The Malicious Broadcast #4


Hello, we did it again! Another hour of refined NS talk produced by your favorite duo: VeniKoth! Listen in as they discuss such matters as Osiris and...Osiris. >.> Well just go listen. Leave any feedback below and enjoy. :D

Click here for literal ear candy!

*warning contains crass language not for the easily offended*​

Critics exclaimed: "[06:57] <bugweiser> its like late Christmas present" "[07:49] <+Treize_Dreizehn> You guys need to cut back on the caffeine" and even "[08:01] <@Cormac> These are the men who hold the fate of Osiris in their hands. God help us all."
It's proper procedure when opening up an embassy to post the latest update so the embassy isn't empty. But next time Koth is home on a break we will make one. =P