The afternoon after Selva's morning report, High Priest Aldris and High Priestess Elient of House Angeliki have been notified of the ongoing situation...
"Marshal Mikal, with all due respect we must reach out to the Greeks and ask them to reconsider this course of action", says High Priest Aldris.
"I agree with Aldris. We have always had good relations with the Greek nation and as the current keepers of the Greek Pantheon, Apollo and Athena we must find a peaceful resolution. Let the Guardians of the State and Kaltian Defense Forces deal with the rest of the Balkan alliance but we must help Greece with whatever problem has arisen that led them to joining this alliance and declaring war on Syrixia", says High Priestess Elient.
"So your consultation advice to Premier Nightsong is to commit the entirety of the Guardians of House Angeliki di Valais to helping the Greeks", questions the Marshal.
"Yes", answer the High Priest and High Priestess in unison.
"Very good. I shall convey your advice to Premier Nightsong, Minister Holbach and Commander Auliancia", answers Marshal Mikal.
"Before you leave Marshal, take this blessing of Athena with you. May it carry you and the Guardians to a swift victory", says High Priestess Aldris.
Goddess Athena help me...
To be patient and strong,
To see what is truly important,
To act without selfishness or fear,
Goddess Athena help me...
To trust your wisdom,
To resist the coward's way,
To walk in faith and compassion,
To be truly human in spirit and heart.
That night, Premier Nightsong, Minister Holbach and Commander Auliancia are meeting with Marshal Mikal.
After reading the report compiled by Marshal Mikal, Premier Nightsong chimes in, "this is all well and good Marshal. The Guardians of House Angeliki di Valais should have no problem in dealing with the Greeks. That leaves us free to commit the 42nd Dragoon Guards and 50 agents of the Guardians of the State to dealing with this situation."
"Very good ma'am. I shall notify Selva to have her agents to continue monitoring the situation and to share any relevant intelligence with Syrixia", states Commander Auliancia.
[addressing Premier Nightsong directly] "Ma'am, I have received reports that the Empire of Narnia has finally arrived with their Sixth Fleet and that the Narnian Space Command is up and operational. Despite our past differences, I highly recommend that we temporarily ally ourselves with them until this situation has been resolved. We can easily expand our intelligence network to include them", states Minister Holbach.
[addressing Minister Holbach directly] "Sir, is that wise? The Empire of Narnia has not been our friend in the past. Should we really share intelligence with them", questions Commander Auliancia.
Before Minister Holbach has a chance to answer, Premier Nightsong intervenes, "yes, despite our past differences we will open a line of communication with Stephen Harper but we will limit the intelligence shared to only that which is relevant to this situation".
"Yes ma'am", reply Minister Holbach, Commander Auliancia and Marshal Mikal before leaving the meeting.