The Thebes Protocol - Proposed


Another Treaty in Discussion. What do you all think?

The Thebes Protocol

The parties to this protocol,

Acknowledging the recent subjugation of Lazarus by the New Pacific Order and the extralegal collusion between former Chairman Stujenske and the New Pacific Order which facilitated this unsanctionable reign of terror,

Concerned for the security and wellbeing of Lazarus,

Resolving to free Lazarus and restore the rule of law, peace, democracy and civilian rule through a coordinated and multilateral effort,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1 - Definitions

1. For the purposes of this protocol, the following definitions shall apply as noted.

2. "The Lazarene Underground State" also titled as the "People's Republic of Lazarus" or the "Former People's Republic of Lazarus" refers to a particular group presently asserting a legitimate claim to the delegacy as the government-in-exile.

3. "The New Lazarene Order" means the colonial rule asserted by the current delegate, Stujenske, as having replaced the former People's Republic of Lazarus. Pursuant to recent claims, it is assumed for the purposes of this protocol that the New Pacific Order possesses immediate control over Lazarus and that Lazarus is currently a de facto non-self-governing territory.

Article 2 - Sovereignty and Recognition

1. The parties condemn the New Pacific Order's subjugation of Lazarus and consider it an intolerable act of oppression and unlawful aggression.

2. The parties recognize the Lazarene Underground State as the sole legitimate and representative government of Lazarus thereof, and will continue to recognize its claim as the de jure sovereign state of Lazarus despite the New Pacific Order's ongoing annexation of said irredenta

3. Subsequently, the parties shall not recognize the New Pacific Order's claim over Lazarus as legitimate, nor recognize the New Lazarene Order as the legitimate and representative government of Lazarus.

4. Pursuant to the Treaty between The Pacific and Lazarus, which commands both parties to, "refrain from conspiring against each other, [...[ report any known threats [...] refuse from acting aggressively towards the counterpart signatory [...]", on all the aforementioned counts, the parties consider the New Pacific Order has having demonstrably violated their agreement to refrain from conspiracy, collusion and aggression against Lazarus.

Article 3 - Diplomatic and Military Action

1. The 'Lazarus Mandate' is hereby established, which specifically calls for, and authorizes the open use of force within Lazarus with the intent to undermine the ongoing subjugation of Lazarus and ultimately return the Lazarene Underground State to power.

2. The parties are encouraged to cooperate with one another diplomatically and militarily to exercise all lawful resources at their disposal to further the Lazarus Mandate.

3. The parties agree to submit diplomatic pressure to all regions which recognize the New Lazarene Order or support the New Pacific Order's subjugation of Lazarus.

4. The parties shall reach out to the wider international community and the World Assembly to seek justice for Lazarus.

5. The parties urge the New Pacific Order to end its subjugation of Lazarus and withdraw its military presence peacefully from the region immediately to facilitate a return to civilian rule and self-government.
The Thebes Protocol

The parties to this protocol,

Acknowledging the recent subjugation of Lazarus by the New Pacific Order and the extralegal collusion between former Chairman Stujenske and the New Pacific Order which facilitated this unsanctionable reign of terror,

Concerned for the security and wellbeing of Lazarus,

Resolving to free Lazarus and restore the rule of law, peace, democracy and civilian rule through a coordinated and multilateral effort,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1 - Definitions

1. For the purposes of this protocol, the following definitions shall apply as noted.

2. "The Lazarene Underground State" also titled as the "People's Republic of Lazarus" or the "Former People's Republic of Lazarus" refers to a particular group presently asserting a legitimate claim to the delegacy as the government-in-exile.

3. "The New Lazarene Order" means the colonial rule asserted by the current delegate, Stujenske, as having replaced the former People's Republic of Lazarus. Pursuant to recent claims, it is assumed for the purposes of this protocol that the New Pacific Order possesses immediate control over Lazarus and that Lazarus is currently a de facto non-self-governing territory.

Article 2 - Sovereignty and Recognition

1. The parties condemn the New Pacific Order's subjugation of Lazarus and consider it an intolerable act of oppression and unlawful aggression.

2. The parties recognize the Lazarene Underground State as the sole legitimate and representative government of Lazarus thereof, and will continue to recognize its claim as the de jure sovereign state of Lazarus despite the New Pacific Order's ongoing annexation of said irredenta

3. Subsequently, the parties shall not recognize the New Pacific Order's claim over Lazarus as legitimate, nor recognize the New Lazarene Order as the legitimate and representative government of Lazarus.

4. Pursuant to the Treaty between The Pacific and Lazarus, which commands both parties to, "refrain from conspiring against each other, [...[ report any known threats [...] refuse from acting aggressively towards the counterpart signatory [...]", on all the aforementioned counts, the parties consider the New Pacific Order has having demonstrably violated their agreement to refrain from conspiracy, collusion and aggression against Lazarus.

Article 3 - Diplomatic and Military Action

1. The 'Lazarus Mandate' is hereby established, which specifically calls for, and authorizes the open use of force within Lazarus with the intent to undermine the ongoing subjugation of Lazarus and ultimately return the Lazarene Underground State to power.

2. The parties are encouraged to cooperate with one another diplomatically and militarily to exercise all lawful resources at their disposal to further the Lazarus Mandate.

3. The parties shall reach out to the wider international community and the World Assembly to seek justice for Lazarus.

4. The parties urge the New Pacific Order to end its subjugation of Lazarus and withdraw its military presence peacefully from the region immediately to facilitate a return to civilian rule and self-government.

Article 4 - Ratification

1. This protocol shall enter into force immediately upon its ratification by all signatories.

2. The governmental organs or officials whom may ratify this protocol also retain the right to withdraw their respective region from it at any time. All parties are expected to express their concerns to the other signatories in advance, in order to seek out a solution before pursuing withdrawal.

3. Following the initial ratification, any region or organisation may ratify the protocol and recognize and observe it as international law henceforth.


This is an updated version of this. I actually will support The Thebes Protocol in this form.