Off-Topic Nonsense on Cliques

That totally depends on whether the clique in control would be open, accepting and not automatically dismissive of a proposal originating from me.
Oooh, clique! That's a new one.

[me] adds it to the list containing "oligarchy," "cabal," and "gang."

EDIT: Do you not realize that there are over 100 members of the RA right now, most of whom are brand new to the forum? There is no mechanism in place to control the RA, and there is no center of power in the RA. We are a citizens assembly. If your ideas fail, they fail on their merits, not because a few people have personal problems with you. Face it: majority goddamn rules.
Crushing Our Enemies:
Oooh, clique! That's a new one.

Crushing Our Enemies adds it to the list containing "oligarchy," "cabal," and "gang."

EDIT: Do you not realize that there are over 100 members of the RA right now, most of whom are brand new to the forum? There is no mechanism in place to control the RA, and there is no center of power in the RA. We are a citizens assembly. If your ideas fail, they fail on their merits, not because a few people have personal problems with you. Face it: majority goddamn rules.

It's accurate and based on my observation of what goes on in the RA since I returned from my leave of absence last year. I tend to call things as I see them, whether you like it or not. A clique can control a majority, and the fact that nations are new to TNP means little when so many in the clique originated their power bases elsewhere.

And if you don't like my calling things as I see them, you should have left me alone back in August of 2013.
What the hell happened in August 2013? And are you saying that you have a personal vendetta against me because of some slight or insult you perceived from a year and a half ago? :blink:

EDIT: That would certainly explain a lot.

EDIT2: Omg I figured it out. It's this. You have been holding a grudge against me for 17 months because I made a policy as speaker disallowing leaves of absence for indefinite periods of time. This is pettiness to the point of being comical. :lol:
Once again, this thread seems to have degernated into a bit of off-topic nonsense. Lord Nwahs, could you split the extraneous posts out like you did last time?
This thread has once again gone off-topic. I will split the offending posts to another thread. I expect better from senior members of the RA.

A notice on keeping on-topic will be placed on the OP of this thread.