There are a lot of things that make me different from the other candidates.
1.) I have had no other allegiances to any other region. I have been exclusively in TNP since the beginning. I have only one interest and that is TNP.
2.) I have erved in every branch of the government, almost every ministry position, on the Court now and in the past, as MoD and a general in the NPA. I know how things work and I know what things will not work.
3.) I am not going to do the same old things that have been tried before and petered out. Simplicity and elegance of design is what I aim for in any new programs and to revamp old programs to make them more efficient. In other words, I am not going to simply increase the size of government or create any grandiose schemes that are too complex or convoluted to actually work.
4.) I know how to delegate authority yet maintain control over what is going on.
5.) I offer a unified plan and policy in which every Ministry will work together towards the common goal of regional security and prosperity.
6.) My focus will be on the entire government because the government should function as a whole, not a set of discrete ministries.