Nikolai Capulet

From the Desk of British Isles Culture Minister William Avalon,
Salutations, esteemed citizens of officials of The North Pacific
I bring news from the British Isles. Within the next few weeks, the British Isles Department of Culture, Media, and Sport, as well as the Department of Foreign Affairs, will be putting on a World Fair for our allies and embassies. It will consist of the following:
-Art Festival
(Categories discussed; Best Original Art, Best Digital Art, Best Avatar, Best Signature, and Best Flag)
-Literature Festival
(Categories discussed; Poems, Short Stories, Essays)
Special limited-time titles of honour will be presented to winners by His Majesty, King John Kensington II, Monarch of the British Isles. We would like citizens, government officials, ambassadors of The North Pacific to come to the World Fair and participate. It will benefit our regions greatly. The exact date will be announced. The World Fair will be hosted in the British Isles Forum. I look forward to the event.
Best Regards on Behalf of HM Government,
William V. Avalon
Minister for the Department of Culture, Media, and Sport
British Isles