Cabinet announcement
Greetings all,First of all, I would like to thank our members for electing me to serve in this office for another term. I said last term that it is a rare privilege to lead the largest and most powerful region in the NationStates world, and to be given this opportunity twice is an even more humbling prospect.
Following what turned out to be rather lengthy deliberations and a lot of back and forth with several potential appointees, I would like to announce the Cabinet for this new term.
Minister of Home Affairs - The Democratic Republic of Tomb
A lot of the success in Home Affairs last term was thanks to Tomb’s initiative and hard work in the Ministry, and I am glad that he agreed to continue serving in this position. Having joined the Ministry at the beginning of last term through the Executive Staff, Tomb is a great example of the opportunities the Executive Staff offers to new members to gain experience and rise in the ranks of the Executive.
Minister of Foreign Affairs - mcmasterdonia
mcmasterdonia is a skilled and well-respected diplomat, and one of our strongest assets in that area. He is a natural appointment for the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs, and will continue serving in this role in the new term.
Minister of Communications - punk d
Punk has accepted my invitation to head Communications in this term. Punk has already been serving the Ministry last term through the Executive Staff, as a writer for The Northern Lights. He will now be contributing to our regional newspaper in more diverse ways, and he will oversee the changes in its format I announced in my electoral campaign.
Minister of Defense - Gladio
General Gladio recently celebrated his 100th deployment with the North Pacific Army. He is one of our most experienced and dedicated military commanders. Under his competent leadership for two terms now, the NPA has risen from near non-existence to being an active and powerful force, the strongest GCR military, and one of the strongest in the world. Given this record, we are fortunate that Gladio has agreed to serve as Minister of Defense for another term.
Minister of Culture - Malvad
Another success story from the Executive Staff, Malvad joined the Ministry of Culture staff last term, was promoted to Deputy Minister, and has now accepted my invitation to serve as Minister. He will be overseeing our cultural agenda for this new term, and has already contributed significantly to the ongoing Game of Thrones week.
Minister of World Assembly Affairs - r3naissanc3r
Deputy Ministers - Abacathea, Separatist Peoples, Sciongrad
As I stated in my electoral campaign, I was convinced by my experience last term that this Ministry operates most effectively with the Delegate heading it directly. For this reason, I am appointing , somewhat redundantly, myself Minister of World Assembly Affairs. To assist me in the Ministry, I will be appointing several experienced GA and SC authors as Deputy Ministers. I would like to announce immediately the appointments of Abacathea, Separatist Peoples, and Sciongrad in that role.
Minister of Regional Security - Abacathea
This is a new but unconventional portfolio. Its description is intended to match the Vice Delegate’s role as Chairman of the Security Council, and it does not add additional responsibilities to that role. It is created for the sole purpose of providing the Vice Delegate access to the Cabinet, something I consider important for two reasons: facilitating collaboration between the Cabinet and the Security Council; and providing the Vice Delegate with familiarity with the Cabinet should it become necessary for them to assume the Delegacy.
In my opening speech last term, I emphasized the importance of contributions to the Executive Government from citizens outside the Cabinet. Such contributions remain just as important now. Compared to last term, we now have a fully functioning Executive Staff, through which all of our citizens can get involved in the Executive Government. Several of them have already taken advantage of this opportunity and, as reflected in my Cabinet appointments above, the most successful have now been rewarded with leading their respective Ministries. I encourage you all to also consider joining the effort: pick the Ministry that excites you the most, join its staff, and help govern our region.
As always, you are all welcome to contact me with your ideas, comments, feedback, or anything else you want to discuss about the region. You can reach me on this forum through personal message, on NationStates through telegram to my nation HMS Unicorn (it should be fairly easy to find, go to TNP’s regional page and look at the top), on IRC at our regional channel ( #tnp @ esper, also available from the IRC link at the top of the forum), or on Skype (please PM me about the address).
Before closing, I would like to thank former Ministers Democratic Donkeys, Crushing Our Enemies, and Lord Nwahs for their services last term. Their respective Ministries performed very strongly last term, and naturally to a large extent this was thanks to the Ministers’ own efforts and direction. I wish them luck in any new roles they choose to pursue in the region. In particular, congratulations to Lord Nwahs for his recent election as Speaker.
Thank you all for your attention, and I am looking forward to another successful term.
Delegate of The North Pacific