Beginning of Year Review

Beginning of Year Review! Your Help is Requested!


The current saying around the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
With the beginning of the new year, we are in the process of refreshing our information on our partner regions, such as ambassadors sent to us, R/D alignment, etc, and we would appreciate your help in keeping our information current for The North Pacific. The link below will take you to our Status of Information page, which contains all of our data...we would just like to know if the information is correct or if there are changes that are needed, and you can let us know by either posting in this topic or by informing our ambassador to you. If your ambassador to us is out of date, then it may be that you need to send us a new one, as the person listed is the last person to apply from your region to apply for ambassador masking.

Link to Status of Diplomatic Relations:

Thanks for your help in keeping our information current! We look forward to working with you through the new year!

Most sincerely yours,

Inric Nordrim Kestar (Wintermoot I of Wintreath)
Monarch and Founder of Wintreath