
Hiya TNP, I'm Stacky from the region of Wintreath. I've been assigned to TNP as ambassador, replacing Charax--Whom you may know here as etreo. Anyway, allow me to introduce myself:
Nickname(s)?: Stacky.
Main Nation?: The Empire of Vys
RL Country?: Switzerland!
Favourite Colour(s)?: Black. Or red. Both, actually.
Do you use IRC?: Yep, although not too often.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Well, I'm more conservative than liberal, but other than that, nothing really.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Hell yeah I do!
So I'm fairly new to Wintreath, about 2 months time there, but not to NS. I came out of retirement from leaving in 2010 and founded Vys and planted in Wintreath, been here ever since. Glad to see the game is still very much alive.