[Complete]Repeal "Condemn Greater Tezdrian" [Complete]


Repeal "Condemn Greater Tezdrian"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: SC#20

Proposed by: The Dourian Embassy​

Description: WA Security Council Resolution #20: Condemn Greater Tezdrian shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The Security Council,

Accepting that the nation of Greater Tezdrian was among the worst offenders among a group of slave trading nations,

Observing, however, that Greater Tezdrian has long since disappeared from the international stage, and its efforts in slave trading were a distant memory before that disappearance,

Understanding that the nation of Greater Tezdrian has fallen into ruin since the passage of SC#20,

Believing that the nation of Greater Tezdrian no longer poses any threat to the international community,

Noting that the condemnation was meant to show the outrage of the international community towards slave trading,

Accepting, however, that the peoples of Former Greater Tezdrian deserve to be free from both the yoke of oppression and the shadows of their former servitude,

Cognizant that SC#20 serves as a reminder to those peoples of their former status,

Bemoaning SC#20 as a relic of a bygone era, which has little importance in this modern age,

Seeking to free those former slaves of this stigma,

Hereby repeals "Condemn Greater Tezdrian".
I am against this. It is a repeal for the sake of it. Another repeal under his belt again? I honestly don't know.

Simply because a nation has cte'd should not be enough to remove the proposal from the books.

(If and when Greater Tezdrian returns to NationStates and under that name demonstrates over some period of time a change from the conditions that led to the initial condemnation, then such a repeal may have merit.)

Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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