At Vote:Assisted Suicide Act [Complete] [Complete]


Assisted Suicide Act
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Christian Democrats​

Description: The General Assembly,

Recognizing the ethical controversy surrounding assisted suicide and euthanasia,

Understanding that there are several asserted rights involved in the debate, including the "right to life" and the "right to die,"

Believing that the issues involved are far too complex for there to be a single policy forced on all cultures,

Seeking, therefore, to reach a compromise that is broadly acceptable to the member states of this august body,

1. Grants every member state, subject only to this resolution and active resolutions previously adopted by this Assembly, the authority to determine for itself the legal status of assisted suicide and euthanasia in its jurisdiction;

2. Declares that residents of member states, subject to the normal migration and travel laws, have the freedom to travel to foreign jurisdictions where assisted suicide or euthanasia is legal for the purpose of undergoing such a procedure;

3. Requires that no person be penalized in any way whatsoever either by the government or by a private party for exercising his freedom of conscience by choosing not to participate in an assisted suicide or euthanasia procedure;

4. Prohibits the use of World Assembly funds for assisted suicides and euthanasia procedures;

5. Mandates that member states that allow assisted suicide or euthanasia enact and enforce laws ensuring that all assisted suicides and euthanasia procedures are safe and consensual; and

6. Suggests that member states, for statistical purposes, submit annual reports to the World Health Authority on assisted suicides and euthanasia procedures that occurred in their jurisdictions in the previous year.


In an unsurprising turn, we have a blocker on assisted suicide here from Christian Democrats. The resolution itself doesn't really do much, which at least gives validity to the strength of the category.

As a whole, the resolution isn't bad, but it's not really what we'd expect from a long time WA author either. The suggestion at the end seems utterly pointless filler and really doesn't serve much purpose even in terms of roleplay short of being a suggested burden to government departments.

[quote6. Suggests that member states, for statistical purposes, submit annual reports to the World Health Authority on assisted suicides and euthanasia procedures that occurred in their jurisdictions in the previous year.[/quote]

The actual teeth of the proposal seem lacking as well, specifically:

5. Mandates that member states that allow assisted suicide or euthanasia enact and enforce laws ensuring that all assisted suicides and euthanasia procedures are safe and consensual;


2. Declares that residents of member states, subject to the normal migration and travel laws, have the freedom to travel to foreign jurisdictions where assisted suicide or euthanasia is legal for the purpose of undergoing such a procedure;

3. Requires that no person be penalized in any way whatsoever either by the government or by a private party for exercising his freedom of conscience by choosing not to participate in an assisted suicide or euthanasia procedure;

The latter two are pretty fair, in what they state, however the former, section 5 really should have been thought out better and can easily be loopholed by nations inclined to do so.


In truth, as previously said, the proposal isn't bad, but it's not great either, it's the type of proposal that really doesn't jump out you. However, given the nature of the topic and the expectancies surrounding the author this could have been much better, and really should have been too. As a result the suggestion on this proposal is AGAINST.

My biggest issue with this proposal is actually S3:

3. Requires that no person be penalized in any way whatsoever either by the government or by a private party for exercising his freedom of conscience by choosing not to participate in an assisted suicide or euthanasia procedure;
Why are no protections provided for those that elect to participate in an assisted suicide/euthanasia procedure (in nations where such things are legal) ? This is very one-sided and will likely be a central part of the repeal I'll author, should this pass.

(Haven't written an instant repeal because of RL interference as of late, but ... please make my life easier and just vote this baby down straight away ... Please?)
This "neutral" blocker has a very definite problem. It is slanted towards one side of the debate. It allows for protections to doctors who have moral objections to euthanasia but doesn't extend those same kinds of protections to those who wish to acquire such help.

If it'd left that kind of thing out, we'd be happy to vote for it(well not happy, but not strongly opposed at least). It's not nearly as neutral as a blocker like this should be. It should ONLY preserve the rights of nations to make the decision(including how they handle doctors refusing) or do nothing at all. I'm against personally(and I am not voting on the forum here as my WA is elsewhere).
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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