Q2: Application of past law


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
The second question for the debate for Attorney General.

When would a complaint invoking past law be appropriate subject for prosecution?

This question was asked by Eluvatar.

This thread is for Attorney General candidates only. Posts by other members will be removed. AG candidates are encouraged to answer the questions first before responding to the comments of others.

Thank you.
I do not believe past law (if you define this as laws that have been removed, amended or otherwise altered) should ever be utilized in a prosecution. Even if a crime was committed under a previous Constitution or Legal Code, if the charges are brought in the present then the presently applicable laws should be the only ones adhered to.
Are we allowed to followup on these?

If so, to both of my opponents, you each seem to indicate that you would potentially seek to prosecute some complaints based upon past law. What is your reasoning for this and how do you believe it could be logically or feasibly accomplished?