An analysis of the political climate in Plembobria
Opinion piece by Kent Waheed
With the election still a long way off, it's hard to tell just how much of a chance each party has of winning. In this article, I will endeavor to explain the relative strengths of each party, and make predictions as to the outcome of the upcoming election.
First, let's look at the Conservative-Libertarian coalition's track record. The Nelson Government has definitely produced widespread satisfaction among much of the population. They've drastically cut taxes, and enacted stricter environmental regulations. However, in the romantic quest to lower taxes, they've cut funding to welfare, agricultural subsidies, law enforcement, and healthcare. This has increased opposition to the government.
The CA retains most of its support in the more urban, wealthy provinces, with the exceptions of Halbonia and Crilalia. The party tries to appeal to the general public by considering itself the "Party of the Monarchy," despite the fact that King Tozian has stated on several occasions that he doesn't sympathize with any party in particular. The RDP's staunch republican nature has pretty much cooled since the Crilalian Coup. Most members support the Constitutional Monarchy. Among RDP voters, only 14% say the are opposed to the Monarchy.
The CA's victory in the election is generally attributed to the post-dissolution frenzy. It's important take note of the substantial increase of seats held by
third parties in the snap election. The next election, is likely going to result in power being returned to the main two parties.
The real balance of power is in the Plinkenshires. The results from these two provinces will likely decide who will be the next Prime Minister; Ivan Nelson or Sydney Briggs.
The Party to watch is the Farmer's Ecology Party. They have immense support in the northern provinces. They're expected to win at least five seats in the expanded House of Commons. They'll be instrumental to the outcome of the election.
Sydney Briggs is a formidable politician. For all intents and purposes, she
is the RDP. She's survived three different leadership spills just since she became Leader of the Opposition.
Briggs has mastered the art of shaming the Government during question time. Prime Minister Nelson has purportedly stated privately that question time was like a "lynch mob." She also has been able to pass several of her own bills, despite being in Opposition. Her natural ability to please people will likely result in her re-election. That's my prediction.