- Pronouns
- He/Him, They/Them
Using the last .png I made that's linked in the map claims thread I'm working to fully update the map, providing both a .png and a .xcf complete with layers for everything I've added/redone. Should be finished before New Year and if I get my old laptop working in Jan/Feb I'll be able to integrate the two and whatever the current map is at the time.
For now, consider this little preview my christmas gift to TNP
Things I've changed/redone:
That should be everything. All feedback is welcome and requested. Did you love it/hate it/meh it? Why? What other things could be done to improve it? Is there anything you'd like removed/added? etc etc
For now, consider this little preview my christmas gift to TNP
- Eknorvia's added island. I feel like the actual drawing in the current map is better but the quality of the image is poor. If whoever added wants to redo that in the .xcf or .png I highly encourage it.
- Colonies and Enclaves are marked differently. The font size is smaller (24 as opposed to 36 which is the size for main country names. Font has also been standardised (Times New Roman) but may look differently when comparing nations already there and ones added, probably due to starting from a .png rather than a .xcf
- Changed some of the colours to fit in with the existing map claim scheme (a full list of those exact colours will be posted eventually and I welcome any and all suggestions on changes to the scheme.
- Redrew the Skoggkat Canal, with the sea colour rather than the shallows colour.
- If/When I get the old .xcf back I'll have to replace the name for the Lancerian Empire to reflect the change from its original claim.
That should be everything. All feedback is welcome and requested. Did you love it/hate it/meh it? Why? What other things could be done to improve it? Is there anything you'd like removed/added? etc etc