First Contact [FT RP Group]

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
"The year is sometime in the 28th Century. We can't be sure how long we were out for, but from what we can gather from system logs, we've been in some kind of unconscious state for a few months. How we survived I have no idea.

The place is... well we're not sure about that either. One moment we were fleeing the Ranyon Armada and opening a Rift. The next we were here. There's a few starts nearby, isolated systems that might be inhabited, sensors are still malfunctioning. We'll know more soon." - Crewman's Log​
And so this is the situation everyone finds themselves in. Your ship, or ships, find themselves flung half way across the universe, with means of communicating or travelling home easily. Maybe your equipment was damaged, maybe it was stolen by an unknown source whilst you were down, maybe your civilisation hasn't developed the means to communicate or travel that far yet. For whatever reason, you're stuck here.

You and everyone else's ship/s. You can either choose to work together in a group, or go it alone. Whatever you choose, you'll face the dangers of meeting new civilisations, be they native species or your fellow abductees, have to deal with situations and crisis as they arise and eventually make your way back home - or choose instead to settle on a planet in this new universe...
This is half an RP group and half a creative writing exercise. I'll start an intro thread and then anyone who joins can jump in, either interacting with me or posting their singular intro posts, and then we can break off into our own little threads and stuff.

There's two ways to RP in this. You can either RP whatever you want, building your own narrative as go, or you can draw a card, simply by asking in this topic or in PM. I'll then reply to you in a PM telling what card you drew. These cards can be anything from 'you encounter a new civilisation' to 'your engines start to fail' to 'you're running low on supplies' and other more specific things. And you can RP out. If you don't like the card you draw or you don't feel you can rp that out to a standard you like, you can redraw. I'm not going to put a limit on redraws but try to reasonable with it.

If for whatever reason you need to go inactive or can't post or are just getting writers block and need to take a break or try out a new thing, that's fine. All I'll ask of you is to make one final post, where you dock at a space station, or settle on a planet, or something similar, in order to keep the grand narrative going.

Now what I need from you is ideas for scenarios to go on cards. Like I said, these can be anything, like 'a mutiny starts on your ship' or 'one of your crew members wants to leave' to anything that's RPable and not breaking any forum rules (so no explicit sexy tiems pls). I'll be drawing from a deck of standard playing cards so we need 52 in total. Some cards will have (passive) or (aggressive) in parenthesis after it, this means that, in this case, it will be more likely to be an aggressive encounter or a friendly one. Your choice.
Current Cards:
1. You come across a new civilisation (aggressive card)
2. You come across a new civilisation (passive card)
3. You are running low on food.
4. You are running out of fuel.
5. Life support starts to fail.
6. A member of your crew is murdered.
7. A mutiny starts on your ship.
8. Supplies start to go missing.
9. Engines are failing.
10. A crew member wants to leave and join a native civilisation.
The other thing I need from you is to complete this app:

Name of Ship/s:
Type of Ship: (e.g. warship, exploration, science, cruiser, etc etc. you're not limited to these but you need make it clear what kind of ship you have)
Crew Complement: (keep in mind that more crew needs more space, more resources, more energy etc)
Description of your ship/s: (what are they like, what's their purpose, strengths, weaknesses etc)
Feel free to post card ideas without posting an app, if that might put you off. It's more important for me to have a full card deck than force people to sign up. :)
I agree FTL is a great game.
On a related note, this seems like a different but interesting way for one to roleplay. melikes
Name of Ship/s: NTC Elision (Navy of the Terran Satellite Charter)
Type of Ship: Terran Alliance Apollo-Class Battleship
Crew Complement: 1,500
Description of your ship/s: Warship, large. I can provide stats on crew, weaponry, power, e.t.c. if needed.

Ideas for cards:
Asteroid field
Attack from Marauders
Attack from enemy navy

Name of Ship: Itzam-Ye
Type of Ship: Lightly armed Science Vessel
Crew Complement: 42
Description of your ship: Under construction.

Card ideas:
A) Deja Vu All Over Again – A wormhole sends your ship back in time; replay the last scenario you played with different results.

B) Pass the Egg Salad – A crewman picks up a parasite that seems to be making him stronger and smarter . . . but what else?

C) Never Give Up, Never Surrender – A peace-loving civilization asks your help against a hostile enemy that outnumbers and outguns your ship.
Name of Ship/s: Talrun Drone Ship Navarr
Type of Ship: Bahdrin Class Drone Carrier Ship
Crew Complement: 1,500
Description of your ship/s: Launches waves of drones at enemy vessels, the Bahdrin Class Drone Carrier is actually meant to be more of an exploration and science vessel than a tactical one. It's an experiment by the Talrun authorities in running smaller drone carriers than the Colony class vessels that are normally used. Unlike on the colony class, drone stores are limited to just 5,000 launched in three waves with a final reserve of 700 and with no means of recovering drones, post-battle the Bahdrin class has to recycle as many as possible using debris and anything else at hand in order to fashion new drones.

The ship also has reactive shielding and hull plating, with only limited anti-weapons capabilities. The Bahdrin has several photon cannons, and fore and aft torpedo launchers but little else, relying instead on its drone and shielding. The ship is faster than the Colony Class but the experimental Hi-2 engines use as much fuel as the much larger ship does, meaning that large amounts of cargo space are taken up by deuterium refining tanks.
For cards how about -
Electro-static energy disrupts your:
life support, e.t.c.
Or a black hole...
Or an SOS call from another spaceship
Or a huge explosion in the bridge, killing / injuring key crew members.
How many more do we need?
All those look good. I'll definitely use some form of them.

Intro thread will be up tomorrow. It was going to go up today, but the internet ate my post and I was sad for a while.