I'm Ainin. I've played NS since 2011 and I'm mostly a RPer, but I lurk around NSG and GP too. Some of you may know me from Lazarus as Nautarya, but I doubt it :p
Nickname(s)?: n/a
Main Nation?: Ainin, but it's Ainin IV here
RL Country?: Chinese by birth/ethnicity/current location, Canadian by citizenship
Favourite Colour(s)?: Blue
Do you use IRC?: Yeah, nick is Ainin or Nautarya
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Social democrat leaning market socialist
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Definitely!

I'm Ainin. I've played NS since 2011 and I'm mostly a RPer, but I lurk around NSG and GP too. Some of you may know me from Lazarus as Nautarya, but I doubt it :p
Nickname(s)?: n/a
Main Nation?: Ainin, but it's Ainin IV here
RL Country?: Chinese by birth/ethnicity/current location, Canadian by citizenship
Favourite Colour(s)?: Blue
Do you use IRC?: Yeah, nick is Ainin or Nautarya
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Social democrat leaning market socialist
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Definitely!