C bomb dropped in Australian Parliament


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation

Quite amusingly abusing.

There has been a lot of anger and passion surrounding this years budget. So the Education Minister called the opposition leader a c*** in parliament. Of course the "impartial" Speaker did nothing about it.

More hilariously it reminded me of the time Julia Gillard called Tony Abbott a snivelling grub and later apologised to grubs for her remark:

"Ms Gillard, the then opposition health spokeswoman, was thrown out of Parliament for 24 hours for calling Tony Abbott a "snivelling grub".
"I move that that snivelling grub over there be not further heard,'' she said at the time, interrupting the future Prime Minister's speech on laws changing private health insurance.
Ms Gillard then withdrew her comment - "If I have offended grubs, I withdraw unconditionally'' - but that did not satisfy the speaker of the house, David Hawker, who named her for defying his request for an unconditional backdown."

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-polit...-parliament-20140515-zrdm4.html#ixzz31nhDeCAL

I love politics.
For those of you wondering what the word was, here are the possibilities. It is one of these words:

cabs, caca, cade, cadi, cads, cafe, caff, cage, cagy, caid, cain, cake, caky, calf, calk, call, calm, calo, calx, came, camp, cams, cane, cans, cant, cape, caph, capo, caps, carb, card, care, cark, carl, carn, carp, carr, cars, cart, casa, case, cash, cask, cast, cate, cats, caul, cave, cavy, caws, cays, ceca, cede, cedi, cees, ceil, cell, cels, celt, cent, cepe, ceps, cere, cero, cess, cete, chad, cham, chao, chap, char, chat, chaw, chay, chef, chew, chez, chia, chic, chid, chin, chip, chis, chit, chon, chop, chow, chub, chug, chum, ciao, cigs, cine, cion, cire, cist, cite, city, clad, clag, clam, clan, clap, claw, clay, clef, clew, clip, clit, clod, clog, clon, clop, clot, cloy, club, clue, coal, coat, coax, cobb, cobs, coca, cock, coco, coda, code, cods, coed, coff, coft, cogs, coho, coif, coil, coin, coir, coke, cola, cold, cole, cols, colt, coly, coma, comb, come, comp, cone, coni, conk, conn, cons, cony, coof, cook, cool, coon, coop, coos, coot, cope, cops, copy, cord, core, corf, cork, corm, corn, cors, cory, cosh, coss, cost, cosy, cote, cots, coup, cove, cowl, cows, cowy, coxa, coys, cozy, crab, crag, cram, crap, craw, crew, crib, cris, croc, crop, crow, crud, crus, crux, cube, cubs, cuds, cued, cues, cuff, cuif, cuke, cull, culm, cult, c***, cups, curb, curd, cure, curf, curl, curn, curr, curs, curt, cusk, cusp, cuss, cute, cuts, cwms, cyan, cyma, cyme, cyst, czar
Democratic Donkeys:
Yours seem to have a little more spice to it than ours. :(

I still remember that time the Dick Cheney gave the bird to the Senate. :lol:

Is there a video of that?

And yeah - people get thrown out of parliament here daily. It happens all the time. Though they aren't usually stupid enough to swear at one another. That'd be inappropriate. But name calling is fine!
So what's so offensive about the C word?

I mean, I've been called a Twat at least one time on the forum by Flemingovia.


Every morning when I get up I tune into the cable TV channel C-Span to watch the live goings on in the UK House of Parliament. I hear the C word tossed about from time to time. I have never heard anyone there called a twat, though. :lol: