Military Correspondence #1


Following the recent elections, the newly elected delegate r3naissanc3r has appointed Gladio as Minister of Defence following his excellent work as Deputy Minister of Defence and formerly as the North Pacific Army Chief of Staff. However, this is an unsurprising move that several political commentators predicted. Gladio is not only a wise choice from a military standpoint as a longstanding citizen in the North Pacific but is also one of the founding pillars of the newly formed Tyrs Hand party. History would suggest that Gladio falls more into the raider camp than the defender side of R/D but his alignment with Tyrs Hand conceivably reflects a desire to remain truly neutral. This would be a great outcome for the North Pacific, the NPA and the military groups that we work with.

Warzone Asia
As a means of keeping the army trained, Gladio organised an operation with the East Pacific which allowed newer recruits an opportunity to work with a different military but also a chance to learn a bit about the different types of regions in NationStates. Specifically, Minister Gladio was able to explain the benefits of warzones for training exercises as it is permissible to eject and ban nations within the NPA Doctrine when in a warzone. This mission was a great accomplishment as it was just before the Regional Assembly ratified the TEP treaty and an extraordinary nine soldiers were present.

Attempted Liberation
In keeping with the NPA’s central notion of neutrality, this week the NPA attempted a liberation of free reynolds. While the liberation itself proved unsuccessful, the NPA was able to bring seven soldiers to the mission which is certainly a positive step in both making the army more active and readily having more soldiers available. The raiders themselves were a newer group on the scene known as Sicarius who seemingly have a focus on gameplay but also dabble in the realms of roleplay.

Warzone Asia and Former United States
More recently the NPA attempted a raid of Former United States with our friends in the ERN. While we had a great turnout and enjoyed the opportunity to work with another army, both operations were foiled by the joint forces of The Rejected Realms and a band of defender organisations. As warzones are typically taken as a form of friendly competition, the action is unlikely to have had any malice behind it. It is, however possible that this is a wider diplomatic statement being made by the Rejected Realms.

In summary, the NPA has conducted a plurality of training missions while also raiding and defending. Gladio and r3naissanc3r should be congratulated for a promising beginning to r3naissanc3r's delegate term.
Thank you Kiwi.

We had a couple of attempted raids jointly with the ERN yesterday, one against Former United States, and another against Warzone Africa. Both were successfully defended by the FRA (the WFE in Warzone Africa still reflects this).

I am not so sure about reporting failed raids, but I will let you update your article as you prefer, if you want to update it at all, before I edit.
Yeah I picked up on that from the NPA logs. I'll downplay the losses in the next draft but COE emphasized that the pieces should not be biased.

I guess inherently that does not necessarily include failed raids/liberations. I might just downplay them and include mentions of them where appropriate to my commentary.

Thanks for the feedback, regardless. I will post another draft hopefully within 24 hours.
I have no issue with failed raids/defences being mentioned. I think it's beneficial overall to show that the operations are being contested - and that TNPers are okay with this ;)

Kiwi - I wouldn't necessarily mention all of the options in detail. Mentioning the recent ones in passing should be acceptable. At the very least it'll show that training is underway.
Presenting it all as intensive training without many details would probably be the best approach. Something like "the NPA has been working hard along with our allies in the the EPSA, ERN, and ISRA in XX training missions, both raids and liberations, resulting among other things in a long-term occupation of Warzone Asia". XX is the number of attempted ops in this case.

Gladio also made public to the NPA a reorganization of the ranking system we had been discussing the last few days. I would not delay the article until the reorganization is done. But, if the reorganization is finalized very fast, within 2-3 days, it may be worth adding it into this article.
Apologies - that's all I have time to do atm! By all means feel free to tweak away.

I'm wary of excluding the fact that operations have failed. By its very definition that is a presentation of the facts from the point of view of an impartial observer but that's up to you :)
I have made a few edits. I have concerns about mentioning Tyr's Hand in an article about the NPA. I've also changed the framing a little in regards to TRR - I don't think we should be too inviting of public commentary or justification for their 'defence' of the Warzone. I've also added in a little bit about the restructure.

Following the recent elections, the newly elected delegate r3naissanc3r has appointed Gladio as Minister of Defence following his excellent work as Deputy Minister of Defence and formerly as the North Pacific Army Chief of Staff. However, this is an unsurprising move that several political commentators predicted. Gladio is not only a wise choice from a military standpoint as a longstanding citizen in the North Pacific and one of our longest serving military officers. but is also one of the founding pillars of the newly formed Tyrs Hand party. History would suggest that Gladio falls more into the raider camp than the defender side of R/D but his alignment with Tyrs Hand conceivably reflects as one of the North Pacific's most active soldiers, has had a wide range of experience of both raiding and defending, and has demonstrated his desire for the North Pacific Army to remain truly neutral. This would be a great outcome for the North Pacific, the NPA and the military groups that we work with.

Warzone Asia
As a means of keeping the army trained, Gladio organised an operation with the East Pacific which allowed newer recruits an opportunity to work with a different military but also a chance to learn a bit about the different types of regions in NationStates. Specifically, Minister Gladio was able to explain the benefits of warzones for training exercises as it is permissible to eject and ban nations within the NPA Doctrine when in a warzone. This mission was a great accomplishment as it was just before the Regional Assembly ratified the TEP treaty and an extraordinary nine soldiers were present.

Attempted Liberation
In keeping with the NPA’s central notion of neutrality, this week the NPA attempted a liberation of free reynolds. While the liberation itself proved unsuccessful, the NPA was able to bring seven soldiers to the mission which is certainly a positive step in both making the army more active and readily having more soldiers available. The raiders themselves were a newer group on the scene known as Sicarius who seemingly have a focus on gameplay but also dabble in the realms of roleplay.

Warzone Asia and Former United States
More recently the NPA attempted a raid of Former United States with our friends in the ERN. While we had a great turnout and enjoyed the opportunity to work with another army, both operations were foiled by the joint forces of The Rejected Realms and a band of defender organisations. As warzones are typically taken as a form of friendly competition, it was good to see the RRA out in force on that particular update. the action is unlikely to have had any malice behind it. It is, however possible that this is a wider diplomatic statement being made by the Rejected Realms.

Gladio has announced a revamp and simplification of the ranking structure of the North Pacific Army. In summary, the NPA has conducted a plurality of training missions while also undergoing significant restructuring. Gladio and r3naissanc3r should be congratulated for a promising beginning to r3naissanc3r's delegate term.
Following the recent elections, the newly elected delegate r3naissanc3r has appointed Gladio as Minister of Defence following his excellent work as Deputy Minister of Defence and formerly as the North Pacific Army Chief of Staff. However, this is an unsurprising move that several political commentators predicted. Gladio is a wise choice from a military standpoint as a longstanding citizen in the North Pacific and one of our longest serving military officers. History would suggest that Gladio, as one of the North Pacific's most active soldiers, has had a wide range of experience of both raiding and defending, and has demonstrated his desire for the North Pacific Army to remain truly neutral. This would be a great outcome for the North Pacific, the NPA and the military groups that we work with.

Warzone Asia
As a means of keeping the army trained, Gladio organised an operation with the East Pacific which allowed newer recruits an opportunity to work with a different military but also a chance to learn a bit about the different types of regions in NationStates. Specifically, Minister Gladio was able to explain the benefits of warzones for training exercises as it is permissible to eject and ban nations within the NPA Doctrine when in a warzone. This mission was a great accomplishment as it was just before the Regional Assembly ratified the TEP treaty and an extraordinary nine soldiers were present.

Attempted Liberation
In keeping with the NPA’s central notion of neutrality, this week the NPA attempted a liberation of free reynolds. While the liberation itself proved unsuccessful, the NPA was able to bring seven soldiers to the mission which is certainly a positive step in both making the army more active and readily having more soldiers available. The raiders themselves were a newer group on the scene known as Sicarius who seemingly have a focus on gameplay but also dabble in the realms of roleplay.

Warzone Asia and Former United States
More recently the NPA attempted a raid of Former United States with our friends in the ERN. While we had a great turnout and enjoyed the opportunity to work with another army, both operations were foiled by the joint forces of The Rejected Realms and a band of defender organisations. As warzones are typically taken as a form of friendly competition, it was good to see the RRA out in force on that particular update.

Gladio has announced a revamp and simplification of the ranking structure of the North Pacific Army. In summary, the NPA has conducted a plurality of training missions while also undergoing significant restructuring. Gladio and r3naissanc3r should be congratulated for a promising beginning to r3naissanc3r's delegate term.
I reorganised the material considerably, and included information about the latest two training operations and recruitment efforts.

Following the general election of May, Delegate r3naissanc3r stated that the North Pacific Army (NPA) will continue to be a military operating outside the raider/defender dichotomy, maintaining capability to conduct both defensive and offensive operations, and acting in whatever capacity is required to best serve the regional interests. Towards this end, the delegate announced an agenda of frequent training operations, with an emphasis on joint exercises with allied militaries, increased military recruitment, and more effective military command. To implement this agenda, r3naissanc3r appointed Gladio as Minister of Defense. This appointment came as no surprise, following Gladio's service as Deputy Minister of Defense in the previous government and in what was widely viewed as a successful term.

During Gladio's first month in office, the NPA has already executed a plurality of training missions. Jointly with the East Pacific Sovereign Army (EPSA), the NPA captured and held Warzone Asia, in an operation that was shortly followed by the ratification of the North-East Pacific Security Treaty. Warzones are particularly attractive for training exercises, as the NPA's governing doctrine permits the ejection and banning of nations in warzones. The NPA and EPSA also unsuccessfully attempted to liberate the region Free Reynolds, which was being occupied by the group Sicarius.

The NPA additionally joined forces with the Europeian Republican Navy, to conduct training exercises in Former United States and Warzone Africa. While both operations were foiled by the Rejected Realms Army, they provided valuable training experience for NPA members. Finally, the NPA on its own successfully completed training missions in Warzone Airspace and The Cold War Relics. In all of these operations, the NPA has consistently provided more than five updater and more than ten reinforcement units, demonstrating its military prowess and strong operational capability.

Gladio has further undertaken an extensive revamp of the ranking and command structure of the NPA, with the primary objectives being simplication and flexibility. On the recruitment side, Gladio has initiated a large-scale telegramming campaign, in order to tap the vast pool of World Assembly nations in The North Pacific for recruits. Along with other recruitment initiatives run by the government, this has already resulted in nine new privates joining the NPA. Overall, Gladio should be congratulated for a very promising beginning of his term.
Thanks for that R3n - I might have a wee tweak with it in a bit to include NAZI EUROPE.

That's a good point... do we want to include that? I suspect we do.
NE is an operation that is very different in nature from the training exercises this article focuses on, so I believe it is best left to a separate article. It is also safer to wait for the conclusion of the operation before we publish something on NE. Until then, the statement we issued on the day the region was captured should be sufficient.