ARCHIVED: Flung! [First Contact|FT]

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
Those interested in getting involved in this should look here
"Captain those ships are blocking our escape!"

Tovum cursed silently as he redid his calculations and redid them again. Without digital aids he was forced to do his own math and many depended on his recommendations. He cursed the Geldrion defenders that had pushed them back, even after their capital ships had fallen to the drone waves they had sent out.

"Captain, if we head between those two ships we'll be able to reach a Gateway. It'll be tight but we will succeed." The Captain nodded in agreement with Tovum and directed the ship as recommended. The prototype Navarr drone carrier would escape here, had to escape here. The concept worked, they knew that now, and the massive colony ships would be obsolete in the future if Command agreed with their findings. First they had to escape this predicament.

"When I give the order drop the wings and rotate middle sections, that'll throw them off. Full speed into the gap!" The ship surged forward just as a torpedo struck one of the lower drone launcher clusters tearing a hole through a deck. "Push targets to the defence batteries, we need to get through." The Captain ordered.

Tovum nodded and got to work, sighting weak points in the enemy ships to the battery gunners. Working in tandem with 4 others spread throughout the ship, the gunnery teams had multiple to points to target and their aim was good. Tovum prioritised the nearest edges of the enemy ships they would pass between. The batteries responded, tearing up the two ships and letting them speed through.

"Open a Gateway, now!" The Captain yelled. The Gateway formed, just as an enemy ship rammed them forcing them off course. The Geldrion ship exploded behind them and the Navarr suddenly picked up massive speed. Part of the bridge exploded and Tovum flew across the room, slamming down hard into unconsciousness...
"We got one still alive up here!" Tovum awoke to the sound of a medical team scrambling to get to him. He tried to stand but they forced him into a nearby chair to sit. "Easy, captain. You took quite a blow."

Tovum's head throbbed painfully but his hearing still worked, causing him to look up sharply at the man he recognised as a junior medical officer. "What?" The officer nodded gravely, just as the Third Engineer approached. "Captain, repair teams are already getting to work on the lower decks. We lost three clusters and a big chunk of deck 12, but otherwise we came out ok." The medic looked at him in reproach at that. Unabashed, the engineer continued. "Multiple systems are down, we've had to vent a lot of fuel to stop it exploding or seeping out onto the decks. Sensors work, as do long range communications."

Tovum nodded. "Any word from command? Repair ships being sent?" The two officers in front of him suddenly looked at each other sheepishly, avoiding an answer. Tovum pressed. "Any word from command at all? From nearby ships? ANYTHING?" He had almost shouted the last words and the whole deck was looking at him. The Engineer, who was named Yalro, finally answered.

"No word from command. We're out of range. By a lot."

Tovum sat back down in the chair. "How much?"

"We think we're 40,000 light years from friendly space, sir. On the other side of the Galaxy."

"The year is sometime in the 28th Century. We can't be sure how long we were out for, but from what we can gather from system logs, we've been in some kind of unconscious state for a few months. How we survived I have no idea.

The place is... well we're not sure about that either. One moment we were fleeing the Ranyon Armada and opening a Rift. The next we were here. There's a few stars nearby, isolated systems that might be inhabited, sensors are still malfunctioning. We'll know more soon."

The Ranyons were left far behind now. Nobody ever sailed over this deserted part of the galaxy. The NTC Elision had been drifting through the vacuum of space for several months now; but its crew were only just waking up.
The Rift had opened as normal. Everybody remembered that. As they jumped into RiftSpace, the capacitors had started whining, the readings went above the max, and the entire ship had tumbled out of the tunnel they'd created and into a dead solar system in a dead galaxy.

I'll write more later.