ARCHIVED: The United States of New Sekai's second election (2015)

(OOC: sorry for the late election result.)

The United States of New Sekai's second election (2015):

7th May 2015 was election day. (Presidential election year.)


Presidential Election Vote:
  • Minshu Tekina (The United States of New Sekai's Democratic Party) 37.5% of votes. (Won the election.) (A coalition government.)
  • Kyowato No (The United States of New Sekai's Republican Party) 37.5 % of votes. (Won the election.) (A coalition government.)
  • Gurin Pati (The United States of New Sekai's Green Party) 12.5% of votes.
  • Jiyu Shugi-Sha (The United States of New Sekai's Libertarian Party) 12.5% of votes.
  • Kenpo Pati (The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party) (Banned from election.)

Ichiinsei Election Vote:
  • The United States of New Sekai's Democratic Party, 38 seats out of 100 seats.
  • The United States of New Sekai's Republican Party, 38 seats out of 100 seats.
  • The United States of New Sekai's Green Party, 12 seats out of 100 seats.
  • The United States of New Sekai's Libertarian Party, 12 seats out of 100 seats.
  • The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party. (Banned from election.)

Anyway, the next elections will be in next 5 years but a early date (That date was a special election date.) on the 1st of January 2020.

Also, the martial law being lifted.

Information of the parties:
The United States of New Sekai's Democratic Party:
Chairperson and president of The United States of New Sekai: Minshu Tekina.
Vice President of The United States of New Sekai: Basiu Shacho Minshu.
Chair of Governor Association: Minshuto Chiji Kyokai.
Student Wing: College Democrats of The United States of New Sekai.
Youth Wing: Young Democrats of The United States of New Sekai.
  • Modern Liberalism.
  • Social Liberalism.
  • Progressivism.
  • Third Way/Centrism.
International Affiliation: None.
Colour: Blue.
Seats in the Ichiinsei: 38/100.
Governorships: 1/4. (5 states of disputed between The United States of New Sekai and The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party.)

The United States of New Sekai's Republican Party:
Chairperson and President of The United States of New Sekai: Kyowato No.
Vice President of The United States of New Sekai: Basiu Shacho Kyowato.
Chair of Governor Association: Kyowato No Chiji Kyokai.
Student Wing: College Republican of The United States of New Sekai.
Youth Wing: Young Republican of The United States of New Sekai.
  • Conservatism.
  • Economical Liberalism.
  • Social Conservatism.
  • Fiscal Conservatism.
International Affiliation: None.
Colour: Red.
Seats in the Ichiinsei: 38/100.
Governorships: 1/4. (5 states of disputed between The United States of New Sekai and The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party.)

The United States of New Sekai's Green Party:
Chairperson: Gurin Pati.
Chair of Governor Association: Gurin Chiji Kyokai.
Student Wing: College Greens of The United States of New Sekai.
Youth Wing: Young Greens of The United States of New Sekai.
  • Green Politics.
International Affiliation: None.
Colour: Green.
Seats in the Ichiinsei: 12/100.
Governorships: 1/4. (5 states of disputed between The United States of New Sekai and The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party.)

The United States of New Sekai's Libertarian Party:
Chairperson: Jiyu Shugi-Sha.
Chair of Governor Association: Ribatarian Chiji Kyokai.
Student Wing: College Libertarians of The United States of New Sekai.
Youth Wing: Young Libertarians of The United States of New Sekai.
  • Libertarianism.
  • Non-Interventionism.
  • Fiscal Conservatism.
  • Classical Liberalism.
  • Laissez-Faire.
International Affiliation: None.
Colour: Gold.
Seats in the Ichiinsei: 12/100.
Governorships: 1/4. (5 states of disputed between The United States of New Sekai and The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party.)​
The government of the United States of Thatchertropolis has placed the state on high alert, due its proximity to the United States of New Sekai. The UST will continue to observe the aftermath of the USNS revolution as peacekeeping troops remain in the country in order to minimize as much turbulence as possible.