
Regional Forum
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Foreign Update: March 2015
Monarch: HIBM George VI | Queen Consort: Skye I | Prince of Wales: Prince Krimson
His Majesty's Executive Government
Prime Minister: Aaron Astoria
Deputy Prime Minister: Akillian Talleyrand
Home Secretary: Akillian Talleyrand
Foreign Secretary: Francis
Culture Secretary: Sacul Astoria
Justice Secretary: Kingladn
Secretary without Portfolio: Charlotte Capulet
BBC Director General: Reece Saint-Pierre
Electoral Commissioner: Juris Wessex
WA Delegate: Lewisham [c]
10th Imperial Parliament
The House of LordsKrimson Lancaster, Prince of Wales
William Capulet, Prince Royal
Charles IX Lancaster, Duke of Leinster
Cephal Talleyrand, Earl of Essex
Francis, Earl of Glasgow
Katherine, Baroness of St. Asaph
The House of Commons
Charlotte M.Capulet of Scotland (BRP)
Kingladn of France (BRP)
Akillian Talleyrand of England (BRP)
Aaron Astoria of Ireland (BRP)
Valfor Talleyrand-Fominov of Wales (BRP)
Supreme Court of The Kingdom of Great Britain
Lord Chief Justice: Juris WessexSr. Associate Justice: Cephal Talleyrand
Jr. Associate Justice: Charles IX Lancaster
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen of NationStates. It's a pleasure to have you reading this, I appreciate the time you have taken out of your obviously busy day to read our incredibly important Foreign Update.
For those of you whose patience is comparable to a hungry Jeremy Clarkston, here are our headlines for the day. Just in case you didn't want to read through the boring bits, you can skip straight to the slightly less boring bits without a care in the world.
For those of you whose patience is comparable to a hungry Jeremy Clarkston, here are our headlines for the day. Just in case you didn't want to read through the boring bits, you can skip straight to the slightly less boring bits without a care in the world.
State of The Region Address:[img=130,170]http://i.imgur.com/U23n6b0.png[/img]
Buckingham Palace
• His Majesty's Private Study •
State of The Region Address
I step forward to address you today in celebration of what appears to be a new era for our region. We have succeeded in reaching over 400 nations. It is certainly an achievement in that it not only makes us the largest British themed region in Nationstates, but it also places us among the largest user imperialist regions in the game. It is a near unprecedented achievement that comes from the hard work of our successive governments and the various personnel of the Monarchy in running our region well and through the applied use of regular telegram stamps. With the conclusion of recent elections we have seen a new government take office under a new Prime Minister and I would have to say that he stands at the helm of our government during a critical time. I would ask everyone in the region regardless of affiliation and stance to place support behind his administration so that we may become stronger and more prosperous and so that we can seize the momentum to ensure that we remain with our new status.
I would also like to thank First Lord of the Admiralty, Cephal Tallyrand and his Chief of Imperial Naval Staff, our Right Honorable Prime Minister - Aaron Astoria for their hard work in pushing a revival of our Royal Navy. In our region's history our military has often suffered from various shortcomings and has often failed to materialize into a standing force. Though that had been the case we must still thank those who stood in the leading roles of our navy in times past, as their efforts paved the way for our recent success. With various new cadets and a restructure of command for those who were already in the military we have seen our region take place in a support mission in assisting The North Pacific in installing and maintaining a sitting delegate. The Admiralty has notified me that intentions for more operations are underway and that we should soon see our cadets put to the test. Things are looking up for the Royal Navy and I encourage those who are willing to join our Imperialist cause to sign on as cadets for the good of our region.
In terms of diplomacy we are also seeing progress with efforts underway to tie in relations with the member regions of the United Imperial Armed Forces. A recent treaty was proposed with Albion and we are approaching The Land of Kings and Emperors with similar intent. It is my intention that our region begin strengthening our diplomatic position on Nationstates to secure our place among the great regions. With a capable government and a growing military we have never had a better time to expand our horizons and to establish ourself as a great power on the inter-regional scale.
I look forward to seeing more progress in the region as a whole and I shall have another address on the state of the region in due time.
God Save The Empire and Long Live The King,
Another set of elections, another set of crushed dreams, but as citizens throughout the region flocked to the closest polling booth, it quicky transpired that the dreams of the British Royalist Party were as immune now as they were in the previous election. Winning every seat convincingly, the British Royalist Party repeated their electoral success; but just as dominance looks to have been sustained, competition in the future looks geared to be fierce with the Imperialist Labour Party and Sinn Fein both having been founded by experienced politicians. Will these new political forces be enough to shake the stranglehold on Parliament, which saw only two changes in these elections? Those in power will certainly be on their toes, desperate to defer the answer as long as possible.
The results of the election were as follows:
Klaus Mikaelson [SF]5 (6.6%)
Charlotte M. Capulet [BRP]13 (17.1%)
Kingladn [BRP]13 (17.1%)
Valfor Talleyrand-Fominov [BRP]15 (19.7%)
Akillian Talleyrand [BRP]15 (19.7%)
Aaron Astoria [BRP]15 (19.7%)
Total Votes: 76
The House of Commons welcomed a new member in Charlotte M. Capulet, the only change since last term, whilst the addition of William Capulet was the only change in the House of Lords. With a majority in both Houses, Aaron Astoria was quickly confirmed as Prime Minister, and the work of this new term swiftly undertaken.
February bore witness to the latest masterpiece executed by our beloved Sacul. The maestro surpassed already high expectations with his successful Festival of Love, in which many pressing questions were answered in the name of entertainment. Who would you marry from Game of Thrones (psst, the answer is probably Sansa Stark)? Do you have a dirty mind (do you need to ask)? And most pressingly, who has the best avatar? The much adored winner of the avatar contest, our own HIBM Queen Skye I, had this to say of the festival;
The Kingdom of Britain's Festival of Love is such a beautiful pinkly success thanks to Sacul, the Aurors and everyone who participated ^^; May you all continue to spread love to one and all!
Sorry, I had to add that in'
- HIBM Queen Skye I
#LiveLongAndProsper, iconic words that will never quite sounds the same... words to live by, and with a team including the likes of Sacul & Co., a prospect the Kingdom of Great Britain will surely live up to - congratulations Sacul, have a drink on us!
The Imperial Navy, of course, you dirty buggers! Since the last update the Military has seen major reforms with a new command structure, naval base and a fresh start. Last month saw the creation of the Imperial Naval Staff which is now headed by myself, Aaron Astoria as Chief of the Imperial Naval Staff. The Imperial Navy as a whole is under the command of the First Lord of the Admiralty, Cephal Talleyrand-Fominov, a well respected military leader. Already, the Imperial Navy has seen several enlistment applications and is now beginning trials for officer cadets to see if they can proceed to lead operations in the name of His Majesty the King. Along with these reforms, came the first operation for HM Imperial Navy. In February, 2015, His Majesty’s Imperial Navy joined allies in an international mission to secure the new delegate of the North Pacific. The mission was a resounding success and the Imperial Navy is now looking forward to further missions in the future - hopefully without the young Master Bates and Seaman Staines.
Following a period of planning, registration, and general set-up, the Kingdom of Great Britains' World RP got under way; and already the new venture looks to have some promise as no fewer than eleven members, many of whom are experienced in similar roleplays elsewhere, have signed up and crafted initial factbooks. The coming weeks will certainly make for an interesting read, and the skills of the participants will no doubt be put to the test.
With the strides forward being made by the Department for Culture, Media, and Sport, the developements in regional roleplay stand testament to the flourishing Cultural element of the Kingdom of Great Britain, which may well match if not exceed the well established Political element in the future; a welcomed prospect in a region that looks to have something for everyone.

Katherine: When I was in high school I played a game called Nations. When that ultimately died an inglorious death from obscurity I switched to NationStates. It was really just a way to pass time. Build a country. See how it develops. That sort of thing. After a while it got rather boring and the answers to issues were on rather extreme ends of the spectrum. I was probably in whatever region I was assigned when I joined. My country languished and ultimately went defunct. My brother was playing NS though and was actively involved in a region and I guess that got me back into NS.
When I started over again is when I first got involved in this region. I have no idea how I initially came to Great Britain. It might have been a telegram? It might have been random region searching for something that looked interesting? Don't really remember. Sacul: Sounds familiar. I guess many of us stumbled upon the game by chance, and the same can be said for the region itself. So, chance brought you to this region, but what made you stick around? What was it that made you say "Ah, this seems like the place for me"?
Katherine: I wouldn’t say that I ever really had that feeling, or at least not that feeling for long. Basically, when I first got here the region was in its infancy. There had been a lot of faltering as they tried to get the region on its feet, but what it seemed to lack in direction it made up for in personality. People such as Anne, Amber, Harold A-C, Cielly, Jason, Victoria, Fanix, Alistair and others really made this a fun and engaging place. Whether it was drinks at the tavern (where people were always dropping by), spontaneous bonfires at estates of people on LOA, or parties for the sake of a party, there was always something happening. Something to get you involved. Sacul: You seem to have had a good time here back in the day. So what changed that lead to your decision to leave the region? Was it a single event, or more of an accumulation of smaller incidents? Or was it for personal reasons that have nothing to do with the region itself?
Katherine: There was an accumulation of little things that caused me to decide to take a break. While there were a lot of fun things happening, there was this undercurrent of pettiness from certain people which turned into mean-spirited personal attacks. These were people who were known and liked in other regions and had a certain degree of clout and family connections. I realized that a) they were slowly sucking me into their pettiness where I reacted in kind, b) they weren't going to leave, c) I didn't want to be around them, and d) I was frequently annoyed when I logged-off. You add to that various creepers who were just plain creepy. It was to a point where I would open PMs from certain people, I wouldn't go to some forums, and if I saw that certain people had posted on a thread I ignored it. To me nothing rose to the level of convictable criminal activity, but the totality was such that it wasn't a place that I wanted to be. Sacul: That sounds like a fair reason. It is unfortunate that things turned out that way. When you left, were you leaving behind any positions in the region's politics? Now of course you are a Lord of Parliament, did you have any similar roles back in the day?
Katherine: When I decided to take a break I was the Lady Chief Justice of the High Court, which has since been renamed the Supreme Court. To avoid excessive entanglements I avoided/refused other government positions. Sacul: Well, now we know why you left... I think the next question is obvious: why did you come back?
Katherine: That depends on which time you are referencing, as left for a brief stint, came back for a brief stint, and then left for about a year.
When I left, Jason (aka Vaculatestar, et al.) was starting a region and asked if I would like to join it. Since I was leaving not because I was done with NS, but rather because this region wasn't fun anymore, I decided to join his region. It was also a region in its infancy that we were trying to build up, and a few of the people that I liked from here were also there, so it looked like it was going to be a fun time. Unfortunately, that is where I first encountered Henry Devereaux. Who in a series on PM exchanges about Jason went from being flirtatious to creeper to stalker to demanding marriage. When that didn't work (though what lady could resist a guy with those qualities *sarcasm*), he decided to make things RL personal. What I didn't know at the time was that he was given Admin power so that he could help develop the forum's appearance and coding and such. This also gave him access to my personal account. So he decided to change my information and avatars. When I brought the situation up to Jason, Henry immediately blamed Jason then later admitted it was him and said something along the lines of "I'm sorry let's be friends." When I declined to accept his faux apology he banned me from the reason and posted a personal attack with it that could very likely have qualified as a Zetaboard ToS violation. Even though Jason acted to correct the situation and booted Henry, the damage was done and the region died. I refused to go back and the other people there I'm guessing lost the drive to make it work.
That all occurred in the span of maybe a week. I didn't have any other destination, so I figured considering what had just happened maybe here wasn't so bad. I came back figuring maybe people had changed but my interest and activity level was really kind of muted. And after a few more incidents I decided it was time to lock the castle and leave. Sacul: Ah yes, I've had the pleasure of meeting Henry as well... and I've had the pleasure of being banned by him too, it's great fun. It is unfortunate that there are people like him who seem to enjoy destroying things and making people's lives miserable. But so you came back here, and then left again. But now you are back again. What was it that pulled you back this time around?
Katherine: It was the result of a long con to refound a NS region the Henry once controlled. If the scheme failed I probably wouldn't be here. Sacul: Well, I for one am happy you are back. I'm afraid we're going to have to wrap it up now, or it'll be a bit of a long foreign update. It was very interesting talking to you, thank you for sharing your story.[/i]

The Kingdom of Great Britain bore witness to the rebirth of the Mentor Programme in one of the Home Secretary's flagship policies; already sever experience members, hailing from all walks of life, have signed up to offer their services to any new members who may need a hand adjusting to the region. Many have tried to conduct a Mentor Programme in the past, however Home Secretary The Hon. Akillian Talleyrand looks to completely overhaul the foundations of previous attempts in order to inject his own take on the incentive and hopefully deliver a quality service - and the timing couldn't be better, with the nation count ballooning from 300 to 417 in recent days.
'One of the main goals that the Government has is to improve our Mentor System. Helping the new citizens off the region is very important and I believe that the Mentor System can really help improve their experience. Those who request a mentor will be given a friendly face and someone to give advice and answer their questions. Joining any regional forum can be difficult but new members in the Kingdom of Great Britain will now have someone to assist them should they want it. I was really pleased by the amount of citizens who applied to be mentors after I announced the plan to the region. I am very confident we can develop an effective system that improves our newcomer integration'
- The Hon. Akillian Talleyrand, Deputy Prime Minister and Home Secretary.
Foreign Secretary goes on strike after tacos appear on lunch menu, things actually start to happen in his absense; Prime Minister moves to make Taco Thursday a permanent feature.
Queen-Consorts pink pen stolen, replacement ordered on ebay, looks suspiciously like the stolen one.
Several citizens grounded, bookies give 5-1 odds that those affected run away and join the circus.
- The Department for Culture, Media, and Sport
- The Home Office
- Baroness Katherine of St. Asaph
- Number 10 Downing Street
- The British Broadcasting Corporation
- Their Majestys King George VI and Queen Skye I