Peanut Gallery: Falap's complaint


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
Encouraging people to vote for RON is a crime?

I don't think anyone who commented in your election thread would need to recuse themselves. This is specific to the RON campaign.
Encouraging people to vote for RON is a crime?

I don't think anyone who commented in your election thread would need to recuse themselves. This is specific to the RON campaign.

Oh, yes they would because they have expressed a clear bias against me, and,

RON is not a candidate.

What if I started a "Vote For Boot The Oligarchy". It would be a campaign thread for Boot The Oligarchy.

Better yet, Vote for Don't Vote For (fill in candidates name)?

Point is that this is not a real campaign thread but rather one of those nasty, personal editorials posted for the specific purpose of smearing certain candidates in an attempt to deceive or coerce people into voting a certain way.

It should be moved elsewhere as it is nothing more than trollery and personal insults.

What would happen if I specifically smeared a candidate by name in my campaign thread? I'd get warned right off the forum.
Crushing Our Enemies:
What deception is taking place?
The Oligarchy is deceiving the whole region, that is what is taking place. Oh, wait, you mean in the election campaign threads? You should know that, you made a couple cheeky comments yourself. ;)

I do wish I didn't have to recuse myself in the event that an indictment is handed down. :cry:
Could I ask the AG's Office to maintain consistency and split off comments from non-involved parties? Relegate it to a peanut gallery thread.
Struggling to see how what I posted could be construed as "fraud" or "gross misconduct", but heigh-ho, let's see if the Attorney General's office takes this on.

But it is a bit of a shame to see a desperate attempt to use this court in a political move to silence opposition.
But it is a bit of a shame to see a desperate attempt to use this court in a political move to silence opposition.
Personal annotations are irrelevant. I'm pro-discussion actually. Let there be light (as it were).
Struggling to see how what I posted could be construed as "fraud" or "gross misconduct", but heigh-ho, let's see if the Attorney General's office takes this on.

But it is a bit of a shame to see a desperate attempt to use this court in a political move to silence opposition.
Why use the Court to silence opposition when you have access to an official state religion and a whole Oligarchy to engage in personal attack smear campaigns?

Some people need to take up other hobbies rather than putting puppies in cloth sacks and drowning them for entertainment (and you know who you are).
i am still puzzling to work out how suggesting that people exercise a perfectly legal and valid function in our election laws could be considered "gross misconduct".

I have read the original complaint several times, and it seems to strain the intent and wording of our fraud laws to breaking point.