Liberate Hell



Liberate Hell
Category: Liberation || Nominee: Hell || Author: Carta
The Security Council,

Cognizant that Hell is a large and ancient community that is home to a dedicated community of nations;

Recognizing that the nation of Nodin has resided in the region for many years, and that the nation is a puppet government of Captain Woodhouse, which is known for being a leading nation in the condemned region of Nazi Europe;

Disappointed by the events of June 12th, 2014, when Nodin betrayed the trust of Hell's community by claiming the region for Right Wing Uprising, which is a Fascist military that Nazi Europe is a member of, immediately blocking off immigration into the region, and purging long-time resident Evil Personz,

Understanding that the destruction of regional communities is contrary to the principles of international goodwill championed by the Security Council, and that it is the Security Council's duty to oppose acts of war contributed to by groups that it has condemned;

Hoping that a liberation of Hell can help aid the members nations of Hell that have been distressed by the Fascist occupation of the region;

Hereby Liberates Hell.
I will probably submit this soon but I would like to field questions from here, since certainly TNP's vote will be important in whether or not the resolution passes.
I'm supporting this because Liberating Hell sounds awesome.

But seriously, Nazis/Far-Right people aren't cool.
I am afraid I do not know enough about the region or the situtation to really give an informed opinion.

But I do think the resolution could have been more imaginatively named "loose the chains of Hell" or "harrow Hell"
Blue Wolf II:
I'm not for this.

Technically Nodin is a native and this is an internal coup. It's a bit more complex than "Nazi seize region DUR-DUR-DUR".
I would have to agree with Blue Wolfs interpretation. While I am all for burning Nazis, this is an internal coup. Plus Antifa is jumping all over this, so that is one more reason NOT to support it.
