Welcome to the Cabinet! I am looking forward to working with all of you, and to having a very productive term.
I promised in my campaign that we will be producing and distributing biweekly bulletins on government activity, and I would prefer to keep that promise
. Two weeks from the start of the Cabinet is Monday the 26th. So we should make sure we have things to report by this deadline.
There are two Cabinet-wide projects we should aim to complete by the above deadline: the Executive Staff setup, and the automated telegrams. I include below a per Ministry agenda for this same period, based on what I have discussed with (most of) you on IRC. In addition to this agenda, I would like you to post below any goals of your own for the next two weeks.
Home Affairs
-Set up forum welcoming/mentoring and game-side recruitment.
-Continue maintaining active RMB presence and promoting the forum there.
WA Affairs
This Ministry is in something of a transition, pending FA developments that Abacathea knows about. At some point during this week, I will be seeking your feedback regarding the new WA Voting policy, and the WA Treaty negotiated by FA. In the meantime, keep running the Ministry as usual:
-Make sure that polls on resolutions reaching or about to reach quorum are posted on time.
-Continue to provide recommendations on all such resolutions.
-Remember to post on the RMB a link to the poll thread every time a new one is created.
-Make sure to distribute the WA activity bulletin to all WA nations. This should also be helpful for your endotarting.
Foreign Affairs
-Prepare and distribute a statement on the NP-TEP Treaty once it passes the RA.
-Discuss and finalize the WA Treaty. Ideally this should be signed by the deadline.
-Finish any leftovers with the basic staffing we have discussed.
-Roll out first issue of TNL.
-Joint operation with ISRA.
-Liberation operation we discussed.
We need to discuss ideas for some cultural events. I have been thinking of having a House of Cards theme week on the forum and region, though that's probably more realistically scheduled for early June.
Finally, it would be useful to set up a time for a live meeting on IRC, some time before Monday. I have set up a doodle here: http://doodle.com/4bfpxarqmht25ty4 . Please fill-in what times would work for you (remember to switch the doodle to your own timezone before completing the doodle, otherwise the times will be meangless to me). Based on the results, I will select a time that works for most.
I promised in my campaign that we will be producing and distributing biweekly bulletins on government activity, and I would prefer to keep that promise

There are two Cabinet-wide projects we should aim to complete by the above deadline: the Executive Staff setup, and the automated telegrams. I include below a per Ministry agenda for this same period, based on what I have discussed with (most of) you on IRC. In addition to this agenda, I would like you to post below any goals of your own for the next two weeks.
Home Affairs
-Set up forum welcoming/mentoring and game-side recruitment.
-Continue maintaining active RMB presence and promoting the forum there.
WA Affairs
This Ministry is in something of a transition, pending FA developments that Abacathea knows about. At some point during this week, I will be seeking your feedback regarding the new WA Voting policy, and the WA Treaty negotiated by FA. In the meantime, keep running the Ministry as usual:
-Make sure that polls on resolutions reaching or about to reach quorum are posted on time.
-Continue to provide recommendations on all such resolutions.
-Remember to post on the RMB a link to the poll thread every time a new one is created.
-Make sure to distribute the WA activity bulletin to all WA nations. This should also be helpful for your endotarting.
Foreign Affairs
-Prepare and distribute a statement on the NP-TEP Treaty once it passes the RA.
-Discuss and finalize the WA Treaty. Ideally this should be signed by the deadline.
-Finish any leftovers with the basic staffing we have discussed.
-Roll out first issue of TNL.
-Joint operation with ISRA.
-Liberation operation we discussed.
We need to discuss ideas for some cultural events. I have been thinking of having a House of Cards theme week on the forum and region, though that's probably more realistically scheduled for early June.
Finally, it would be useful to set up a time for a live meeting on IRC, some time before Monday. I have set up a doodle here: http://doodle.com/4bfpxarqmht25ty4 . Please fill-in what times would work for you (remember to switch the doodle to your own timezone before completing the doodle, otherwise the times will be meangless to me). Based on the results, I will select a time that works for most.