[Story Arc]The Novas of TNP

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
Aberrant is a tabletop RPG that places superhumans in a mundane world and figures out just what the hell happens. While it seems like a superhero game, it doesn't particularly fit the DC or Marvel mold. Characters are all normal people who have "erupted" into superhumans called novas. Abilities and powers range from the usual "fly around and blow shit up" to manipulating the elements to super-strength and endurance... to some unusual powers. Some novas are unreasonably attractive and can use that ability to manipulate others. Others are incredibly intelligent, adept at controlling plants and animals, able to hack into computers with their minds, able to manipulate matter on a molecular level, or just able to convince people to do whatever.

Aberrant posits everything from nova ecologists terraforming the world to nova scientists curing diseases and building incredible machines to nova actors and singers to cold-blooded nova mercenaries-for-hire. There's a lot you can do with it here.

This will not be an RP diary in the usual sense. Rather, the game will build in six-month increments. You'll create a character, and we'll place that character somewhere in the world. We'll begin where the Aberrant sourcebook does: at the explosion of a satellite that essentially begins the nova age. We'll roughly follow that timeline, but your characters will have the chance to change things, alter history, or meet and schmooze with the major players in the world.

By the way: in the unlikely event that you're familiar with the Aberrant timeline, don't spoil it and please don't metagame. And don't research it, either.

Basically, every six-month round, I'll send you a few decision to make. When everyone's sent in decisions, I'll roll some dice based on your stats, and we'll see how they turn out. You don't need to deal with the stats at all if you don't want to; I'll put together your character sheets myself based on the information you give me.

If there's a way to "win," it's to increase your influence in key areas. We'll draw up a list of cities from TNP nations that want to get involved (probably between 10 and 20); while your character doesn't have to come from one of these, they're the major areas you'll be trying to influence. There will also be major organizations cropping up, and you can seek influence in them as well, but that will happen a little later.
What I need from you guys is cities to use (max two or three from your nation) as well as filling out app forms if you'd like to participate.
Name: Your character's real name
Nova Name: Your character's nova alter-ego. This isn't EXACTLY necessary.
Hometown: Can be any of the above or another city of your choice. If you pick a city listed, you'll have an easier time gaining influence; however, you'll have more competition for it.
Age: Teenager, oldster, or anything in between, but no young children.
Background: A sentence or two describing important aspects about your character's life, job, personal history, etc.
Personality: In one sentence, tell me your character's outlook.
Hobbies & Interests: This is for assigning some skill points.
Abilities: Organize in order of importance: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Perception, Intelligence, Wits, Appearance, Manipulation, Charisma (see below)
Superpowers: Give me a rough outline about what you want your character to be able to do, and I'll try to work it into the Aberrant system. I may PM you to negotiate this a bit.
STRENGTH: Raw power, lifting ability, leaping ability, climbing, hand-to-hand combat, etc.
DEXTERITY: Quickness, agility, martial arts, ability to maneuver machinery
STAMINA: Constitution, toughness, durability, physical resiliency
PERCEPTION: Ability to observe the world around you, to notice details, to search for things
INTELLIGENCE: Raw "book smarts," academic, engineering, and medical ability
WITS: Ability to keep cool under pressure, intuition, skill in business and the arts
APPEARANCE: Good looks of any sort
MANIPULATION: Ability to influence others to do what you want
CHARISMA: Personal charm, likability, empathy
Sample App to give you an idea:

Name: Recanto Ribeiro
Nova Name: Reflexo Ribeiro
Hometown: Ghis Town
Gender: Male
Race: Hispanic
Age: 19
Background: Born in the pueblos jovenes (shanty towns), Recanto grew up looking after his brothers and sisters after their father left and mother died. Became locally famous after being shot twice in a battle between gangs and the police and just standing up and walking away.
Personality: Tries to do the right thing and set a good example, but really is just a kid trying to get by.
Hobbies & Interests: Football! Also coffee and people watching
Abilities: Organize in order of importance: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Perception, Intelligence, Wits, Appearance, Manipulation, Charisma (see below)
1. Stamina
2. Perception
3. Wits
4. Dexterity
5. Intelligence
6. Appearance
7. Charisma
8. Strength
9. Manipulation
Superpowers: Incredibly durable and able to take a massive amount of punishment. Also has a passive indicator of danger or unease.
Cities from the August Imperium: Alba Longa (Capital, mainly speaks Italian), Neapolis (Second-largest city, mainly speaks Greek, much more multicultural)

Name: Marcus Aurelius Capuius (Marka for short)
Nova Name: Half-Mask
Hometown: Alba Longa
Gender: Male
Race: Greek
Age: 27
Background: Half-Mask is a magician who was born in the August City of Capua. Fulfilling most of his education in the city of Capua, he completed his university studies in Alba Longa, where he chose to live. Funded by his parents, his university studies were not a huge burden for him - in fact, his natural inclination to making incredibly succinct and capable observations served him well in a Bachelors of Education. Whilst he had originally studied psychology, at the recommendation of friends, family, and teachers alike, he found it difficult to concentrate reading thick bound books of increasingly more complex research material, all of which spoke to his very soul. Eventually, as close to literally as he could imagine.

After a stint teaching in the slums of Alba Longa, he found himself more and more capable of gaining respect and attention from unruly kids by learning easy sleight of hand tricks and illusions. Eventually, he learned to work audience participants - it was easy to keep their attention when he knew exactly when and why they were thinking about a potential tell. And then, he became a touring magician.

Personality: An optimist who acts like a pessimist. Half-Mask can speak at length about the degradation of society - about the ever-expanding darkness of the future, and the dangers of whatever happens to have gotten his goat that week. Even as he paints an ever bleaker, increasingly unrealistic picture, he does so with a smile. It's often off-putting to those around him, as he is so good at painting that picture. But, he is ever-aware that he is more often wrong than right. The people he meets have a surprising tendency to be more human than he can imagine, and for their sake, he's happy he's probably wrong.
Hobbies & Interests: Magic (as in sleight of hand and illusions and the like), classical literature, music and audio equipment
Abilities: Organize in order of importance: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Perception, Intelligence, Wits, Appearance, Manipulation, Charisma (see below)
1. Perception
2. Manipulation
3. Wits
4. Dexterity
5. Intelligence
6. Charisma
7. Appearance
8. Strength
9. Stamina
Superpowers: Surprisingly enough, his superpowers have little to do directly with his illusions and magic tricks. Instead, he is capable of reading between the lines - every movement is a telegraph and a landing strip, every word is a confession. He cannot read minds - he has to hear them speak or see them move - but he can understand even subconscious cues their own body may hide from them.