Third Foreign Update
of the
Kingdom of Ainur
Dispatched on: X June 2014
of the
Kingdom of Ainur
Dispatched on: X June 2014
The Current Ainurian Government
HM The King: Augustus
HRH The Prince Consort: Aubrey
Steward of Ainur: Bayard Smythe
First Minister: Galleria Marlon
Gamemaster of Roleplays: Firebrand
Speaker of the Senate: Ashton Mercer
Senators: Bayard Smythe and Firebrand

Ainur Lives!
First of all, we would like to make a sincere apology for our long period of absence from our wonderful friends' and allies' forums. Ainur has been through a very tough few months, but we're coming out of it stronger than we've been in a long time. After our last update, Ainur experienced a collapse in population and activity which necessitated the declaration of a state of emergency in which the government was more or less suspended.
That situation lasted between November 2013 and late-April 2014, but now the region is finally on the up again. Our population has doubled from a meagre 64 nations to 128 at the time of writing and the future continues to look bright for Ainur.
We thank all of you for maintaining relations with Ainur during our dark ages. We're going to attempt to issue punctual monthly Updates from now on, though I am sure you will forgive us if we're a little late, we're still getting back on our feet!
In the mean time we hope there's all the information you could want on Ainur, but if you want to drop by and talk to us personally, you're more than welcome to visit us on our forums!

For the First Time in a Long Time...
That's right, election season has once again whirled through Ainur, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake (not to mention, a new government!). Elections were held to the Office of the Steward and for three Senate seats. The election for Steward was contested solely by former Steward Bayard Smythe, who comfortably won election against the dreaded Re-Open Applications.
The Senate race was similarly one sided; it saw Bayard Smythe, Ashton Mercer and Firebrand pitted against the "potato platform" of Crushita and Maximilian. Unfortunately, since there wasn't much in the potato platform, Crushita and Max were thoroughly roasted by the voting public.
As the Senators and the Steward were appointed into their offices, the state of emergency officially came to an end and the government well and truly resumed.

The Government Reports
The new Government has launched itself into activity on all fronts. Our executive has been busy with a thorough review of our embassies (if you're reading this, congratulations, you made the cut!

In addition to that, Galleria Marlon, (styled the First Minister of the Crown) has been tasked with creating our most ambitious RP yet, but more on that later on! Firebrand has been appointed as the Gamemaster of Roleplays.
On the legislative front the three Senators have, on the request of His Majesty, considered an amendment to the Criminal Code which would criminalise spamming. A long time in the works, a similar amendment was proposed in October 2013 but the Senate did not take any action. This time around the Senate unanimously passed the Resolution giving the administrators the power to warn users and creating the crime of "aggravated spamming" for those who disregard official warnings.
At the time of going to press, the Senate has begun to consider the Conditional Citizenship Decree which was passed during the state of emergency and which must now be confirmed or rejected by the Senate.
More recently there has been talk of establishing an assembly which would allow citizens to debate and refer legislation up to the Senate and the King for consideration. Planning for this is at a very early stage, though a formal proposal is expected shortly.

Honours and Awards
Last month saw the establishment of several orders of merit in Ainur, the King is pleased to announce that the following awards have been made:
HRH The Prince Consort was appointed Grand Master and Principal Knight of the Royal Augustan Order.
Grevendal Saxton was appointed a Knight Commander of the Order of Ainur, entitling him to use the style "Sir Greyvendal".
Ashton Mercer was appointed a Commander of the Order of Ainur.
Bayard Smythe was appointed a Knight Commander of the Order of the Military Cross.

And Finally
We leave you with news that the Knights of Ainur ride once more to strike terror into the hearts of founderless regions everywhere! Following a fundamental reorganisation under taken by the King as Grand Marshal and the Steward as Knight Commander, the Knights rode in and conquered their first region, The Dancing Sharks Region.
Big things are expected from the Knights in the coming weeks and months, so watch this space!