The Roosevelt Bar

Political chat? Ooh boy! Let's talk about 2016; so far everyone knows Hillary Clinton, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are running. Who do you think is best based on their merits and promises?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the announcement is out! We now officially have 3 people running for President.
The Spokesman of Eumenor:
Over here in Britain, everybody's looking forward to a good few weeks of UKIP bashing.
Now, now. We just want to keep immigrants out of our fair kingdom. Is that too much to ask?
Who would everyone vote for in the US Presidential elections. I'm only 13 (Obviously, I can't vote), but I like Bernie Sanders. He's a good, strong liberal, and exactly what the country needs right now. Obama and Clinton are both "Big-Buisness Democrats," which has been pushing the "neutral area" righter (in terms of ideology), and Sanders is very left and open. He's for the middle class, and wants to help the majority. What does everyone else think?
If you want to bump a thread then add something else to make people respond. Political discussion normally go in their own threads anyway that are relevant to the issues of the day.

See the US election mega thread for example.