[(time=1354236900)] ---
Eluvatar changed mode: +si
[(time=1354236960)] <
Eluvatar> Would Windy and Mahaj please kindly depart for the time being?
[(time=1354236960)] <
Romanoffia> Will post the appropriate parts.
[(time=1354236960)] <--
Windy left the channel
[(time=1354236960)] <
Eluvatar> Romanoffia: I already said I'd cover posting this as MoC at the time the meeting began
[(time=1354236960)] <
Romanoffia> Yup.
[(time=1354237020)] <
KiwiTaicho> So?
[(time=1354237020)] <--
Mahaj kicked off by Eluvatar (): come back later
[(time=1354237020)] <
Eluvatar> okay
[(time=1354237080)] <
Eluvatar> I am informed that mcmasterdonia has received some TGs related to Foreign Affairs
[(time=1354237080)] <
Tim> He has?
[(time=1354237080)] <
KiwiTaicho> Could you elaborate?
[(time=1354237080)] <
Eluvatar> Yeah
[(time=1354237140)] <
Eluvatar> Apparently Skyrim wants help
[(time=1354237140)] <
Tim> They do?
[(time=1354237140)] <
Tim> I wasn't told

[(time=1354237140)] <
Eluvatar> and thinks that having an embassy with us is grounds for asking for it
[(time=1354237140)] <
Eluvatar> 19:58 <@Eluvatar> I am informed that mcmasterdonia has received some TGs related to Foreign Affairs
[(time=1354237140)] <
Eluvatar> That would be why
[(time=1354237140)] <
Tim> What does Skyrim want he;p with?
[(time=1354237140)] <
Tim> help*
[(time=1354237200)] <
http://www.nationstates.net/nation=zanzar wants us to endorse
[(time=1354237200)] <
Eluvatar> Because their founder is low on activitons
[(time=1354237200)] <
Tim> Who is Zanzar in Skyrim?
[(time=1354237260)] <
Tim> Ah, Steward
[(time=1354237320)] <
KiwiTaicho> Well what do people think?
[(time=1354237320)] <
Tim> Opposed, for now.
[(time=1354237320)] <
Romanoffia> Interesting. Pardon my arabic but zanar's ,motto is Land, Sea, Air. Trivial, but interesting.
[(time=1354237320)] <

[(time=1354237380)] <
Eluvatar> Okay.
[(time=1354237380)] <
Eluvatar> There's another.
[(time=1354237440)] <
Eluvatar> Sovereign Texasas asks mcm to approve Condemn UDL
[(time=1354237440)] <
Romanoffia> Is there any benefit to TNP in lending support (that is, if we lend aid, does it piss off anyone important?
[(time=1354237500)] <
Tim> I don't think we should jump on the trigger so fast
[(time=1354237500)] <
Tim> Let's at least wait to see if Founder is on Vacation Mode.
[(time=1354237500)] <
Tim> As for the McM Request to Approve: That's your Category MoWA
[(time=1354237500)] <
Tim> But I oppose it.
[(time=1354237560)] <
Eluvatar> Well I plead the fifth
[(time=1354237560)] <
Eluvatar> or rather recuse myself

[(time=1354237560)] <
Eluvatar> And um so should you and Roman
[(time=1354237560)] <
Romanoffia> I agree with Tim.
[(time=1354237560)] <
Eluvatar> KiwiTaicho: should TNP approve Condemn UDL?
[(time=1354237560)] <
Romanoffia> Why should I recuse myself?
[(time=1354237560)] <
Romanoffia> oh!
[(time=1354237560)] <
[(time=1354237560)] <
KiwiTaicho> *sigh* we should probably stay clear of it
[(time=1354237620)] <
Eluvatar> Okay, it is unanimous
[(time=1354237620)] <
Romanoffia> lol! nEVER MIND!
[(time=1354237620)] <
Eluvatar> So we're all set on Skyrim for now?
[(time=1354237620)] <
Tim> Nope, not recusing.
[(time=1354237620)] <
Tim> I oppose
[(time=1354237620)] <

[(time=1354237620)] <
Tim> And I am going to cast my NAY vote if that abomination gets to vote.
[(time=1354237620)] <
Tim> So I have spoken
[(time=1354237620)] *
Tim nods
[(time=1354237620)] <
Tim> Skyrim matter, I think we're waiting it out for now?
[(time=1354237680)] <
Romanoffia> I'd try to contact he founder via NS or whatever regional forum he/she is on. Failing that, then I'd say go for it.
[(time=1354237680)] <
Eluvatar> Fine by me
[(time=1354237680)] <
Eluvatar> MoD KiwiTaicho?
[(time=1354237680)] <
KiwiTaicho> Yep.
[(time=1354237680)] <
KiwiTaicho> More info is needed.
[(time=1354237680)] <
Romanoffia> Yup.
[(time=1354237680)] <
Tim> Alright, then that's settled.
[(time=1354237680)] <
Eluvatar> Okay, Tim, get us an active Ambassador
[(time=1354237680)] <
Eluvatar> and send him to fact-find
[(time=1354237680)] <
Eluvatar> (or her)
[(time=1354237740)] *
Tim is a Skyrim Citizen, last he checked
[(time=1354237740)] <
Eluvatar> Okay
[(time=1354237740)] <
Tim> I can head over.
[(time=1354237740)] <
Eluvatar> You can send yerself
[(time=1354237740)] <
Tim> Shall do.
[(time=1354237740)] <
Tim> Plus I know SkyDip
[(time=1354237740)] <

[(time=1354237740)] <
Eluvatar> You are Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary by will of the Executive Council of TNP
[(time=1354237740)] <
Eluvatar> right?
[(time=1354237740)] <
Tim> Sure
[(time=1354237740)] <
Tim> Also, Deputy Ministers
[(time=1354237740)] <
Romanoffia> Tim is The Timmeh.
[(time=1354237740)] <
Tim> Do you guys have them?
[(time=1354237800)] <
Romanoffia> Will look for a good dep.
[(time=1354237800)] <
Tim> I think Aurora is still my Deputy, but we'll have to see what happens depending on her activity.
[(time=1354237800)] <
KiwiTaicho> Probably have scandigrad if he still wants it.
[(time=1354237800)] <
Eluvatar> I motion to end closed session
[(time=1354237800)] <
Eluvatar> And restart the Deputies convo
[(time=1354237800)] <
KiwiTaicho> I second.
[(time=1354237800)] <
Eluvatar> Is there a second?
[(time=1354237800)] <
Eluvatar> Aye
[(time=1354237800)] <
Romanoffia> PE is nominally my Dep but haven't heard hide nor hair of him.
[(time=1354237800)] <
Romanoffia> Second.
[(time=1354237800)] <
Eluvatar> 1 Aye
[(time=1354237800)] <
Eluvatar> 3 not voted
[(time=1354237800)] <
Eluvatar> 2 absent
[(time=1354237800)] <
KiwiTaicho> Aye
[(time=1354237800)] <
Tim> Aye
[(time=1354237860)] <
Tim> Or Peanut Butter, if that is an acceptable vote.
[(time=1354237860)] <
Eluvatar> 3 Aye, 1 not voted, 2 absent
[(time=1354237860)] ---
Eluvatar changed mode: -is