The Kin Magistrar Returns

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
The following is very much a work in progress, but I'm posting here because yes.

A long time ago, before most of the nations of this Earth existed, there were a people who were more reviled, more hated and more feared than any other. They were the Kin. A ruthless people they carved out an Empire forged on fire and blood spanning much of the North Pacific. Ruled through the mysterious Magistrar, thought to not be a single figure but many - each controlling a district or region, the Kin held their lands with an iron fist, putting down rebellions and revolts with a barbarous ease.

But times change and empires wane. The Kin broke down into factions, then into kingdoms and subkingdoms, independent of the Magistrar and their lands declined. By the time the nations of today were being formed, the Kin Magistrar were but a distant memory. Some said they never even existed. Those that did claimed they were massacred by an unknown force as they attempted to hold onto the last vestiges of their power.

Much of why the Kin clung onto power for so long was their mastery of the seas. Armed with powerful ships and brilliant navigators, Kin ships charted much of the region, and it is said that Kin maps are the base of what we know about the geography of the North Pacific. There are stories told by merchant ships and fishermen and other veterans of the sea about the Kin. Tales of vast fleets traversing massive oceans, to sleek river vessels depositing troops behind enemy lines, days before their main force is expected. One such tale talks of a battered and bruised Kin fleet, built and gathered in their dying days, transporting as many of the Magistrar as they can away from the North Pacific... but vowing to one day return...

"They're calling it the biggest migration in history.."
"Hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of people.."
"Estimates of over 10,000 ships seen off the coast.."
"So far no reply has come from those ships.."
"Military vessels and armed soldiers were seen amongst them.."
"Satellite images show at least three aircraft carriers, with planes unlike any we've seen.."
"A message sent from one of the vessels seemed to be in some kind of ancient mixing of languages.."
"It was announced that a delegation would be sent to one of the ships.."
"Several nations naval forces have gathered near the mass of ships.."
"It's now thought that up to three million people may.."

For 6 weeks press coverage had slowly gathered steam on what at first seemed like a possible humanitarian crisis. An armada of large vessels, seemingly packed to the brim with people had been sighted just outside of the waters of many nations. More and more ships were gradually added, supplies being taken from ship to ship by small craft, military grade vessels were sighted and the crowd grew bigger and bigger. Reports of a few dozen ships grew to 100, then to 1000 then to 10,000. By the time it was resolved to do something about it, it was being suggested that up to 40,000 ships, a portion of them military combat vessels, were gathered, over a massive area, causing trade routes and tourist lines to divert.

And there had been very little contact with the fleet. Garbled attempts at communicating in what was a mess of dead languages from the fleet had just added to the mystery. The only coherent word, repeated several times in every message, was 'wait'. Every day when communication was tried, 'wait'. So the authorities waited... and waited... and press interest grew... and grew until there wasn't anything they could do. Several small ships had been intercepted and sent back without a word, just a point to the unseen shore.

"News broke today that the leaders of what the press are calling the 'Water People' have asked to speak to secretive billionaire Malik Kinjar. Mr Kinjar is one of the richest men in the region but plays very little part in public life making just 3 public appearances in the last 5 years..."
"Mr Kinjar arrived at the port today ready to board an unnamed ship that docked here yesterday. Customs officials attempted to board the vessel but were turned away, prompting police to be called before the authorities here intervened to lessen the tension.."
"The first close up images of one these so-called 'Water People' show what appears to be a dark skinned man, although most of his face was obscured by some kind of robe or cloth.."
"More speculation on just what Malik Kinjar will be talking to the Water People about.."
"Malik Kinjar is almost as mysterious as these visitors, says a former housemaid.."
"Could Malik Kinjar have something to do with the appearance of the Water People?"

The press reported on anything and everything they could. It was tied into shows and articles about almost everything. Particularly stationary sportsmen were described as 'Water People-esque', the appearance of one of the Water People was analysed by fashion experts and anthropologists speculated on where they might come from, a drop in the stock market was attributed to Water People issues, it went on and on until Malik Kinjar arrived back from the fleet and announced that their would be major announcement from the fleet soon.

A television crew was dispatched to the mass of ships and military vessels on all sides seemed to be much more on alert. The press and public awaited a broadcast which hadn't even been scheduled yet. It eventually came almost a week later, with television screens set up in some public areas to show it. Malik Kinjar's many companies had worked to ensure that it would be seen by as many people as possible.

A moderately comfortable room is the first thing we see as the broadcast starts, the camera panning around to a group of 5 men and 2 women, all wearing dark red robes with face coverings. They all appear to be dark skinned and the one sitting in the middle removes his headwear to reveal a shaven head with similarly dark red tattoos across the skull. He smiles, and speaks in English, understandable but heavily accented.

"We... are the Kin Magistrar. We have... a claim upon... many of these lands. We... would like to open.. negotiations as to settling on land which was - is - ours. You have three days to respond and start preparations for our settlements."
