The Monarchy of British Isles
Monarch: HM King John II
Prince of Wales: HRH Prince Harold III
HM Government
Prime Minister: Tony Benn
Deputy Prime Minister: Cameron Romefeller
Home Secretary: Liana Norfolk
Foreign Secretary: Daniel Norfolk
Culture Secretary: Maryanna Norfolk
Defence Secretary: Prince Harold III
The Monarchy of British Isles
Monarch: HM King John II
Prince of Wales: HRH Prince Harold III
HM Government
Prime Minister: Tony Benn
Deputy Prime Minister: Cameron Romefeller
Home Secretary: Liana Norfolk
Foreign Secretary: Daniel Norfolk
Culture Secretary: Maryanna Norfolk
Defence Secretary: Prince Harold III
In this Issue:
The British Isles makes friends
February was a productive month for British Isles on the diplomatic front, with two treaties being signed. Firstly, British Isles cemented their long-term friendship with The Communist Bloc by passing an alliance treaty. The Treaty of Fife (named after Fife in Scotland, which elected a Communist MP in the 1940s) was signed by King John II on February 13 and ratified by The Communist Bloc a few days later. Upon learning of the treaty's successful completion, Prime Minister Tony Benn had this to say:

"The British Isles is proud that we were one of the first regions to hold an embassy with The Communist Bloc and the friendship between our regions has remained healthy throughout, this reflected in the support this treaty has received in and outside of Parliament."
Later in the month saw British Isles and Ainur form closer relations in the form of the Treaty of Oxford (so called because Oxford is where J. R. R. Tolkien wrote the Lord of the Rings). The Treaty of Oxford, which contains provisions for diplomatic, cultural, intelligence and military support, was ratified in Ainur on February 28, and in British Isles the following day.
British Isles looks forward to productive and long-lasting diplomatic relations with its two new allies.
Prince of Wales Invested!
February also marked the formal investiture of the Prince of Wales, Jone Norfolk. In a ceremony at Westminster Abbey, Jone was formally recognised as the heir to the throne, and presented with his insignia. Speaking at the ceremony, the Prince of Wales thanked the region for their trust, and issued a rallying cry to the people: 'the coming months will exhibit perhaps the best opportunity to reform the British Isles, and it is this opportunity that we must exploit; we must, we shall, exploit the opportunities ahead of us to the fullest of our capabilities'.
At the ceremony, the closely-kept secret of which name Jone will adopt upon assuming the throne was unveiled: he is now known as HRH Harold III. It is to be hoped that the name will bring him better luck than it did his namesakes: Harold I (Harold Harefoot) died at the age of 24 just as the Danes were preparing to invade; whereas Harold II (Harold Godwinson) reigned for under a year and was killed in the Battle of Hastings. British Isles congratulates its new, official, heir to the throne!

British Isles Creative Corner
To celebrate the Chinese/lunar new year, the Department for Culture, Media, and Sport held a poetry competition. We bring you some of the highlights.With change comes hope,
With a lot of change comes dope.
- Harold III
It is the year of the sheep,
so I'll have a little look at Jone, in his sleep,
I had a little peep,
And Francis did leap,
From his bed,
To smack me right round the head.
- Tony Benn
Spotlight on: King John II
In this feature, we profile a citizen of British Isles. This time, it's King John's turn.
What are the best and worst moments you've had on NS?Let's see, my best moment has to be the day I won my first PM election. It was a really narrow by-election and it was really touch and go for a while. Worst? Hmm. I'll have to say the time that I was nearly removed as PM. It was the betrayal of a member of my own party that caused it, and I was rather upset by it. I suppose I should thank that person though. Especially as I wouldn't be King now if that hadn't happened.
You seem to place a lot of value on your time as PM, is there a reason for that?
I feel that as PM, I got the most done. I was most effective then. What I wanted to accomplish, I accomplished, and without much issue. As King, I'm constitutionally bound and therefore my hands are tied on a lot.
Perhaps slightly more generally, why do you play NS? there's a reason it sucks people in - what's yours?
I find it fun. I like interacting with all the people and I've met folks through NS that I would have never met otherwise. I've made plenty of good friendships I feel will last a long time because of NS. I like the NS people who are willing to work with someone who they don't necessarily see eye to eye with. The compromisers. The wheelers and dealers.
Something a bit more esoteric: your most precious possession?
A stuffed rabbit, honestly. A gift from my significant other from her childhood, in the form of Thumper from "Bambi". It was her toy as a child. About a month after we started dating, I'd already decided I loved her. I sent her a toy from my childhood, a large stuffed panda I called Atticus which I was fond of. She sent me this in return, with a wee bottle of her perfume.
Atticus as in To Kill a Mockingbird?
Yes. I saw the film starring Gregory Peck as a boy. I was taken with the name, and got the panda at about the same time. I had an unconventional childhood you might say. I can't wait for the new book "Go Set a Watchman" to come out. I'm absolutely thrilled. The teeny literature major in me squealed with delight when I saw the news.
You think it'll live up to the hype?
I believe so. Harper Lee isn't one to disappoint. I was afraid that "To Kill a Mockingbird" would be overhyped, but I was pleasantly surprised when I finally read the book. Books that are generally called "classics" are also generally fairly crappy reads. TKAM was brilliant, and I still love it.
Speaking of real life, what's your ambition? Where do you want to end up?
Depends? In the long term? Married, with kids, and a house in the mountains and a job lecturing American history to college students. In the short term? Finishing up my MA at Lamar University, with prospects of a career in my field.
This publication is issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the British Isles. Thank you for reading. Approved and endorsed by the Prime Minister with agreement from the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.