Bhang Bhang Duc
Sorry I'm a bit late with this - RL has been keeping me busy. Hope you enjoy the latest edition.
The Sacred Order Of The West Pacific Imperium Foreign Affairs Ministry Update
October 2014 Edition
The West Pacific | Forum | IRC | The Holy Grand Assembly | The Knight Of The Sacred Order
Population: 3,992 | Rank: 3rd | Forum Posts: 19,418
Government Of The West Pacific Imperium
The Grand Inquisitor Delegate: The Chocolate Loving Paradise of Darkesia | Endorsements: 244
Non-WA Delegate: TAO The Watcher
Note: The Guardians are appointed by the delegate, and they serve at her leisure to protect the region and the delegacy from internal and external threats to the security of the region.
The Cardinal Inquisitor: All Good People
The Cardinal Guardian Protector of The West: Wickedly evil people
The Cardinal Guardian Of The Eternal Dungeons: Yy4u
The Cardinal Guardian Most Evil: Bhang Bhang Duc
The Cardinal Guardian Fang: Ethel Mermania
The Afrolicious Cardinal: Punk Daddy
The Bishop Of The Holy Grand Assembly: simply country
Champion Commander Of The Knights Of The Sacred Order:
Holy Ministries Of The Sacred Order
Foreign Affairs: God-Emperor
Interior Affairs & Legislative Roleplay: That Called The Vlagh
Make Believe: Professor Henn & Terran Borealis
Scribbes: Huangshi
Honorably Holy Chief Justice Of The Holy Judiciary : Prison Grove
Table Of Contents
The West Pacific-The South Pacific Relations
Endorsement Cap Policy
Speaker Elections
Military And Intelligence Bill
The West Pacific & The South Pacific Reopen Embassies
On 3 October, Delegate Darkesia informed the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs of high level negotiations between herself and Delegate Kringalia of The South Pacific. The end result of said negotiations was the construction of embassies between the two regions for the first time since Milograd's coup of The South Pacific eighteen months ago. The Ministers Of Foreign Affairs for the respective regions welcomed each other back into their region's in an official capacity with open arms. Prime Minister Intelligent Holograms will be operating as the face of The West Pacific in The South Pacific during the somewhat delicate, early days of these renewed relations.
Darkesia Announces New Endorsement Cap Policy
On 27 September, Delegate Darkesia lowered the regional endorsement cap to ten endorsements. The policy shift found six nations with a number of endorsements above the new cap, and all six nations were promptly telegrammed to inform them of the new policy. It was determined that five of the six nations read the warning, and it wasn't heeded by any of the five. They were subsequently ejected from the region. None of the nations ejected were active members of the region or the community, as a whole. No word on the sixth nation.
Simply Country Reelected Speaker Of The Holy Grand Assembly
When Simple Country's three month term as Speaker of the Holy Grand Assembly was up, Speaker elections commenced. He stood for re-election and ran uncontested, making this more akin to a confirmation vote. Nine Assemblymen voted for Simple Country and two abstained, re-electing Simple Country to a third term as Speaker. Congratulations to Speaker Simple Country.
Military and Intelligence Bill Passed
Prime Minister Intelligent Holograms proposed a bill to merge the Imperial Secret Service and The West Pacific Armed Forces into one organization, The West Pacific Department of Defense. After many back and forth debates, the bill went to vote and was passed with 75% of Assemblymen in favor.