Activity problems


The DU is inactive. I'm not the only one who noticed that, and I'm not just complaining because my constitutional amendments failed. It lost by one vote, and if all members had voted, it is likely that at least one more would have voted yes.

I have a simple question. I am the grand justice, but I am doubtful that I have the right just to decide this, and I can't just file an R4R with myself.

Question: Should the Speaker have the right to unilaterally enforce a quorum?

The RA has a quorum of one third of the members. Amending the constitution in the RA requires two-thirds of the people who actually vote, provided the quorum is reached.

In the DU it is impossible for the constitution to be amended due to inactive members not voting. I'm not sure have a quorum is constitutional, but it's impossible to amend the constitution without it. This is absurd.

Another problem is new membership applications, they require a certain fraction of members to endorse it, and it takes too long to reach that with as many inactive members as we have.

We have two options:
  1. Have a quorum for votes.
  2. Remove inactive members.

Otherwise the DU will come to nothing. Please opine.
I would be leaning towards option 2, but when I thought about how we would go about defining "inactive", I came across some issues. How are we going to say people are inactive in the DU, when in reality we all are fairly inactive?

Those options don't address the heart of the problem; the DU doesn't do much, so of course we are going to have inactive members. We can talk all day about voting procedures and membership requirements, but it won't solve anything.

Without things happening, the DU is nothing.
I definitely plan to introduce some sort of implement some small, simple RPs that are similar to the Daily Issues on the main site. Hopefully, the variety will appeal to different nations where they can come together to find solutions to these issues and topics. Although I am not too sure about how they will play out, or what they entail, but I can tell you that it will be mainly smaller topics, with a larger issue popping up once in a while. In addition, I think that we can agree that there is not a whole lot of legislation; boosting the amount of the proposals while maintaining the quality is a main priority in my term. Hopefully, working together, the DU can be returned to its normal activity levels and solve this drought of content.
I support Option 2, however Dalies' RP idea may be better. We should test that out with a "pilot issue".