Eumenorian Embassy Program

Eumenorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Eumenorian government has decided to open its arms to the region through a new embassy scheme. All embassies will be in the popular and well situated Speaker's Square district around the main government buildings in the capital, Minas Ersul. A typical embassy contains plenty of rooms, reasonable security, and top class modern facilities.


Please fill out this form if you wish to apply:​




Leader of Nation:

Ambassador to Eumenor:

Government type:

Capital City:

Defense you will need:


National Language:

National Currency:

National Animal:

National Religion:

Staff Numbers:

Views on Eumenor:

Would you like a Eumenorian embassy in your nation?:

Are you / do you intend to be part of the Great North Pacific Trade Route?:

Are you / do you intend to be close allies with Eumenor?:
Nation: The Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno

Leader of Nation: Kaspar Hauser

Ambassador to Eumenor: Tizio Incognito

Government Type: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Capital City: Ehm

Defense you will need: nonthing in particular

Nationality: Dispersi (plural), Disperso/a (singular)

National Language: All, but preferably English or Italian

National Currency: The Niente

National Animal: The Boh

National Religion: What you belive, but no human sacrifices

Staff Numbers: 26

Views on Eumenor: It is a nice place

Would you like an Eumenorian Embassy in your nation? Sure

Are you / do you intend to be part of The Great North Pacific Trade Route?: I'm part of The North Pacific Trade Route

Are you / do you intend to be close allies with Eumenor?: Yes, I'll be onored to be your ally
Greetings Nessuno,
We have considered your nation our allies for some time already - we will stand by you in conflict. Your embassy is being prepared. The flag is being raised as we speak!
Nation: The Socialist Democracy of Guslantis

Leader of Nation: Madam President Abigail Hilley

Ambassador to Eumenor: Elizabeth Perla

Government type: Democratic socialists

Capital city: Pigletville

Defense you will need: We'd like to have much protection from outer sources. So, an tight embassy would be nice.

Nationality: Guslant

National Language: German (native) and English (modern)

National Currency: Guslate

National Animal: The guinea pig.

National Religion: Guslism

Staff numbers: 10-15 (we enjoy small embassies)

View on Eumenor: A very diplomatic nation.

Eumenorian embassy in Guslantis: If one does not already exist, we'd love to have you in Pigletville!

North Pacific Trade Agreement: I'm a member, but would like to assist with my own fleet of ships. They are quite bulky and may be of use.

Ally: I'd love to be an ally, and hope you considering signing the Second Treaty of Pigletville!
Greetings Guslantis,
Thank you and welcome! Concerning the second treaty, I believe we may already have signed it. We look forward to being the allies of your great nation.

Nation: Kingdom of Plembobria

Leader of Nation: HM King Tozian I

Ambassador to Eumenor: Mrs. Sandra Mason

Government type: Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy

Capital City: Rethel

Defense you will need: 7 members of the Royal Security Corps.

Nationality: Plembobria

National Language: Plembobrian English

National Currency: The Plemp

National Animal: Tarsier

National Religion: Discordianism (de facto)

Staff Numbers: 16 members of the Diplomatic Corps + 1 ambassador

Views on Eumenor: Positive

Would you like a Eumenorian embassy in your nation?: Yes

Are you / do you intend to be part of the Great North Pacific Trade Route?: We decline to state.

Are you / do you intend to be close allies with Eumenor?: Possibly


Darren Crowly, Foreign Affairs Minister
The Spokesman of Eumenor:
Greetings Nessuno,
We have considered your nation our allies for some time already - we will stand by you in conflict. Your embassy is being prepared. The flag is being raised as we speak!
Thank you!


Nation: Republic of Syrixia

Leader of Nation: Alfred Nursson, Prime Minister

Ambassador to Eumenor: Julius Agnarsson

Government type: Parliamentary Republic

Capital City: Balamb

Defense you will need: One tank, five armed guards, one tank operator

Nationality: Syrixian

National Language: American English

National Currency: Aureia (4 Pacific $)

National Animal: Peregrine Falcon

National Religion: The Most Serene, High and Holy Church of Syrixia; the Ambassadors of The Lord our God to the Glorious Republic (Church of Syrixia)

Staff Numbers: 5 armed guards, one tank operator, 10 diplomats, 1 ambassador

Views on Eumenor: A peaceful and serene nation and a true friend and ally.

Would you like a Eumenorian embassy in your nation?: Yes.

Are you / do you intend to be part of the Great North Pacific Trade Route?: We were one of the two founders and we are the VAS (Vice Administrator State) of the Trade Route.

Are you / do you intend to be close allies with Eumenor?: We are already.

Please do look at our embassy program as well; and make sure people see it. Thanks.

-Alfred Nursson

From the office of the Foreign Ministry by the authority of HRM King Niilo

Att: Minister of Foreign Affairs Hayato Yamada

The Constitutional Monarchy of Nasania would like to open an embassy in your nation.

We send Her Excellency Rikako Mizukawa of the city of Yukimachi, as an ambassador between our nations. She received training in the diplomatic arts from the monks of that city and served with distinction in several court cases in recent years, and we believe she has the ability to fulfill the duties of her post.

Her responsibilities include:

Verifying that all trade issues between our states are handles professionally and without corruption.

Up keeping relations between our two countries, through weekly meetings and formal dinner parties.

We hope that you will accept Rikako Mizukawa as an ambassador between our countries. We believe this will be an important step in establishing a long lasting relationship between Nasania and Eumenor.



Foreign Minister Hayato Yamada
The Constitutional Monarchy of Nasania

P.S. The staff have family, plants, and animals they wish to bring into your country. Ambassador Mizukawa in particular has some Dragon Koi and one cat she wishes to bring into the country.

Nation: Constitutional Monarchy of Nasania

Leader of Nation: Prime Minister Rami Kosonen

Ambassador to Eumenor: Rikako Mizukawa

Government type: Constitutional Monarchy administered by Military Junta

Capital City: Kitoshi

Defense you will need: 5 guards; 2 armored vehicles. Note: We have some swords we wish to bring for ceremonial purposes.

Nationality: Nasanian

National Language: Nasanian; English International

National Currency:Kensa

National Animal: Winged Wolf

National Religion: Nasanian Folk Religion

Staff Numbers: 20(1 ambassador, 4 cooks, 5 drivers, 10 Diplomatic staff)

Views on Eumenor: Positive

Would you like a Eumenorian embassy in your nation?: We have accepted your embassy, it is on 45 Akida St. Open December 25

Are you / do you intend to be part of the Great North Pacific Trade Route?: Yes, we are members of GNPTA

Are you / do you intend to be close allies with Eumenor?: Yes
Excellent. Would you like an embassy in Syrixia? If so, don't forget to apply in OUR program.
Nation: The United States of New Sekai

Leader of Nation: Sens? Ky?ki.

Ambassador to Eumenor: Sens? Ky?ki.

Government type: Dictatorship.

Capital City: Shuto.

Defense you will need: None.

Nationality: Jumin No Koshos.

National Language: Gengo.

National Currency: Tsuka.

National Animal: Urufu Wolf.

National Religion: Atheism.

Staff Numbers: 10 Armed Soilders, 15 Security Guards, 30 General Staffs and 20 Diplomats.

Views on Eumenor: An peaceful and friendly nation.

Would you like a Eumenorian embassy in your nation?:Yes: .

Are you / do you intend to be part of the Great North Pacific Trade Route?:Yes.

Are you / do you intend to be close allies with Eumenor?:Yes.
Nation: The Most Serene Republic of Kalti

Leader of Nation: Premier Solveig Nightsong

Ambassador to Eumenor: Consul Ceccio

Government type: Democratic Republic

Capital City: Summerland

Defense you will need: Embassy protection shall be provided by ten Guardians of the State.

Nationality: Kaltian

National Language: Kaltian, English

National Currency: Kaltian Lira

National Animal: Macaw

National Religion: Wicca, Humanism

Staff Numbers: 25

Views on Eumenor: Positive

Would you like a Eumenorian embassy in your nation?: Yes, see here for more information:

Are you / do you intend to be part of the Great North Pacific Trade Route?: Might be, would have to double check if I am already part of it.

Are you / do you intend to be close allies with Eumenor?: Yes
Nation: Kingdom Republic of Ceretis

Leader of Nation: Harold Francis Callahan

Ambassador to Eumenor: Joseph Lehi

Government type: Kingdom Republic

Capital City: Sion

Defense you will need: Most internal security will be provided by the Ceretian government.
We request the following: 3 governmental security force attaches to work in conjunction with our forces.
Additional security forces during embassy events and large public events outside the embassy.

Nationality: Ceretian

National Language: English, Latin, French

National Currency: Orchalum

National Animal: Glaucus Atlanticus

National Religion: Catholicism (+ freedom of religion)

Staff Numbers: 26

Views on Eumenor: Pleasant, and looking forward to closer relations.

Would you like a Eumenorian embassy in your nation?: We invite your nation to open an embassy in Ceretis to strengthen diplomatic relations. Application

Are you / do you intend to be part of the Great North Pacific Trade Route?: Yes

Are you / do you intend to be close allies with Eumenor?: We are interested in this possibility.