Nierr for Justice

If you had been presiding Justice in the recent trial TNP vs JAL, how would you have conducted the trial differently?
Section 4.5 Special Elections:
20. A special election will be held in the event of a vacancy in any elected office or position, unless the election would be unable to conclude prior to the beginning of the scheduled election cycle for that office.
21. The Delegate, or if the Delegate is not available, the Vice Delegate, or if the Delegate and Vice Delegate are not available, the Speaker, will serve as Election Commissioner for the special election.
22. In the event of an eligible member calling dibs on a vacated office, that member shall automatically assume all rights and responsibilities of that office, as long as that member called dibs first.

The law is pretty clear! Congratulations Nierr, now get those robes on! :clap:
If you had been presiding Justice in the recent trial TNP vs JAL, how would you have conducted the trial differently?
First I wouldn't have shoved my gavel up my ass. That was an odd move by Roman that I wouldn't have repeated.

Second I wouldn't have allowed to rotate the gavel up my ass.

Third I would've done stuff.
And what stuff would you have done?

Would you have inserted the gavel sideways after rolling in glue and sand?

But seriously, if a troupe of baboons entered the court room and demanded that there be an official state religion, would you take a bribe from the Flemingovia Deity if it involved a double topping cheese pizza personally delivered by the Flying Spaghetti Monster on roller skates?
The answer to those questions are ibb, dib, obb and chancy.
First I wouldn't have shoved my gavel up my ass
Yes, you would have. Just to see what it felt like. I'm surprised you can spell 'Justis'. But seriously.. what would you bring to the Justices' chair? Regale us.
Good lucks and a non-confrontational personality.
I'm running because TNP law doesn't recognise dibs :/
The answer to those questions are ibb, dib, obb and chancy.

Stop talking like a Flemingovian. You're scaring the children. :lol:

First I wouldn't have shoved my gavel up my ass
Yes, you would have. Just to see what it felt like. I'm surprised you can spell 'Justis'. But seriously.. what would you bring to the Justices' chair? Regale us.

Justis. You think that's funny, take a luck, er, look at this one:

Good lucks and a non-confrontational personality.

Now, please tell me you did that on purpose. :lol: :clap:

But seriously,

Do you think that proper grammar, syntax and a fanatical adherence to British Orthography should be brutally enforced on the forum just to satisfy and untwist the knickers of a certain self-proclaimed Deity who wants to enforce his religion on the region and thus make us all slaves to be made to bow down and kiss the arse a false idle and graven image of an Equus asinus asinus?