Bring your Diplomats to Dalies!


Bring your diplomats to Dalies!
Welcome nations of the North Pacific to the first ever Dalies Diplomatic Program(DDP). The DDP was created to help strengthen bonds, to increase trade, and to promote travel between Dalies and other countries. We will accept almost all applications unless there are red flags in you or your country. Please read up on Dalies before you apply to make sure that you understand what we stand for and to make sure that this is where you would like to send some of your diplomats. Thank you!
DDP Application​
Name of Country:
Head of Command:
Head of State:
Head of Government:
How many Diplomats:
How many Security Personnel:
How many staff:
What are you looking for (Trade partners, alliance, economic union, etc):
Are you a pacifist, warmonger, or neutral:
Would you go to war with Dalies? Explain if so:
Name of Country: The Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno
Head of Command: Kaspar Hauser
Head of State: Kaspar Hauser
Head of Government: Kaspar Hauser
How many Diplomats: 1
Name of them: Pinco Pallino
How many Security Personnel: 10
How many Staff: 15
What are you looking for ( Trade partners, alliance, economic union, etc.): Embassy in your and my nation, trade agreement and alliance if you want
Is your country of 50 million people: We have 232 million people at the moment
Are you a pacifist, warmonger or neutral: A bit of everithing
Would you go to war with Dalies? Explain if so: We don't want to go war with Dalies, otherwise we would have written above
DDP Application
Name of Country: The United States of New Sekai.
Head of Command: Sens? Ky?ki.
Head of State: Sens? Ky?ki.
Head of Government: Sens? Ky?ki.
How many Diplomats: 20.
How many Security Personnel: 10 Armed Soilders and 15 Security Guards.
How many staff: 30.
What are you looking for (Trade partners, alliance, economic union, etc): I'm not sure yet.
Are you a pacifist, warmonger, or neutral: Pacifist.
Would you go to war with Dalies? Explain if so: The United States of New Sekai will never declared a war with anyone unless you have provoked us.
Name of Country: Kingdom Republic of Ceretis
Head of Command: What?
Head of State: Harold Francis Callahan
Head of Government: Harold Francis Callahan
How many Diplomats: 2
Ambassador: George Simon
How many Security Personnel: 12 + 2 Military Police GSD
How many staff: 26
What are you looking for (Trade partners, alliance, economic union, etc): Trade, diplomacy, good things.
Are you a pacifist, warmonger, or neutral: Neutral / peaceful
Would you go to war with Dalies? Explain if so:
We do not rule out war with any nation, but always seek peace and prosperity first and foremost. War is unlikely.
General guidelines for war:
Willful attack of the Ceretian people, state, military, or protected allies by direct or indirect means. Gross national misconduct leading to regional instability, widespread grave injustice, or grievous harm to Ceretian foreign interests that can not be resolved diplomatically. Re-establish a just peace, the state of which should be preferable to the conditions that would have prevailed had the war not occurred, and only if the military actions have a reasonable chance of securing the just cause.