Review of Embassies and Ambassadors



The North Pacific Diplomatic Corps

Representing our great region abroad

Review of Embassies and Ambassadors
Two weeks ago I had announced that I would be conducting a review of all of The North Pacific's Embassies. I am presenting below the results of this review.

Some general remarks first. I can confidently say that the Diplomatic Corps is in the best state it has been at least since I joined the Regional Assembly (November 2012). All of our Embassies are staffed for the first time in a while---in fact, lately I've had to start taking away assignments from Ambassadors with multiple ones, to accomodate new applicants to the Corps. The Corps is also operating very efficiently: In the last update distribution, within the first 24 hours the update had been posted in 90% of our Embassies, and within 48 hours all Embassies were done. This was achieved without the phenomenon observed in the past, where the Delegate or Minister had to post the update in three times as many Embassies as their assignments, thus covering the bulk of the roster on their own. It is even more impressive if you consider that TNP maintains upwards of 40 Embassies in other regions, very likely more than any other region involved in NS Gameplay.

I left the most important statistic for last. With 16 members, this is very likely the biggest the Diplomatic Corps has been in a while, and certainly since I joined the Regional Assembly. It is amazing to see so many of our members signing up for and contributing to the Corps. There are still a solid two weeks into the term, and I intend to keep you all busy during these weeks. But I wanted to go ahead and thank you all for the hard work you have put into the Corps; it would not be nearly as effective a body without you!

Moving on to the actual review. Given the above intro, you will probably be unsurprised to hear that I did not find any very serious issues in any of our Embassies. The most common issue was Ambassadors not having the ambassadorial banner in their signatures abroad---embarrassingly, this also happened in one of my own Embassies
. With respect to signatures, I realized that in certain regional forums members may not be allowed to have images in their signatures, something that had not occurred to me earlier. To account for this, I have amended Article I, Clause 4 of the Diplomatic Corps Protocol---you should all read it to make sure you comply with the new provisions.

In the following, I list all of our Embassies and the corresponding Ambassadors. Each Embassy is rated green, blue, red, and gray, with the color indicating the performance of the Ambassador. A blue rating means that everything is running smoothly: the Ambassador is fulfilling all of the requirements of the Diplomatic Corps Protocol, and there have not been any incidents of outstanding significance. A green rating means that the Ambassador has demonstrated excellence by going beyond just the requirements of the Protocol. Usually, this means that there was some incident in the Embassy that the Ambassador handled very skillfully. In other words, if you get a blue and not a green rating, chances are that this is just because everything has been boring in your assigned region. A red rating means that there is some issue that the Ambassador needs to attend to; as I said earlier, in the vast majority of cases this is a signature without the ambassadorial banner. Finally, a few Embassies are given a gray rating, which means that because of masking issues I was not able to properly review the Embassy. There are comments explaining the rating next to Embassies with a rating other than blue---there is not much to explain about a blue rating. The color legend below should be handy for navigating the list.

As a final note, the list of ratings is now also reflected in the Diplomatic Corps roster. As I or (hopefully) future Ministers continue to review our Embassies, your rating may change and the change will be reflected in the roster. I am looking forward to having an all-green roster by the end of the term.


Color legend
Outstanding job :tb2:
Good job :)
Needs some attention >|P
Not fully reviewed

Treatied regions
Albion: r3naissanc3r
Balder: r3naissanc3r
Equilism: Zyvetskistaahn
Europeia: r3naissanc3r
International Democratic Union: Chasmanthe/Crushing Our Enemies | the green rating is for Chasmanthe delicately handling the rescinding of his diplomatic status
Stargate: mcmasterdonia
Taijitu: Zyvetskistaahn
The South Pacific: mcmasterdonia | not displaying the ambassadorial banner in signature, it is though possible that forum is not allowing this

Game-created regions
Lazarus: mcmasterdonia | not displaying the ambassadorial banner in signature; the Ambassador posted incorrectly formatted update and upon realization "[couldn't] be bothered editing"
Osiris: Abacathea | not displaying the ambassadorial banner in signature, instead showing the diplomatic ribbons intended for use in TNP's forum
The East Pacific: mcmasterdonia | not displaying the ambassadorial banner in signature
The Pacific: Chasmanthe | not reviewed at all, as The Pacific is somewhat sensitive about giving me access
The Rejected Realms: r3naissanc3r
The West Pacific: Crushing Our Enemies | excellent handling of several inquiries regarding the Flag Day celebration

Other embassies
Ainur: Zyvetskistaahn
British Isles: Malvad
Canada: Crushing Our Enemies
European Union: Leekem | unable to validate my registration; the Ambassador's signature appears not to have the ambassadorial banner, though likely because signatures are deactivated for validating accounts such as mine
Founderless Regions Alliance: mcmasterdonia | not displaying the ambassadorial banner in signature
Global Right Alliance: Fenichi | not displaying the ambassadorial banner in signature
International Western Union: Abacathea | not displaying the ambassadorial banner in signature, instead showing the diplomatic ribbons intended for use in TNP's forum
Kantrias: Zyvetskistaahn | my account did not have access to TNP's Embassy; Ambassador's signature was fine
Lone Wolves United: Chasmanthe | not displaying the ambassadorial banner in signature
Mordor: falapatorius
NationStates: PaulWallLibertarian42 | diligently providing reports, even for a region as boring as NationStates
NationStates Dispatches: r3naissanc3r
NationStates Gameplay Forum: mcmasterdonia
Nysa and Caprecia: Chasmanthe | not displaying the ambassadorial banner in signature
Spiritus: r3naissanc3r | not displaying the ambassadorial banner in signature
The Allied Republics: mcmasterdonia | not displaying the ambassadorial banner in signature
The Beach: Aneurin | not displaying the ambassadorial banner in signature
The Black Hawks: Zyvetskistaahn
The Brotherhood of Malice: Gladio | not displaying the ambassadorial banner in signature
The Commonwealth of Crowns: Alunyav | handling of the Versutian Federation -> The Versutian Federation switch
The Land of Kings and Emperors: Chasmanthe
The New Galactic Empire: Fenichi | not displaying the ambassadorial banner in signature; the Ambassador posted incorrectly formatted update, though a version for this type of forum software was not provided by he Ministry
The New Inquisition: Crushing Our Enemies | not displaying the ambassadorial banner in signature
United Kingdom: Jamison Rex
Unknown: Aneurin
Versutian Federation: Lord Nwahs | swift reporting of the Versutian Federation -> The Versutian Federation switch
Wintreath: Chasmanthe