Maybe. Of course, I have the highest respect for Flem, and I really appreciate the contributions they've give to the region. I'd love for Flem to join the NPA and participate, but I also want to make sure that he's going to be acting in the best interest of the NPA once in.
[17:49:47] <Eluvatar> I see it differently
[17:50:07] * Tomb nods.
[17:50:18] <Eluvatar> to me, the only valid reason to deny someone membership in the NPA is if their membership would directly harm it
[17:50:37] <Tomb> Oh, no, I'm not saying deny the application.
[17:50:39] <Eluvatar> well, that's kind of vague
[17:50:42] <Eluvatar> what do I mean by "directly"
[17:52:21] <Tomb> I just simply want Flem to promise to respect the organization and act in the best of its interest up on joining. It's not too much to ask for, really.
[17:52:35] <Eluvatar> What do you mean by respect?
[17:52:55] <Eluvatar> like this could be misinterpreted really badly
[17:57:10] <Tomb> I don't see how. But I'll explain what I mean. By respect, I mean that I don't want him going on constantly criticizing every operation that the NPA participates in that he doesn't like. If he wants to criticize the army at any point, he's free to do it so in a constructive manner. "This is what I didn't like, this why, and this why I recommend doing in the
[17:57:14] <Tomb> future."
[17:57:30] <Eluvatar> Yeah that's even more misinterpretable
[17:58:07] <Eluvatar> how are we going to distinguish constructive from unconstructive?
[17:58:17] <Tomb> Constructive:
[17:58:20] <Eluvatar> why is satire that entertains unconstructive, he'll ask, etc
[18:24:43] <Tomb> There are many other areas of TNP that he can create satires about. However, I'm not going to allow an NPAer to make a laughingstock out of the NPA. That's how it stands with me right now. Feel free to get in touch with him and communicate to him my concerns (you may quote anything that was said in our conversation).
[18:24:52] <Tomb> If he agrees to work constructively, he’s welcome aboard. I’m not asking for much anyways. If not, there’s always a next time, as they say.
[18:25:15] <Eluvatar> I see.