June 2014 Update


June 2014 Update:
The XIth Regional Executive Council:

Chancellor: The Antarctica Territories
Speaker: Evanicaland
Secretary General:Besate
Prosecutor General: San Monteriano
High Commander: Wyethalania


Minister(Interior Affairs):Noorderkwartier
Minister(Foreign Affairs):Borduriaa

The International Crowns Court
Rarungan(Chief Justice), Neigeland, Kingdom of the Polar Bear


i) Perhaps the silver lining in an otherwise drab foreign affairs landscape of CoC, was the revival of the Inter-regional Organization, United Regions (UR)--which was once again revitalized with an increasing membership of regions like Commonwealth of Free Nations, Genuan Rebirth, Coalition of Democratic Nations etc. The CoC was already a member of this Inter-regional initiative during the 14th REC's tenure.

ii) To add to the CoC's honour, a CoC citizen nation, Torvalyn, was elected as the Secretary general of the United Regions. It is expected that the Inter regional Union would help the consituent regions in forging a combined approach towards Inter-regional diplomacy.

iii) The Genuan Crisis and Borduriaa: During the election period of the United Region (UR) SG, the CoC faced a different sort of predicament which saw one of it's veteran member ,Borduriaa's deep and controversial involvement in another United Region affiliated member region, Genuan Rebirth (GR) .

Borduriaa had been voluntarily granted the foundership of Genuan Rebirth by it's original founder, Jultoplex who chose to leave GR due to a tiff with a few of it's members. Borduriaa took over the functions of the founder of GR with vitality and made an offsite forum for Genuan Rebirth and worked closely with the PM, ASEAN for it's upliftment. With the change of guard in GR, a clamour started amongst GR natives who pressed for Borduriaa's stepping down as founder of the region. The crisis escalated with an unrelenting Borduriaa holding onto the founder's position and a united rebellion from the Genuans ensued.
The matter was brought to the United Regions of which both the CoC and GR were members. While a major debate took place in the CoC House of Nobles regarding the course of action to be followed by CoC in the event of one of it's members actions as founder in an allied region.
The CoC ruled that while it supported the GR, it has no power or jurisdiction over the individual actions of it's member nation in different regions as per the CoC Constitutional tenet of sovereignty.
The rebellion in Genuan Rebirth saw such a high pitch of dissent that it led to a vertical split and the formation of another region--the Genuan where most of the rebels migrated to, including it's govt. The rebels finally staged a splendid counter offensive and in an midnight coup, Feranal, a closet rebel who earned Borduriaa's trust , usurped the delegacy and overthrew Borduriaa's foundership and refounded the region of Genuan Rebirth .

The crisis blew over and the CoC also heaved a sigh of relief.


i) Political parties in CoC : The passage of the Party Administration ACt saw the emergence of two political parties--the Commonwealth Progressive party and the National Conservative Coalition. The former was headed by Evanicaland and the latter by Merovingea. In the 15th REC, the CPP bagged three posts of the Secretary General & Speaker's post but lost the coveted Chancellor's post to Merovingea . Torvalyn , an independent was elected as Prosecutor General. The 4 elected members chose La libera as the Lord Commander, who resigned later .
The advent of political parties saw bitter battles and closed door meetings in both camps and the competition became extremely unhealthy. The constant allegations and counter allegations led to a lot of fatigue and a general opinion against parties seeped in again. The distrust of parties led to no party contesting the 16th REC elections. The two parties--NCC and CPP were officially disbanded.
The 16th REC has now seen the rise of another political party , founded by Torvalyn--The Moderate party which got recognition from the Govt.

ii) Picts--the disgraced rouge Chancellor of CoC who couped CoC and held it to ransom for a good 24 hours surrendered before the CoC Court. A long drawn case was drawn against Picts . In the course of the case, to the horror of the populace , the Judges discovered that there was no Criminal Code for the crimes committed by Picts. The judgement delivered by the COurt did not banject Picts but banned him for life from occupying the post of Chancellor(Delegate) and also meted out a two term ban for the rest of the elected posts.
Picts went on self exile for a long period and returned to demand the commutation of his sentence. He displayed his trademark hostility and unpredictability for some time before he left the region to his cocoon.

iii) A lot of members CTEd but the auto recruiter script and the region's USP of being a monarchist region drew new members and quite a few old ones resurrected and rejoined.

iv) The Ethopolis case: During the discussion of a debate in the House of Nobles, an war of words occured between Borduriaa and Besate. Besate accused Borduriaa of calling Ethopolis a Nazi and lodged a case in the Court against Borduriaa for violating the decorum and Evanicaland--the Speaker. Evan was accused of deleting the relevant posts in the forum in which Borduriaa called Ethopolis a Nazi.
In the case which followed, Borduriaa provided solid evidence of Ethopolis' past involvement in Nazi regions like GGR. Ethopolis acknowledged this and denounced his past Nazi affiliations. The Case is dragging on in the Courts with Chief Justice Rarungan executing summons on all the parties to be present at the witness box. A decision is expected by the next week.


i) The 2013 Constitution had several amendment during the past terms of the RECs , notable amongst which were : The Quorum Reduction Act, The Court Appointment Act , Party Administration Act, Minister Removal Act etc. The Quorum reduction act was necessitated due to the deadlock in the House of Nobles during passing of Amendments.

ii)The repeal of the Political party Administration bill was proposed in the House of Nobles by Antarctica Territories which was attacked from most quarters , most vociferous voices coming from Torvalyn and Borduriaa. Supporters of the bill included Besate and Antarctica. But the oppisition to the bill saw the withdrawal of the bill from the house as it could not garner any support.
The corolarry to this was that a new party blossomed in the horizon of CoC--The Moderate Party which instantly attracted members and obtained recognition.

ii) Regional Cartography Act: An amendment to the map making rules brought together strange bedfellows--Borduriaa and Besate who joined hands in attacking the amendment. Their issue was to revert back to the traditional one nation one plot criteria, which was not accepted by the majority and the bill was put to vote by the Speaker after a lot of alleged filibustering by the opponents.

iii) In amendments to existing laws, the Regional Relief Resources Act was amended and replaced by the Commonwealth Revenue Act and amendments were also brought in the Political Monopoly Eradication Act because of the 2013 COnstitutional provisions.


i) CoC Trek:
The Culture Minister has started a new RP: The CoC Trek , which is an amazing Race where a man and woman from each nation must complete a challenge in each nation, getting there by either plane, boat, horse/donkey/camel, or foot. They each get one backpack with a predetermined set of supplies, along with 500 American Dollars worth of internationally valid currency, but if they lose the money, it's gone.

ii) The First Folkish Ball: Started by Folkelands, this RP is currently seeing a huge following.

iii) First Commonwealth war--a fictional history of CoC was started by Ethopolis and has attracted attention of the members.

Thanks for a patient reading of our update !!