[Complete]In Queue: Commend Abacathea [Complete]


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
Commend Abacathea
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.

Category: Commendation | Nominee: Abacathea | Proposed by: SkyDip​

Description: The Security Council,

RECOGNIZING the monumental climb that Abacathea has made onto the national stage in such a relatively short existence,

IMPRESSED by the rapid escalation of Abacathea into world-wide prominence, primarily through legislative writing in both the General Assembly and Security Council, wherein Abacathea produced, and subsequently had ratified by the World Assembly membership, a total of 10 combined resolutions in 2013 alone,

PRAISING Abacathea for producing multiple, excellent resolutions in the Security Council that have garnered an extremely high cumulative passage rate, highlighting Abacathea's fine authorship and attention to detail,

ENUMERATING some highlights from Abacathea's authorship, including:

GA#257 - Reducing Automobile Emissions, which instituted a rigorous standard by which automobile emissions are regulated and kept in check by the International Automobile Emissions Commission

SC#120 - Commend Mousebumples, a Commendation that many felt long overdue due to Mousebumples' authoring achievements, particularly in the General Assembly, and many contributions to the technical sector

SC#125 - Commend The Bruce, a resolution that recognized the founder of the one of the oldest and most prestigious regions in the world

APPLAUDING Abacathea's Operation Sierra Charlie, a project to seek out and recognize deserving nations and regions via Security Council legislation, a truly laudable achievement in what is a very self-serving World Assembly,

ADMIRING that Operation Sierra Charlie has produced four current resolutions, with more candidates and proposals planned for the future, and the intentions behind such an undertaking,

NOTING that Abacathea has also contributed many resolutions to the General Assembly, making this nation an all-around proficient and world-affecting nation,

FURTHER NOTING that Abacathea performs reviews and evaluations of World Assembly proposals as Minister of World Assembly Affairs in The North Pacific,

DESCRIBING Abacathea as a pristine model of World Assembly membership, both in constant attention to upcoming and at-vote proposals, assistance and insight to new authors who endeavor to pen resolutions, and remaining active in drafting and writing proposals,

ASSURED that Abacathea promotes and strives for the mottos of both the General Assembly and Security Council in spreading interregional peace and improving the world,

APPRECIATIVE of Abacathea's contribution to multiple regions in the world by way of legislation and World Assembly knowledge,

DECLARING Abacathea as a worthy nominee, taking into account World Assembly membership, authorship, and mentoring, and as a genuinely helpful nation,


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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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