[Complete]At Vote: Liberate Hogwarts [Complete]


Liberate Hogwarts

Proposed by: New Harry Potter | Resolution link | Security Council forum thread

Description:The Security Council,

RECOGNIZING that throughout history several iterations of the region Hogwarts have existed in this world since 2003;

ACKNOWLEDGING that the latest iteration was created through a refound by the condemned invader group the Lone Wolves United, with the assistance of other invaders including: the twice-condemned The Black Riders, The Brotherhood of Malice, Unknown and the United Imperial Armed Forces;

REGRETTING the invasion and refound of Hogwarts by the Lone Wolves United, which saw a password imposed on the region and a purge of all native residents, when that previous iteration of Hogwarts had persisted with the same founder since 2008, with that founder being delegate of Hogwarts back in early 2005;

DECLARING that these natives, including former delegate Gryffidor, Darth Lord Proctos, and others purged by Lone Wolves United are the true natives due to their history with the region and their non-violent, peaceful nature;

HOPING that Hogwarts can maintain its history of being a free, open, and peaceful region in the spirit of the community for which it is named and has persisted in some form or fashion since 2003;

BELIEVING that the invader culture of the Lone Wolves United is a threat to this hope, and that another refound on the part of the Lone Wolves United would close the region off from its true native population once again;

ASSERTING that no region should fall victim to an invasion and purge as Hogwarts has at the hands of the Lone Wolves United, who only seek to employ the region as a puppet territory for the further aggrandizement and expansion of their condemned empire;

DESIRING to make another refound of Hogwarts as difficult as possible for the Lone Wolves United so that the region may be given a fighting chance to survive as an independent, free and peaceful entity as it has for most of its history;

HEREBY Liberates Hogwarts.
Please vote: Aye | Nay | Abstain | Present.

"Abstain" means that you wish for the Delegate to not vote on the resolution at all.
"Present" means that you effectively choose not to participate in this vote. "Present" has no effect on how the Delegate votes.



Liberations are always easy to review in the sense that they're either required, or their not. As is the case with Security Council proposals in general, either they're deserved or not. This is a classic instance where the latter is the most applicable. This is proposal is definitely not warranted at all.

As a rule, despite previous uses/misuses of the liberation function, the proposal should only be utilized where a password has been inflicted upon a region, or there is serious risk of this being done so with a view to further destroying the region. In this instance, while a password may be used down the line, there is not currently one there, nor is there any indication that the destruction of the region is being sought.


As a result of the above, the Minister is suggesting an AGAINST VOTE against this proposal.

This is a suggested vote only, please vote as desired below.
This is quickly gathering approvals and is likely to be At Vote next major.

The region currently belongs to the LWU. The previous Hogwarts occupants have moved on to another region, and LWU members are the current natives. It looks to me like the liberation proposal is used to attack this region against its current owners, LWU.

I vote Nay.
To be honest Xadowia does not know what is this about, did not follow the happenings.
So I am confident our delegate will cast the best vote for the interests of our beloved Region.
Nay :2c: Seems like it's a trap if you read the forum for hogwarts they honestly seem sincere in wanting to reclaim ownership not sounding like a hostel takeover at all.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.