Alfred Nursson's Birthday Countdown!


The one, the true, the great.
TNP Nation
The birthday of the Prime Minister of Syrixia, Alfred Nursson, is on January 2. Since that's right around the corner, we in Syrixia have decided to school those who haven't taken the time to read our Stories of TNP Award-winning factbook on the illustrious history of the Most Serene Republic of Syrixia. Every day from now until January 2nd, we shall post the history of Syrixia from 1000 BCE to 2015 CE, exactly as it is written in our factbook. Join us in celebrating the Prime Minister's Birthday Countdown, and therein the history of Syrixia as well!


In the year 1000 BCE, two early men evolved suddenly. It is rumored that while making a fire to cook the day's hunted animals, one of the two early men stood up, proclaimed himself "Pameiro" and crafted a cone-shaped hat from furs. He was, in essence, Head of State of a nation of two. The other early man was inspired and began to walk around on order of the Pameiro, bringing other early men to the Pameiro.

Around 945 BCE, this idea had grown into a small town, built out of dirt bricks and wood. Despite the technological...limits of the time, the early inhabitants of Syrixia were great minds, and constructed the first telescope in known North Pacific history, making the lens out of a special ore found only in Syrixia, known as roanukite. Roanukite is still used today for modern Syrixian telescopes.

Around 920 BCE, the village began to expand due to a sudden boom in architectural interest as well as conquest. The first city in Ancient Syrixia had been created, and it was known as Stonessfurd. It expanded slowly for around 500 years but it wasn't enough. Around 900 BCE, the Pameiro at the time, Pameiro Sxqeulo Zberzniak XVIII, ordered the city to expand. He wanted just the city to make up his lands. There would be no provinces; all the lands he owned would be one big city.

This ideal failed...MISERABLY. The institution of Pameiros was abolished and the Stonessfurdic Empire was founded, with Pameiro Zberzniak's son, Qoza Zberzniak, put on the throne as Emperor. The Zberzniak dynasty would last until the Empire's collapse. Stonessfurd suddenly turned psychotic, adopting nationally accepted racist views towards all ethnic groups excluding Bigtopians, ethnic Stonessfurdics, and early Alunyans.

It conquered quickly, and created provinces on each of the islands in the Syrixian Archipelago. All eighteen islands were under Stonessfurdic possession by 150 BCE. The last island to be conquered was Balamb, due to the problem posed by the Hell-Hole, the famous but odd fire-pit in the center of Balamb Island.

When the Stonessfurdics arrived in 152 BCE, they noticed a small but advanced village named Balamb. They named the island after the village, after conquering it of course, and then a problem arose in the year 142 BCE. The Emperor at the time, Katei Zberzniak V, moved the capital to Balamb, however government headquarters and state meetings were still at Stonessfurd, like Balamb never existed. The answer to this problem was simple: Split the Empire.


The Stonessfurdic Empire would be based in Stonessfurd, and the new Balambian Empire would be based in Balamb. Zberzniaks would control both states. Thanks to the advancement of Balamb, the two nations were equally powerful by 50 BCE. A war began due to economic competition and the defection of soldiers from both sides that lasted eight hundred years, and ended with what was predicted at the war's beginning: mutually assured destruction.

The Zberzniak dynasty collapsed in both empires, and Hell descended upon Syrixia. In 2 CE, after many years of anarchy and people going hunter-gatherer, taking whatever they could from the old empires' coffers, a man named Alfred Odi would change everything.

Alfred Odi was a pioneer of modern thinking, even though he lived in classical times. He gathered followers and launched secret attacks on both Balamb and Stonessfurd. Balamb was taken easily and Stonessfurd was as well, due to the Odi-ists tunneling under the walls of both cities.

The entire archipelago became part of the First Republic of Demacia, with its capital in Balamb and its federal reserves, vaults, etc in Stonessfurd. This has carried on today. Balamb is the seat of government while Stonessfurd is where the Federal Vaults are. Stonessfurd is also the largest city in Syrixia, and the biggest tourist attraction.

At this point, what would become Syrixia began to look outward. Exclaves were established all over the region, however Terra Nullus, a great power in the region which was vastly superior to Demacia, began looking outward as well. Terra-Nullans used brute force while Demacia used elusiveness, tactics and skills. Due to the larger numbers of Terra Nullus and the more skilled Demacian army, the competition was neck and neck by 57 CE. Each nation had 68 exclaves.

In December of 60 CE, Demacia and Terra Nullus signed the Balamb Accords, effectively ending the race of colonialism between the two nations. Tensions were still high, however, and now the two nations were looking to see who collapsed first. The answer? Demacia.


A rebellion led by extended relatives of the Zberzniak dynasty, the Lokqei dynasty, was soon staged. Demacia, unready for the rebellion, collapsed. The Neo-Stonessfurdic Empire had begun, and they were out for BLOOD. They set the capital at Stonessfurd, burned Balamb to the ground, committed genocide on the city's population (Even killing women and children, and feeding both developing and already-born babies to wolves) and planted the Neo-Stonessfurdic flag upon the ruins of the once-great city.

The Lokqei administration was EXTREMELY psychotic and by 120 CE, practically all activity not performed by government officials was outlawed. People could not leave their hometowns, the government strip-searched all people every day, and government propaganda was EVERYWHERE. Eyewitness officials recorded in documents that you could not walk ten feet without seeing a sign saying something like "All hail the Emperor! His power is divine! His will is our life! Without him we are all worthless!"

The Emperors of the Neo-Stonessfurdic Empire had a personality cult by far surpassing any other in both NationStates and real life history. It was HELL. However, in 500 CE, as if by some sort of reincarnation, a man named James Acheiren gathered followers and attacked the Empire's major cities, hoping to depose the Lokqeis.

Acheiren launched multiple secret attacks on Stonessfurd, as Alfred Odi did many years before. Balamb was taken easily and Stonessfurd was as well, due to the Acheirenists tunneling under the walls as the Odi-ists did all those years ago. The Lokqeis surrendered and the Kingdom of Melletonia was formed.

The Kingdom of Melletonia lasted from its formation in 520 CE to its breakup in 730 CE, reaching its maximum extent in 682 CE. In that time, it was rich and prosperous, and is regarded as the Golden Age of Syrixian history, even though the Kings of Melletonia were rather corrupt. In 700 CE, two out of the Kingdom's three provinces, Mercia and Sailendra, revolted, since the King owned most of the country's wealth and the provinces wanted that money for themselves.

The Revolution ended in 730 CE, and the last King of Melletonia was deposed. The bulk of the wealth of the country was stolen by Mercia, and as such Sailendra collapsed. However, corrupt administration again hit Mercia hard and a revolt occurred. However, the leaders of Mercia were able to bury the treasures of Melletonia in an open field where Zabralyina Province is today. Thus, when Mercia collapsed, the 12 states that were formed via the collapses of Mercia and Sailendra warred against each other, each thinking that their enemies had the treasure. This period is known as the Dark Ages of Syrixia, and lasted from Mercia's collapse in 800 CE to much, much later, in 1500 CE.


During that time, the state of New Demacia, vastly more militarized than the other states, slowly conquered other nations until it had secured all of the Syrixian archipelago, which was Melletonia's former territory. The Second Republic of Demacia was established in 1776 CE after the citizens petitioned the administration of New Demacia to make the state a republic.

The Second Republic of Demacia attempted to get back to where Melletonia was in wealth and almost made it. It lasted from 1776 CE to 1870 CE. Now, the reason the Second Republic of Demacia "ALMOST" made it is mostly because of the last President of Demacia, whose term lasted from 1863 CE to 1870 CE, when he was impeached and the government completely overhauled.

The last President of Demacia, Karthas Nasukh, was a good President in his first 5 years in office, but in his last 2 he grew corrupt. He was also always drunk and missed many legislative meetings. He vetoed practically every bill, good or bad, and really didn't care about his country. He declared the Balambar, Balamb's famous bar and grille, a national monument to the prosperity of Demacia, and then, apparently, proceeded to vomit on the bill after signing it. The vomit was tested and the contents were 93% comprised of alcoholic beverages.

Revolution was decided without opposition by all citizens, and the government was ousted in 1870 CE. The country was renamed to Syrixia by the revolution's leader and first Syrixian Emperor, Mehet Zor I, in 1890 CE. Since then, there was absolutely no war in the Empire. Anyone who wanted a war or revolution was found, choked by officials, gassed, dismembered and then eaten by wolves. The wolves were then eaten by bears, who were then crushed by steamrollers.

Despite these corrupt policies, Syrixia prospered as an Empire. In 1936 CE, Empress Katelyn Zor II banned all private enterprise and the state got boatloads of money. However, Syrixia became more and more isolated, and was known to foreigners as the "Hermit Empire". In 2014 CE, Emperor Senlok Zor II, the last Emperor, outlawed isolationism, joined the World Assembly on behalf of Syrixia. Empress Katelyn presided at the foundation of the World Assembly, but she did not enter Syrixia into it. Emperor Senlok introduced reforms that allowed the people a voice as long as it was approved by the state.

People in Syrixia, after being granted this freedom, realized how corrupt their government really was, and a woman named Patricia Harrington, future wife of John Sirus, petitioned to speak to the people about why the Empire was so great in order to boost morale during the War on Ixelonia, a war where Syrixia attempted to annex the last of its colonies, a puppet state called Ixelonia, along with the Democratic Republic of Tomb, still a dear ally of Syrixia even though our system of government has changed.


Instead, Harrington spoke vehemently about liberty, and democracy. Her final remarks are forever remembered still today. They are, "I know not what path others may take, but as for me, give me democracy or give me death!" A pro-republican revolution was imminent, however John Sirus stepped in and said that Harrington's speech was fantastic and inspirational but in order for the People to be truly cared about, a Communist revolution was needed. A proxy war was fought between the republicans and the communists.

The communists won and everyone united under John Sirus and Patricia Harrington, who were now engaged. They planned to have their ceremony if they won the revolution, and if they lost they would commit suicide together. Tensions were high, and the people, wanting their leaders to survive, fiercely attacked the Imperial Palace. Emperor Senlok II was ousted and dismembered alive, then burned, thrown into hydrochloric acid, and laughed at all through the whole process.

John and Patricia Sirus were wedded happily and the People's Republic of Syrixia was founded officially with John Sirus was its Premier (A reference to the original Head of State's title, "Pameiro") in the same year, 2014 CE. People's Council officers were elected and core military officers were not fired, but instead manipulated. Everything was almost normal, except for the invasion of Ixelonia, which continued upon vote of the People's Council and approval of the Premier. The year 2014 CE was and still is probably Syrixia's most important year, as so much happened in it that it practically could've been covered in its own section in this website.

The Democratic Union, an offshoot of the official Regional Assembly of the North Pacific dedicated to preserving democracy and peace, intervened and stopped the invasion. It was agreed Syrixia and Tomb would take all of Old Ixelonia and Ixelonia would move to a new continent and become totally independent.

Syrixia then applied to the Democratic Union in order to increase ties with its neighbors. To do so, it had to make some changes, and the People's Council transformed into a Parliament, creating the Republic of Syrixia. All its leaders remained in power, and adjusted quickly to the ideological change. All claims to Ixelonia were dropped and no one knows where Ixelonia is today. Later, Syrixia was admitted to the DU as an observer state, and will be fully admitted in a few months.

However, during mid-October of 2014, Drake Steinberg, the former leader of Ixelonia, who was ousted when Ixelonia moved to a new continent, was infuriated. He hired thieves to steal artifacts from Syrixia's allies and gathered all the anarchists in the world. He created a fifty million man army and committed terrorist acts everywhere he went. His headquarters was in the province of Osship, of which he completely took over from the government.

However, the Syrixian government managed to gather all the nations of TNP and put a stop to Steinberg. The 100 million man army Syrixia gathered destroyed the anarchists' armies, whom numbered at half of TNP's army's numbers. Steinberg escaped to Ehm, the capital of Territorio Di Nessuno. Osship was liberated. All those who supported Steinberg were either deported or executed, depending on their actions in Steinberg's army. Only 1/27 of the anarchists were executed, however, as many nations deemed execution inhumane and condemned Syrixia.

After that, a letter threatening against Syrixia from Yugoslavia, addressed in the 1970s, stated that Syrixia had to move ethnic Syrixians out of the Balkans. After the letter was discovered on Thanksgiving 2014, it was revealed that if the Syrixians were not taken out of Europe, Yugoslavia would attack Syrixia or have its successors attack Syrixia if it fell. The date of attack was set by Yugoslavia on the last Thursday of November, in 2014.

Serbia declared war the following day and Syrixia responded with a nuclear bomb. The European Union voted to have its members declare war as well, and Russia and China followed suit. The North Pacific aided Syrixia against Europe, but TNP was extremely outnumbered. TNP powers began researching ancient civilizations' formations to trick the Europeans, and Syrixia and its main allies began developing tons and tons of nuclear bombs.

Soon, the Europeans and China began attacking TNP, striking in Syrixia's capital, Balamb, where they were defeated by TNP's highly advanced weaponry. However, it was a diversion, as the main force of Europeans (and Chinese) went the opposite direction and marched towards Minas Ersul, the capital of the Republic of Eumenor. They were right outside the city's boundaries when the battle began. Syrixian forces and Eumenorian forces got the jump on the enemy, and even though they were outnumbered, they knew the land. They DESTROYED the European (and Chinese) legions.

A peace treaty was signed and the minority of Syrixians in Europe was left alone. The people of Europe and its nations never really hated the Syrixians, it was only the government of Serbia that did, and once it was nuked, its allies came to its aid. After this, a victory celebration was held in Pigletville, the capital of an old TNP nation known as Guslantis.

The Eknorve Civil War shook the Pigletville Ball to its knees. Cronaali terrorists, wanting to kill the Vilsuun of Cronaal, who was attending the Ball, struck at Pigletville. They kidnapped two of the Prime Minister's three children and ransacked the city. The armies of Syrixia and the Republic of Kalti stormed the city and liberated it. The Guslants, however, did not take kindly, and kicked the Syrixian and Kaltian armies out. The children were not rescued and had to free themselves.

The kids found King Fredrik of the Kingdom of Tronkandal and escorted him to the ball. The third child, David Sirus, a smart teenager who was learning politics under his father, the Prime Minister, realized what was going on in an instant (according to an interview) and brought the kids back in. They stepped into a room filled with a special experimental healing gas, and they were healed in about an hour.

It was then that the Prime Minister gave his impeccable "We Will Never Surrender" speech, which is immortalized in Syrixian history to this day. The ball went on well and after it ended, Syrixia's first ever true democratic election cycle began since the founding of the Republic of Syrixia, due to the end of Prime Minister Sirus' term of office, as well as the other Ministry heads' terms of office. Shaw Atlas, Savus Archelius and Auel Vist were all re-elected for their respective Ministries, and Alfred Nursson was elected as the second Prime Minister of the Republic of Syrixia.

Nursson followed in the footsteps of Sirus and sent his nation to war to assist the Cronaalis in the Civil War against the main force of the Cronaali terrorists. Cooperating with Guslantis once more, Syrixia fought bravely and defended the Crimson Palace, the most prized building in Cronaal, home to many ancient artifacts on display. However, Syrixia had entered without permission from Cronaal, and even though Cronaal was fine with the assistance, the Democratic Union was not.

In December 2014, the Guslants withdrew from Cronaal. Under much pressure from the Democratic Union, Syrixia followed suit and apologized to Cronaal. The Cronaalis requested Syrixia to return but Prime Minister Nursson denied, wanting to avoid more pressure. Nursson also renamed the country to the MOST SERENE Republic of Syrixia, after an amendment to the nation's constitution was proposed that made Syrixia much more peaceful.

That's it! See you on Jan. 2!
And here we are...January 2, 2015! Here's to a new year, and a happy birthday to Alfred Nursson! :rum: