- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia
Greetings all!
First, I would like to thank you all for your patience. It has taken some time to go through the very many applications we received to serve in the regional cabinet.
Minister of Culture & Entertainment: Scandigrad
The Ministry of Culture and Entertainment received the most applications by far, which is a testament to the hugely successful previous term(s) of this Ministry since it was reinstituted in 2012. The Ministry of Culture is a very important Ministry, and many see it as an opportunity to make a name for yourself, and to make a real difference in the region.
Scandigrad has been a leading member of the Culture Staff and a chief role player in the region since his recent return to the game. This appointment made complete sense, but it was not without close competition. Scandigrad will oversee an overhaul of role play in the North Pacific, and will be responsible for continuing the award ceremonies, as well as coordinating various joint-cultural events we have planned for the term. I have no doubt that Scandigrad will do an excellent job in this position. I have passed my recommendation on to Scandigrad for who he should choose as a deputy, but that decision is ultimately up to him.
Minister of Education: Malvad
I have decided to bring back the old Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education will be responsible for the management and operation of the North Pacific University. The University was previously part of the Ministry of Culture and Entertainment. Given the growing needs of the role play community, the awards, and the various other responsibilities of the Culture Ministry, I have decided to split the University into it’s own Ministry - which will also accommodate other educational needs of the North Pacific Community.
The University was a major part of my campaign, and I will be delighted to see TNPU achieve huge heights of success under this Ministry. The Ministry of Education will be responsible for the planning of the 2015 Lecture Series I mentioned in my campaign, and for the coordination of the Education Executive Staff to prepare classes and other materials to keep TNPers interested and participating in the North Pacific University. Furthermore, the Ministry will be responsible for the updating of TNP FAQ’s, including the in-game dispatches, which will be reorganised to make it easier for TNPers to learn and find the information they are looking for.
Malvad, previously the Minister of Culture and entertainment, will be taking on this role. I am glad to have Malvad taking on this key part of my agenda for the coming term.
Minister of Communications: Crushing Our Enemies General COE
I am delighted to announce that Crushing Our Enemies will serve as the Minister of Communications in the coming term. COE was one of the founders of the Northern Lights, and he brought renewed vigor and efficient management to the Communications during his time in the position. I am grateful to have COE serve as the Communications Minister. COE will be working towards creating a reliable team of writers to support his efforts in makingTNL the greatest NS news source.
Minister of Defence: Eluvatar (aka Zemnaya Svoboda)
This may come as a surprise to some members of the region. Shortly after the election, Minister Gladio met with me and informed me of his intentions to stand down. Gladio has served the North Pacific excellently as our Minister of Defence, and I am truly grateful for all of his efforts in the position. Gladio has informed me that he intends to continue to stay on in the NPA, and that he will be around to support the new Minister in his efforts.
Eluvatar is a highly experienced and respected military operator. Eluvatar, in coordination with myself, and the NPA high command, will be responsible for the management of the North Pacific Army. Eluvatar will oversee the defensive and offensive training for the North Pacific Army that I outlined in my campaign.
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Egalotir
Egalotir has served as my deputy for the past 8 months of office. Egalotir will be leading the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the next term. Egalotir will be supported in his efforts by myself as WA Delegate, and by the experienced staff of the Diplomatic Corps. Egalotir’s focus for the term will be on strengthening our existing alliances, constant collaboration with foreign diplomats, the efficient management of the Diplomatic Corps, and the development of TNP relations with smaller regions. Egalotir will also coordinate on matters of foreign policy with the WA Minister, and the Minister of Defence.
Minister of Home Affairs: The Democratic Republic of Tomb
This appointment made perfect sense. Tomb has done a fantastic job as Home Affairs Minister and I fully wanted him to continue in this position. Tomb will continue to work extremely hard to integrate the onsite community onto our offsite forum. Tomb will help to coordinate recruiting efforts between Ministry’s, and will serve as the chief point of call for Minister’s who are looking to recruit for their assigned areas. More attention will be paid to the mentor program this term, this may well be coordinated between Home Affairs and Education.
Minister of World Assembly Affairs - r3naissanc3r (aka HMS Unicorn)
I am very grateful to former Delegate r3naissanc3r who has agreed to take on the position of Minister for World Assembly Affairs. The Ministry achieved unprecedented levels of influence and success under the stewardship of r3n, and it was clear that r3n would be the best individual to serve in this position. Minister r3n will assist me in reopening dialogue on the progress of the World Assembly Legislative League and in continuing the strong influence of the North Pacific in the World Assembly.
I encourage all new Minister’s to take their oaths as soon as possible. I would like to thank everyone who applied to serve in the cabinet. We definitely had some tough choices this time around. I have passed on my recommendations to the various appointed Minister's about who should serve as their Deputy for the coming term. Feel free to contact them directly, if you are interested.
Please join me in congratulating my new team, and in wishing them, the very best of luck.
Delegate of the North Pacific
First, I would like to thank you all for your patience. It has taken some time to go through the very many applications we received to serve in the regional cabinet.
Minister of Culture & Entertainment: Scandigrad
The Ministry of Culture and Entertainment received the most applications by far, which is a testament to the hugely successful previous term(s) of this Ministry since it was reinstituted in 2012. The Ministry of Culture is a very important Ministry, and many see it as an opportunity to make a name for yourself, and to make a real difference in the region.
Scandigrad has been a leading member of the Culture Staff and a chief role player in the region since his recent return to the game. This appointment made complete sense, but it was not without close competition. Scandigrad will oversee an overhaul of role play in the North Pacific, and will be responsible for continuing the award ceremonies, as well as coordinating various joint-cultural events we have planned for the term. I have no doubt that Scandigrad will do an excellent job in this position. I have passed my recommendation on to Scandigrad for who he should choose as a deputy, but that decision is ultimately up to him.
Minister of Education: Malvad
I have decided to bring back the old Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education will be responsible for the management and operation of the North Pacific University. The University was previously part of the Ministry of Culture and Entertainment. Given the growing needs of the role play community, the awards, and the various other responsibilities of the Culture Ministry, I have decided to split the University into it’s own Ministry - which will also accommodate other educational needs of the North Pacific Community.
The University was a major part of my campaign, and I will be delighted to see TNPU achieve huge heights of success under this Ministry. The Ministry of Education will be responsible for the planning of the 2015 Lecture Series I mentioned in my campaign, and for the coordination of the Education Executive Staff to prepare classes and other materials to keep TNPers interested and participating in the North Pacific University. Furthermore, the Ministry will be responsible for the updating of TNP FAQ’s, including the in-game dispatches, which will be reorganised to make it easier for TNPers to learn and find the information they are looking for.
Malvad, previously the Minister of Culture and entertainment, will be taking on this role. I am glad to have Malvad taking on this key part of my agenda for the coming term.
Minister of Communications: Crushing Our Enemies General COE
I am delighted to announce that Crushing Our Enemies will serve as the Minister of Communications in the coming term. COE was one of the founders of the Northern Lights, and he brought renewed vigor and efficient management to the Communications during his time in the position. I am grateful to have COE serve as the Communications Minister. COE will be working towards creating a reliable team of writers to support his efforts in makingTNL the greatest NS news source.
Minister of Defence: Eluvatar (aka Zemnaya Svoboda)
This may come as a surprise to some members of the region. Shortly after the election, Minister Gladio met with me and informed me of his intentions to stand down. Gladio has served the North Pacific excellently as our Minister of Defence, and I am truly grateful for all of his efforts in the position. Gladio has informed me that he intends to continue to stay on in the NPA, and that he will be around to support the new Minister in his efforts.
Eluvatar is a highly experienced and respected military operator. Eluvatar, in coordination with myself, and the NPA high command, will be responsible for the management of the North Pacific Army. Eluvatar will oversee the defensive and offensive training for the North Pacific Army that I outlined in my campaign.
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Egalotir
Egalotir has served as my deputy for the past 8 months of office. Egalotir will be leading the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the next term. Egalotir will be supported in his efforts by myself as WA Delegate, and by the experienced staff of the Diplomatic Corps. Egalotir’s focus for the term will be on strengthening our existing alliances, constant collaboration with foreign diplomats, the efficient management of the Diplomatic Corps, and the development of TNP relations with smaller regions. Egalotir will also coordinate on matters of foreign policy with the WA Minister, and the Minister of Defence.
Minister of Home Affairs: The Democratic Republic of Tomb
This appointment made perfect sense. Tomb has done a fantastic job as Home Affairs Minister and I fully wanted him to continue in this position. Tomb will continue to work extremely hard to integrate the onsite community onto our offsite forum. Tomb will help to coordinate recruiting efforts between Ministry’s, and will serve as the chief point of call for Minister’s who are looking to recruit for their assigned areas. More attention will be paid to the mentor program this term, this may well be coordinated between Home Affairs and Education.
Minister of World Assembly Affairs - r3naissanc3r (aka HMS Unicorn)
I am very grateful to former Delegate r3naissanc3r who has agreed to take on the position of Minister for World Assembly Affairs. The Ministry achieved unprecedented levels of influence and success under the stewardship of r3n, and it was clear that r3n would be the best individual to serve in this position. Minister r3n will assist me in reopening dialogue on the progress of the World Assembly Legislative League and in continuing the strong influence of the North Pacific in the World Assembly.
I encourage all new Minister’s to take their oaths as soon as possible. I would like to thank everyone who applied to serve in the cabinet. We definitely had some tough choices this time around. I have passed on my recommendations to the various appointed Minister's about who should serve as their Deputy for the coming term. Feel free to contact them directly, if you are interested.
Please join me in congratulating my new team, and in wishing them, the very best of luck.

Delegate of the North Pacific