Computer Poll

Last night my laptop stopped working. This is the third time its happened since I started nationstates.

So I could get a new one, or I could just stop playing.

As you are effectively stakeholders, I would be interested to hear your opinions.

(I'm posting from the library)
Tablets are pretty good. I'd still say that you should get a laptop if you could only get one of them though.

Get a mac!

At the end of the day whether you decide to continue to play or not is not dependent on whether you get a new laptop or not. Do what is right for you.
I agree with McMasterdonia.
We would hate to lose you.
I have a Mac and it's great, but in the end do what is the best for you.

I chose the third option, nothing personal, I just really love non-results. :P

I say get a regular desktop. Otherwise get a Mac, that is what I am going to do at the end of this summer. Get a sweet macbook pro. :yes: