- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia

Earlier today I ejected and banned Haafingar and Hjaalmarch (who will henceforth be referred to as "Haafingar") from The North Pacific. I am issuing this statement to explain the reasons for this decision, which at first may appear to have come out of the blue.
This evening, I was contacted by Venico, former Delegate of Osiris and co-founder of The Brotherhood of Malice. He informed me that had been approached by Haafingar with a request for assistance in toppling the Delegate of the North Pacific. Haafingar originally contacted Venico using the nation MysteriousMe, only to confirm later during a mutual Skype meeting that his WA nation was Haafingar and Hjaalmarch.
Venico provided screen shots of the telegram exchanged he had with "MysteriousMe", as well as the log of the Skype conversation. The evidence is conclusive, and is available for everyone to review here: http://imgur.com/a/l5CER#4 (screenshots), http://pastebin.com/yqqkjDRd (Skype log).
When he returned to the game approximately two months ago, Haafingar declared he had changed for the best and only had positive intentions. He has since positively contributed to regional activity, most notably by maintaining a frequent presence in the Regional Messaging Board, while appearing to respect our regional laws. It is now evident that these were all a pretense, and merely a cover up for a devious plot to usurp the region.
Attempts to undermine the elected Government and topple the elected Delegate cannot be tolerated. It is imperative that we remain alert to preserve constitutional order in the region, and take immediate action to eliminate any threats it faces. This is particularly true nowadays, when our region is confronted with threats of unendorsement campaigns because of our military deployment in of St Abbaddon, and as senior members of the Security Council and the line of succession are on a leave of absence. With these thoughts in mind, I was compelled to act immediately and decisively, and address the situation before it escalated.
In conclusion I would like to thank Venico for immediately informing me of this threat to the Delegacy of the region. I appreciate his support and the concern that he and his region The Brotherhood of Malice have shown for the security and prosperity of the North Pacific. I will be requesting in-game and forum embassies with the Brotherhood of Malice as a sign of The North Pacific’s appreciation for their assistance.

Delegate of the North Pacific